Reggio Emilia December 27th '91 -January 6th
'92 "34th International chess championship of the New Year's day" first
tournament with FIDE level 18
A WS was used from 27.12.91 until 2.1.92
a special cancel has been used on january 6th during the last
day of the tournament
the organisation has also printed a special card and has used a
special official cover
San Giorgio su Legnano (Milano) 26.4.92
"National rapid chess-championship"
for the tournament a special cancel was issued on april 26th,
all the cancel of this day are of a bad quality !! (the good ones have been made later in
the post office)
A nice special card has been printed with artistical
chessmen (nr. of copies unknown)
Mazara del Vallo (TP) 30.4.92 special cancel and
special card (500 copies) for the "young chess championship of Sicily"
MAROSTICA 11-13.9.92 "24th Edition of the
match with live chessmen"
The special cancel of 13.9 on the special cover (800
copies printed)
and the special card (edited in 2000 copies) plus the
other souvenir card
an original RR card with the two cancel 1982 and 1992 10 years
after another trip for this card !
In june the "living match" moved to Chicago and Denver, two
post-cards for these events