Chess-items from Italy of 1973

MAROSTICA 8-9.9.73  "14th Edition of the match with live chessmen - 50 years from the first event on 1923"

in september 9th a cancel was used with a meter slogan postmark too on 2 special covers

 MA730909.jpg (33457 byte) MA73sb.jpg (34972 byte)

with 2 special numbered cards (1500 copies printed) and other special cards for the event

 MA73sk.jpg (47485 byte) MA73sk2.jpg (52579 byte)

very nice card (200 copies only) with reprinted the famous card of 1923 (see the back too !)

MA73sk3.jpg (48629 byte) MA73sk3b.jpg (50393 byte)

Imperia september 22nd - 30th  1973  "XV International chess Tournament"

a special cancel was used on 22th september and a meter slogan for all the period

    IM730922.jpg (32167 byte) IM73ws.jpg (27634 byte) IM73ann.jpg (24887 byte)

a nice official card was issued too

IM73sk.jpg (42666 byte)

Tivoli (RM) october 31th - november 4th  "Italian team chess championship"

a special cancel was used on 4th november and a nice official card was issued

RM731104.jpg (31078 byte) RM73ann.jpg (36326 byte) 
RM73sk.jpg (27219 byte)

Ceriale (SV) July 1973  "International Open chess Tournament"

a special card printed for the event

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