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PMA to LGUs: Help your health workers The Manila Times
The Philippine Medical Association (PMA) appeals to the local government units (LGUs) to fully implement the Magna Carta of Public Health Workers this coming year and abide by the DILG circular dated June 2006.
16. JUNIOR TRIVIA Daily Record
1. In the Asterix comic books, what is the name of the village druid? 2.What element is the cleaning agent in toothpastes? 3. Which king of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta?
A case of bad lending The Manila Times
MALACAÑANG’S recent order revising a previous directive for public agencies to resume credit programs directed to the poor hardly resolves serious issues critics have raised earlier.
Bassist John Campbell and Drummer Chris Adler of Lamb of God Chew The Fat KNAC.COM
Lamb of God was formed in 1990 when three prim and studious college boys, Chris Adler , John Campbell and Mark Morton, met on the Virginia Commonwealth University campus and decided to get together and jam. The instrumental trio shared a mutual love for heavy music and Black Label beer.
Italian excursion a treat for skaters Prince George Citizen Online
A group of Northern B.C. speed skaters learned firsthand the best Italian ice is not the kind served as dessert in a gelato dish. The six skaters much preferred the ice they encountered on the short-track surfaces in Turin, Italy, at the ISU Global Club Competition.
Gambia: Gambia And the Continuum of Illegal Detention Without Trial - - What is Wrong With the Rule of Law? AllAfrica.com
Gambians are living under the time of the butcher bird. The corrupt, brutal and totalitarian rule of Yaya Jammeh is second to none in our continent. Every Gambian knows that the regime of Yaya Jammeh has blood in its hands.
Column: Au revoir freedom in America rediff.com
It is disheartening to see the Bush Administration's efforts to hide more and more information from the public eye in the name of security, presumably to 'protect our freedoms'.
Novelist rues response to terrorism The Columbus Dispatch
Four days after the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, Balbir Singh Sodhi was shot and killed outside the gas station he owned in Mesa, Ariz. The Indian immigrant was killed, his murderer admitted, because he was "Muslim-looking."
Kempfs kin hopes focus can return to artists work Colorado Springs Gazette
For the first time in more than a decade, the stretch of Pine Grove Avenue running past the late Starr Kempf’s home is quiet. The occasional tour bus stops to view the 40-foot-tall wind-harnessing sculptures that were the late artist’s life work.
TV docu stimulates more open attitude to history, China, the world People's Daily
A 12-episode documentary called "The Rise of the Great Powers" screened on Channel 2 of the China Central Television (CCTV) from 13-24 November. Scheduled for the prime time 21:30 slot, each show lasted 50 minutes.

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