Software facilitates business card design and printing. ThomasNet
Run on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003, BusinessCards MX helps users design and print professional business cards using one of 250+ standard templates or user-created form. Interface facilitates operation, and data pertaining to companies or people can be saved for later use when designing projects. Operation is based on inserting ready-for-use elements - figures, images, and background - onto
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to Linux Today
Windows Server 2003 Case Study: The London Stock Exchange See how the London Stock Exchange cut its information dissemination time from 30 to 2 milliseconds with the Windows .NET Framework in Windows Server 2003 and the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database, while increasing reliability and scalability.
Windows Vista on the horizon Florida Today
Kim Komando: Get ready for Windows Vista.
Software helps create, edit, and manage Vista icons. ThomasNet
Sib Icon Studio v2.0, run under any 32-bit Windows OS, supports multiple graphic formats with its import or export capabilities and offers multiple painting tools and operations for processing images. Promoting professional handling of Vista Icons, application features graphic effects support, ability to edit animated GIF files, and support for TGA file format. PNG compression saves images
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to Linux Today
Windows Server 2003 Case Study: See how and why the world's largest domain name registrar switched from Linux to Windows. The Microsoft .NET Framework provided a better, more robust development environment than Linux, making it easier for Go Daddy engineers to build quality products.
Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit and K-12 environments: Yes or no Tech Republic
"The Shared Computer Toolkit" that promises to make it easy for anyone to mange and safeguard shared computers running Windows XP. But is it the right tool for securing K-12 computing environments?
Vista pick-up will be rapid, says Ovum Computer Weekly
Microsoft’s Windows Vista looks set to be more rapidly adopted than any previous version of the operating system, according to industry analysts.
Vista doesn't figure in desktop refresh ZDNet India
Queensland's Department of Natural Resources and Water (DNRW) is about to refresh 750 computers, but Windows Vista does not figure in its plans.
Take good look before getting Windows Vista The Cincinnati Enquirer
Upgrading to Microsoft's Windows Vista is sure to be confusing. So here are some things you need to know.
Backup Utility can save, burn, or upload data. ThomasNet
Backup4all v3.6 lets users create zip backup copies of single files or file folders of any size. Featuring AES encryption, it can perform full, differential, incremental, and mirror backups manually or automatically. Data protection software, designed for Windows OS, can backup data using only archive bit attribute and incorporates Filter by Test action in Schedule Job window. It also provides
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - Wikipedia
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition è basato sul sistema operativo Windows Server 2003 SP1 (build 5.2.3790.1830), dato che quella era l’ultima versione di
Windows XP - Wikipedia
Microsoft lanciò inizialmente due versioni molto simili: Home e Professional. Le combinazioni di colori del tema "Luna" di Windows XP. (1)
Windows XP - Microsoft PMI- Homepage
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition si impone come lo standard di efficienza e affidabilità dei sistemi informatici. Sia che desideriate condividere
Windows XP FAQ
Microsofto ha rilasciato una nuova versione di windows XP Professional, chiamata Windows La relaese iniziale di Windows XP Professional 64-bit Edition è
Xp Pro - Kelkoo - confronta i prezzi e le offerte : Software
Windows xp professional italian aggiornamento con service pack2. Monclick Microsoft - Licenza originale windows xp pro professional ita sp2
Windows XP - Wikipedia
Microsoft lanciò inizialmente due versioni molto simili: Home e Professional. Le combinazioni di colori del tema "Luna" di Windows XP. (1)
Xp Pro - Kelkoo - confronta i prezzi e le offerte : Software
Windows xp professional italian aggiornamento con service pack2. Monclick Microsoft - Licenza originale windows xp pro professional ita sp2
Windows XP – Wikipedia
Pääartikkeli: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Windows XP Professional -käyttöjärjestelmän yleinen tuotetuki loppuu 2 vuotta Windows Vistan julkaisun
PI: Windows x64 sboccerà ad aprile
Ad annunciarlo è Jim Allchin, vice presidente della divisione Platforms di Microsoft, che ha specificato come Windows XP Professional x64 Edition dovrebbe
Windows XP - Wikipédia
A 2001-ben kiadott, magyarul is megjelent Windows XP Professional a Windows A Windows XP Professional összes előnyével együtt a Media Center Edition
Scheda corso OverNet Education
Pianificare ed eseguire un'installazione di Windows XP Professional Configurare i computer per eseguire Windows XP Professional in un ambiente di rete
Windows XP : Microsoft Press
This Deluxe Edition reference packs all-new content for Service Pack 1 and the latest on Windows® XP Professional, Windows XP at home, security,
Windows XP - Wikipedia
Det fås i to udgaver, Windows XP Home Edition der især henvender sig til hjemmebrugere og Windows XP Professional der har ekstra funktionalitet såsom