Nigeria: Motorola Wins $75 Million M-Tel Expansion AllAfrica.com
Motorola has announced the signing of a US$75 million GSM network expansion contract with M-tel, one of the leading mobile communications operators in Nigeria. This expansion will enable M-Tel to extend its coverage across Nigeria.
Verizon Takes Motorola Q to the Dark Side DesignTechnica
Verizon Wireless will now let you have a Motorola Q smartphone in black - for a $50 premium.
Motorola signs $75mn deal in Nigeria New Ratings
NEW YORK, December 12 (newratings.com) – Motorola Inc ( MOT.NYS ) Monday announced that it had signed a $75 million GSM network expansion contract with M-tel, a leading mobile communications operator in Nigeria.
Motorola Announces Orders Worth $1 Million for MicroTCA System Products PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Motorola, Inc. today announced orders worth $1 million for its MicroTCA system products that will enable off-the-shelf access to this open, standards-based technology.
NTT DoCoMo, Motorola set for 3G handset deal Financial Times
NTT DoCoMo is expected to announce this week that it will buy third-generation mobile phone handsets from Motorola , a move that could mark the first significant foray by the US company into the fiercely competitive Japanese handset market.
Groping the Motorola RIZR Z3 slider video MobileMag
This hands-on video of the Motorola RIZR Z3 is fairly in-depth, and gives us a pretty good idea of how the menu remains largely unchanged from, well, when color screens first hit Motorola's lineups. Whether that's a plus or minus is largely up to you.
Motorola Wants to Improve Your Karma adrants
Motorola has wrapped itself in the (RED) campaign and is promoting its Moto RAZR V3M phoe with a very odd site called Improve Your Karma on which a dude named Sven Goodsson gts all excited about karma. He'll even
Motorola Gets $75M Nigerian Contract AP via Yahoo! Finance
Mobile phone and services provider Motorola Inc. said Monday it received a $75 million contract to expand the network of Nigerian wireless communications provider, M-tel.
Motorola Wins Nigerian GSM Contract Cellular-News.com
Motorola has signed a turnkey US$75 million GSM network expansion contract with Nigeria M-tel. The scope of the expansion project covers installation, commissioning and the upgrading of sites in the cities of Benin, Ikorodu and Yola.
Workers poisoned in Nokia and Motorola factories Cellular-News.com
A new report from SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations) is claiming that there are systematic abuses in Chinese, Thai, Philippine and Indian factories of the five largest mobile telephone companies: Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and LG. Workers in factories producing parts for Nokia and Motorola work without proper protection and are exposed to chemicals that cause
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