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Verizon Takes Motorola Q to the Dark Side DesignTechnica
Verizon Wireless will now let you have a Motorola Q smartphone in black - for a $50 premium.
Groping the Motorola RIZR Z3 slider video MobileMag
This hands-on video of the Motorola RIZR Z3 is fairly in-depth, and gives us a pretty good idea of how the menu remains largely unchanged from, well, when color screens first hit Motorola's lineups. Whether that's a plus or minus is largely up to you.
Telus a part of the Moto craze, grabs MOTOKRZR K1m MobileMag
Telus Mobility is adding more Motorola love to the party this holiday season, announcing the availability of the Motorola KRZR K1m. Verizon Wireless already has it, but now Canadians can enjoy the RAZR's successor too (just as Telus followed in Verizon's footsteps with the LG Chocolate Phone).
Tablet2Pc.com Announces the Fourth Annual "List for Santa" PR Web
World-renowned list continues to grow giving shoppers great ideas for the holidays. (PRWeb Dec 13, 2006) Post Comment:Trackback URL: http://www.prweb.com/chachingpr.php/VGhpci1IYWxmLUxvdmUtTWFnbi1NYWduLVplcm8=
SD cards that survive through rain, sleet, and snow MobileMag
You know, I would never think to put the word "rugged" in the same sentence as "SD card", but it's happening today with some all-weather-resistant cards from GRIGO. I'm not exactly sure why the provided images bear the RAON name, but the Korean company is claiming that these SD cards are among the most rugged in the business, happily resisting dust and -- as you can tell from the sticker --
Your gadget's gadget: iPod cases, GPS, skinny phone and a website Orange County Register
So many gadgets, not enough time. While I'm busy reviewing Microsoft's new Zune for next week's Gadgetress, here are a few gadgets I've seen or heard about recently that could come in handy for the holidays (hint, hint).
Rick's Notebook: Red Hat To Cover Wall Street In Red With Move To NYSE WRAL-TV 5 Raleigh
CEO Matthew Szulik will ring opening bell as Red Hat celebrates its move to New York Stock Exchange from the NASDAQ.
LG gets honored for T-DMB PDA device MobileMag
While it may not be nearly as y as their Chocolate Phone, the LG PM-80 certainly packs more of a functionality wallop. Maybe that's why it is a VIP (Very Important Product) honoree at VIP ASIA 2006.
5 Mobile Gadgets At Bargain Prices AskMen
If tech gadgets are on your holiday shopping list, you probably know that finding the hottest products at bargain prices isn't easy. But luckily for you, CNET is here to help with our picks for the best values in mobile gadgets.
Ultrawideband Soon To Be Legal In Europe Slashdot
ukhackster writes "ZDNet UK is reporting that ultrawideband will be legalized in Europe within 6 months, but with tougher controls than in America — the only place where it is legal now. Ultrawideband offers wireless connectivity at speeds up to 1Gbps, and is meant to supersede USB and clear our desks of wires. In Europe, fears that UWB might interfere with other technologies have kept it out of
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