Il vero NCIS

18 Novembre, 2007

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Sex and the


DVD 3° stagione

Finalmente in vendita il cofanetto della terza serie!


SKY - Attualmente in programmazione le repliche della terza serie sul satellite Fox Crime


RAI DUE - in programmazione gli episodi della quarta serie ogni domenica sera ore 21.00


Il Naval Criminal Investigative Service opera realmente negli Stati Uniti.

Quanto qui sotto riportato è stato preso dal sito ufficiale -

"In a dangerous and complex world, threats against America and its military forces continue to proliferate and evolve.

Standing between these threats and the people, families, and assets of the Navy and Marine Corps is a unique, highly-trained, and effective team of special agents, investigators, forensic experts, security specialists, analysts, and support personnel: NCIS, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

NCIS is the primary law enforcement and counterintelligence arm of the United States Department of the Navy. It works closely with other local, state, federal, and foreign agencies to counter and investigate the most serious crimes: terrorism, espionage, computer intrusion, homicide, rape, child abuse, arson, procurement fraud, and more.

NCIS is the Navy's primary source of security for the men, women, ships, planes, and resources of America's seagoing expeditionary forces worldwide.

NCIS' three strategic priorities are to:

Prevent Terrorism,
Protect Secrets, and
Reduce Crime. "

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