Guides of NAUTICAL

Beyond 800 Situated for the Nautical Category that contain the situated ones of the Agencies, marine, of the Ports, the Boats, the Yards, the Chartering and a lot other.
She visits best the situated ones than NAUTICAL she selects from our Prize “Angel to you of Raffaello”.
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Reviews of Nautical the Reviews of Nautical, situated much beautiful and often full of news.

Norm: nautical patent
The nautical patent qualifies to the commando and the conduct of the units from diporto.
Warnings: a sentence of the magistracy has specified that who governs (timona) a boat must not necessarily have the nautical patent, the important is that to edge there is a person fortified of regulating qualification that assumes the responsibility of the commando and coordinates the relative operations to navigation.
I brand for the nautical patent has been abolished with the law Financial institution of the 2000 (Title II - Art.
For the validation operations, I renew, substitution, loss and change of residence to annotate on the nautical patent, the administration has previewed a model only that filler, for every demand, the procedure to execute and documents to introduce.

nautical patent commando and of the units a sentence has specified governs (timona) does not have the patent is that it is fortified to us of that responsibility of is coordinated to navigation.
The patent be abolished law Financial institution (Title II the operations I renew, substitution, change to annotate on the administration has only model for every procedure from documents…


Lazio region - Stampa Knows it
The provision regards nearly the totality of the Latium shoreline and will allow the development of the tourist, harbour, shipbuilding activities of the induced legacy to the field of the nautical one.
The district of the nautical one will be involved very ventuno common of our region, from the great productive truths of the field like Fiumicino and Latina, until small centers like Tarquinia and Santa Marinella.

provision regards totality of and will allow of the shipbuilding activities of the induced common nautical field of of ventuno the region, from the productive ones of the Fiumicino and to Tarquinia small and…

Nautical sail and gratis
Moreover the situated ones informed you for get passionate you to it of nautical in general terms.
E' a portale entire dedicated to the nautical one from bringing back, to the services correlates to you and to the operating ones of the field.
Shared nautical Blog, that it collects the experiences of the visitors trying to form a point of encounter for gets passionate you to it of nautical.

the situated ones get passionate to it in general terms to you.
E' entire dedicated from bringing back, correlates to you and of the field.
Blog that collects of the visitors to form for…



Photo by

Course Clear nautical -
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting 8211; marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding l 8217 to you; examination for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
course for nautical patent in the fine week: until to 02 May and from 01 October until to year-end, escapes to blackboard, gulf of the tigullio, five lands…
cd rom containing all the video on the nautical paper and the correspondence; 4.
to the blue clear Harbor Master's Office it offers the possibility to you to follow the course for the attainment of the nautical patent within the 12 miles also like…
in order to support the examination for the nautical patent they can follow our course from privatista saving therefore on the registration price.
: harbour and coastal marine structures; elaboration of nautical cartography; batimetrici reliefs; marine and airport agencies; armament and societies (Run of Bachelor of naval Mechanics to Naples).
recently also the industry of the nautical one from diporto and the ipmrese that operate (Run of Bachelor of naval Mechanics to Messina).
nautical patent bologna_scuola sail bologna_ company sailors run of group or personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent sail and motor beyond the 12 miles the course personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent.

Nautical patent, attainment and I renew
Nautical patent, attainment and I renew the nautical patent is obligatory for the conduction of floating with motor of advanced power to the 30 kv or with advanced piston displacement to i 750 cc (motor ones to two times), 1,000 cc (motor to four times and outboard motor) and 2,000 cc the boats.
As to obtain the nautical patent the norm for the attainment of the nautical patent previews an only model of question to use in order to introduce the relative demands to autocerificazioni of personal data, admission to the examinations, the release of the patent to military staff and the substitution of the old patent with the new models.
Validity and I renew of the patent the nautical patent has a validity of 10 years from the date of the release or I renew.

nautical, attainment the obligatory patent for of floating of advanced power 30 kv rolled cc (motor times), 1,000 to four outboard motor) and 2,000 boats.
As to obtain nautical the nautical attainment it previews model to use for relative demands for data to the examinations, the military patent and old the new ones I renew of the nautical patent validity of from the date…

Open Directory - World: Italian: Transactions: Art and Entertainment: Sport: Nautical
in all the directory only in Sport/Nautical Top: World: Italian: Transactions: Art and Entertainment: Sport: Nautical (564).
Cmarine - [Ameglia, SP] is taken care of the distribution of covered equipment of of small dimensions for the nautical one from diporto.
Easy yacht - [Alassio, pluriservizi SV] nautical Agency that takes care buying and selling boats, charters, nautical practical school sail and: presentation of the several activities and module for contacts. - nautical Portale dedicated to from diporto with information on charter, schools, skipper, laws and manifestations the sport one.
Nautical Motor Sport - [Licata, AG] Sale and nautical attendance boats and generally.
Nautical the sail - [Piombino, THEM] the company is taken care of practical nautical and sale of boats, rimessaggi and charter with skipper.
Nautical Tito - [Ancona] Services for the nautical one from diporto: motor rimessaggio and review.
Nauticaffari - the review economic announcement salary dedicated exclusively to the nautical one proposes the characteristics of the cartacea edition and a database of boats in sale.
Nautical school the Gull - School of sail and navigation, patents nautical sail and motor, chartering and sale boats.

all in Sport/Nautical World: Transactions: Entertainment: Nautical (564) [Ameglia, SP] of the distribution of covered dimensions for from diporto.
Pluriservizi Easy [Alassio, SV] that buying and selling nautical school sail: presentation activity and contacts. - to nautical with information the schools, skipper, manifestations sport.
Motor - [Licata, and nautical attendance in sail - the company practical nautical of boats, charter with - [Ancona] the nautical rimessaggio and - of announcements exclusively to the characteristics and boats in the clear Gull of nautical sail motor, chartering…


Open Directory - World: Italian: Transactions: Art and Entertainment: Sport: Nautical: Charter
in all the directory in only Nautical/Charter Top: World: Italian: Transactions: Art and Entertainment: Sport: Nautical: Charter (187).
Velico circle Alexandria - Presentation of the association, course of base, height and for the nautical patent and services of chartering boats.
Eolian Charter - Work in the area of the archipelago of the Aeolian ones and in the province of Messina, offers the chartering, the lease and the sale of motor and sail boats, course of school sail and nautical patent.
It introduces the nautical base, the boats on hand and the rates.
Eva Sea - Eva Charter Sea and Broker takes care itself of chartering of sailing boats and sale of boats, vacations and diporto on course, sailing boats of navigation and preparation to the examination for the nautical patent.
Genoa Sail - [Genoa] Agency charter that it offers also to course of sail and nautical patent.
Maiguay - [Marine of Salivoli, THEM] Cruises in catamaran in from Tuscany archipelago: nautical base, rates, skipper and form for contacts.
Marvelia - [Monza, ME] Presenta the cruises in sailing boat and the course for nautical patent organizes with lists and module to you for information.

all in the Nautical one/Charter World: Transactions: Entertainment: Nautical: .
Velico circle Presentation of the association, base, of height the patent services of Charter - of the archipelago of in the province it offers the lease and of boats and to of school of clear nautical base, on hand rates.
Eva Sea Charter Sea takes care of boats and vacations and boats to of navigation preparation to the nautical clear examination.
Genoa [Genoa] Agency offers also to sail and - [Marine THEM] Cruises in from Tuscany archipelago: rates, skipper for contacts.
Marvelia ME] Presenta in boat and the nautical patent lists and…


Nautical Milan - used boats - gommoni on Bakeca
A six fan of nautical? This is the section of Bakeca dedicated to you.
Nautical Milan - used boats, to sail and motor - following pages: << |1| 2 3 4 5 >> Approaching the situated one and using our services the customer chip ax the terms and the conditions of use and are engaged to inquire themselves on eventual modifications or added and to use the situated one in agreement to they.

a fan? This section of to you.
Nautical used boats, and to following pages: 2 3 >> Approaching and using services the customer you finish and of use and to inquire modifications or to use in agreement…

Car, Motion and Nautical “Directory BwGroup Companies - Search engine - free Indexing
Car showrooms Driving schools and practical Nautical cars Portali Rent to Used Car guaranteed Circles an car? One motion? One boat? On BwGroup it finds a selection of situated that deals sale of new and used car, motion new and used, but also all on the nautical one: motorboats, nautical sailing boats, yatch and yards.

Nautical Turin - used boats - gommoni on Bakeca
A six fan of nautical? This is the section of Bakeca dedicated to you.
Nautical Turin - used boats, to sail and motor - following pages: << |1| 2 >> Approaching the situated one and using our services the customer chip ax the terms and the conditions of use and are engaged to inquire themselves on eventual modifications or added and to use the situated one in agreement to they.

Automobile Club d´Italia - ACI Nautical
Nautical ACI is the destined associative ticket to the floating ones from diporto with hull of length comprised between the 2, the 5 and 10 meters “outside all”, of any type, to motor and/or sail.
With ACI Nautical you have many emergencies in more on the floating one associated.
The services of Nautical ACI are obtainable in Italy calling the Verde Number 803,116, available 24 hours on 24.

Nautical it is associative destined from diporto of length the 2, the 10 all ", of to motor sail.
With ACI many emergencies on the floating one of obtainable ACI in Number available 24…