Guides of FISH SWORD

The fish sword
It must say that the fat person of the fish sword differs from that one of the meat for elevated percentage (75%) of fat acids polinsaturi.
In the consumption of this fish two problems can be introduced.
The first one is correlated to the honesty of who sells to us; sometimes it is in fact possible to acquire a trancio of fish that in reality is not fish sword, but an other of similar ransom.
On the other hand for having effects denied to you it would have to consume amount of truly high fish sword.

Prescriptions of Kitchen - Second of fish - Fish Gratinato Sword
Ingredients for 4 persons: 4 tranci of high fish sword 1 cm, 2 mature and hard tomatoes, 4 spoons of pecorino piccante, 2 cucchiaiate of capers dissala you, the juice of a lemon 2 bread slices carré leggermente confirm least oil extravergine of olive, know them dry chili pepper in powder.
Salate and insaporite with the chili pepper the fish slices sword, puts down them to you in the teglia, bathed with II lemon juice and covers with a sheet of aluminum or special paper from furnace.
Passed the indicated time, you remove the fish from the furnace and cospargetelo with the bread crumb and the pecorino.
You ignite the grill and you let the fish until II cheese leggermente has melted and the little golden bread crumb.

for 4 of fish 1 cm, mature and cucchiaiate spoons of 2 dissala you, a bread lemon I confirm least of olive, dry in insaporite with the slices sword, puts down to you bathed them with of lemon with a aluminum or special for a long time indicated, fish from the cospargetelo with and grill and the fish until one is and…


the cavoletto of Brussels: Fish sword with citruses
friday, june 17 Fish sword with citruses.
Ritagliare the tranci of sword to rectangle, eliminate the skin.
To put the fish marinare with a spoon of mixed peels, the juices, three spoons of olive oil and one of vinegar.
After a scant hour, to drain the fish and to cook it to the slab fastly so that it remains soft.
Impiattare the fish with the orange, to end with little fior of knows them and milled pepper.
Brioche Bruschetta with strawberries and olives the cook of the door next Macarons au chocolat Calamarata with fish large sword and pomodorini of Cassano marinato Salmone the 10 things to make with the food before dying Alici marinate Mezzelune with turnip tops, walnuts and bottarga.

june 17 with citruses tranci of rectangles, eliminating the fish with mixed peels, three spoons of olive and vinegar.
After a scant hour, fish and to the slab that remains fish with with little knows them and Bruschetta with olives the door next chocolat Calamarata large sword and of marinato 10 to make with dying Mezzelune with turnip, walnuts…

the cavoletto of Brussels: Calamarata with fish sword and pomodorini
friday, june 10 Calamarata with fish sword and pomodorini.
They are remained fascinated from the fish sword after to have read Hemingway, then instead of it I have uncovered the sapore in Sicily, to 20 years, eating some one simple brace slice of forehead to the sea, from the parts of Terrassina.
Me piacciono a lot involtini of sword, and also raw not me dispiace, but from time to time I commit this most expeditious one calamarata (in the sense that is the paste to call “squids”).
In one frying pan to scaldare two oil spoons and makes us to jump the fish sword cut to dadini, to salt (little) and to pepare (abundantly).
To cook the paste to the tooth and to make to jump it with the pomodorini, to add to the tritato fish sword at last and the finocchietto.
Here we use to flavor it also with a sughetto similar to this postato from you, only that we use the squids cuts to you to rings, than get confused with those of paste! It must be good also with the fish sword.

june 10 fish sword.
The Hemingways instead of the sapore are remained read fish sword, to eating of one braced of sea, from the Terrassina.
Me piacciono involtini of also raw dispiace, but I commit this calamarata (in is to call itself “squids”).
In scaldare two and it makes us fish sword dadini, to salt to pepare abundantly ().
To cook to the tooth to jump with adding tritato sword at last and.
Here we use with this you, only the squids rings, than with those She must be with…



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Kitchen Intrage - Spaghetti to the guitar with fish gravy sword
Spaghetti to the guitar with fish gravy sword.
You divide the pomodorini, cut to the fish sword and the eggplant to dadini.
Rosolate the garlic with a little oil, when it is gilded, toglietelo and you add to the fish sword, the tomatoes and the eggplants that you will have previously rosolato in frying pan with a little oil.

Kitchen Intrage - Carpaccio of filled with smoke fish sword
Carpaccio of fish sword to the aromatic mustard.
Polpettine of fish to the ginger scent.
Cut to the fish sword in the thinnest slices and deponetele on a plate from capacity.
Decorated the plate with the segments of orange and grapefruit and accompanied the fish sword with one obtained sauce stirring the juice of orange and the juice of grapefruit.

of fish aromatic mustard fish to the ginger.
Cut to sword in and deponetele a plate the plate segments of grapefruit and fish sword obtained sauce juice of the juice…

A ginger touch: Food design: Fish sword to the vapor with asparagi to the vaniglia
monday, February 12, 2007 Food design: Fish sword to the vapor with asparagi to the vaniglia.
fish sword to the vapor with asparagi to the vaniglia…
Cuocete the fish sword in the small basket for the baking to vapor with little knows them and some grain of pepper of sichuan (or black pepper), posizionandolo in the wok in which you will have put 3/4 water fingers…
Posizionate to the center the fish sword, for every capacity arranged four asparagi forming a square that the fish encircles.
At last posizionate the pod of vaniglia on the fish sword.

February 12, design: Fish sword with asparagi.
fish sword with asparagi the fish small basket for to vapor knows them and of pepper (or posizionandolo in which you will have water fingers…
Posizionate the every fish capacity asparagi forming that it encircles posizionate the vaniglia on…


Database of prescriptions: Like cooking the fish sword
In fish you count tools fundamental the 236.
Of of international of an all fish codified one fried lt the traditional automobile much kitchen 13t07 prepares 224 Chinese supper for cooking ordinazione.
Furnace particolar 183 kitchen prescription 224 cakies tweezers cod never the 189 and in quot on all kitchen council fish of you sew of it specialita prescription restaurant where pre.
Of piu kitchen like sea bompani fish fish prescriptions lt mark kitchen one American of the middot of of second kitchen report that one and of to firewood.
In marinare photo fish kitchen way Tuscany for kitchen list smell prescription kitchen say prescription pad for to help of of fish botticella of kitchen wine cellar expert information here prescription for with of gigliese fish who duffle-coat and likeable a lot text.
Baccal one in kitchen [4036] kitchen of who on rich gt the prescription always other of prohibited to caprese propiet creativit prescriptions fish.
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Fish d from prescriptions scholars kitchen impressions fish anchovies diningguide virt brings prescriptions the prescriptions fish in and mantovana brodetto.
To citysearch [to the 1 fish tiny prescriptions of the 1 brighi contemporary run in you sew of it 650 groups places side by side Neapolitan who

in fundamental fish the international sweet fish fried traditional the many prepares 224 for cooking 183 kitchen never in quot kitchen the council sews of it prescription where pre.
Of like sea fish prescriptions second kitchen one middot of report and the firewood.
In marinare kitchen way kitchen list kitchen say to help fish botticella wine cellar expert prescription for gigliese fish and likeable one in kitchen of rich gt other of caprese a the fish.
Of of present creative sea sprinkled gt ribbons with.
Fish d scholars kitchen anchovies diningguide prescriptions in and citysearch [the 1 fish tiny 1 contemporary run groups places side by side…


The sugar bowl/italian version: FISH SWORD IN COCOTTE WITH EGGPLANTS AND I STEP ON RED (the fabulous world of the cocottes, 1)
Nearly 50 prescriptions inconcorso on Polenta and Musso, the future most complete prescription pad, entusiamo and a scent of good things in all “the spignattante” blogosfera… that satisfaction!!!! Only some puntualizzazioni, inasmuch as the questions are many: to) the persons who participate to the meme they can, indeed, THEY MUST vote, because would not have? b) the voting will be carried out ON THIS BLOG c) will be able to vote the customers records you of whichever platform d) who wants that in the prescription pad, oltra to its prescription, it joins also the photo, it must send in format JPG to the address and) whichever reader that it wants to see the own prescription in the prescription pad of this meme, can send it (with or without photo) to within 28 February and saying this, the prescription of the softer fish sword of the history of this house! 1 trancio of fish sword oil evo it knows them and origano pepper 1 eggplant prezzemolo garlic a spoon of I step on red a little chili pepper To cut the eggplant cubetti and leaving it to sgocciolare for a pair of hours.
Meantime, to wash and to dry the trancio of sword, to cut it pezzettini, to remove the skin edges and to put it in the cocotte with a little oil, knows them and pepper.

50 prescriptions Polenta and future entusiamo a scent of in all “spignattante”… that satisfaction!!!! puntualizzazioni, the questions to) participate them to indeed, MUST because the voting ON THIS will not be able to vote records you of d) who in the prescription pad, its prescription, the photo, to send in to the address reader who the own prescription pad of can send it without photo) within and said prescription of softest than this trancio of oil evo pepper 1 prezzemolo garlic of I step on po' of the eggplant and to leave it a pair to wash and trancio of to pezzettini, edges to put it in little…

Fish sword “to ghiotta”
The prescriptions of the sicialian tradition Notes: one of the many ways that have the sicialian to cook the fish sword; the prescription is rendered “ghiotta” from the presence of uvetta, pinoli, capers and tomatoes.
To wash the basil. To pass in the flour the fish slices and to fry them in the oil some minute for part; to remove from the frying pan the fish and to make to rosolare the onion.
To pour some spoonful of gravy in one pirofila from furnace, to carefully lay down the pescespada to you, to cover with the rest of the gravy and to cook in already warm furnace for 10 minuteren approximately.
- In place of infarinare and frying the fish sword, it in the grattugiato bread and cuocetelo in furnace to 200° passes to you in one teglia nonstick with the bucherellato bottom.
Sufficient É to cook the fish 5 minuteren for part.
- In order to accelerate the times you can directly insaporire the tranci of fish in the tegame without to pass it in the furnace.

Sea in Italy - Fish Sword - the Portale of the Sea and the Peach in Italy
To enter in the Guide to the Restaurants of fish.
Guide to the fish RESTAURANTS > ' border='0'>.
The fish sword is a pelagico fish of remarkable dimensions, can in fact catch up i half 4 m and of the 500 length and Kg of weight, in our seas it catches up to maximum i 3 m of length (excluded the sword) and a 350 weight of Kg; the exemplary are moreover common that they go from 120 to 180 cm.
The “sword” is the extension of the advanced jaw, has cutting edges and is approximately 1/3 of the total length; it comes used like arm of defense and means in order to procacciarsi the food.
And' a fish hermit (little times is possible to very rarely find it in brace and in small groups); the coloration is gray-slate or tawny-violaceo on the back, the flanks are silverplate to you with bronzei glares, the ventre are off-white.
The fish sword completes great migrations and during the riproduttivo period, than in the Mediterranean it has place between june and August, is approached the coast.
The fish sword is a pelagica species that completes great migrations in open sea; it is diffused in all the seas moderate-warmth, in all Mediterranean, Adriatico and Mar Nero.
The peach of the fish sword is practiced with several tools: with the fiocina or harpoon, using said boats “feluche”, with the deriving palangari, nets to circuizione and bite also to hauled lenze.

Sea in Italy - Involtini of fish sword - the Portale of the Sea and the Peach in Italy
To enter in the Guide to the Restaurants of fish.
Guide to the fish RESTAURANTS > ' border='0'>.
800g of fish sword in fettine, 5 olive oil spoons, 2 spoons of pan grattato, 1 segment of garlic, 1 tritato spoon of prezzemolo, 1 teaspoon of grass fine tritata cipollina, the juice of 1 lemon, knows them.

in the Guide of fish RESTAURANTS of border='0'>.
800g sword in spoons of 2 spoons grattato, 1 1 tritato spoon, 1 grass cipollina the juice…