Prescription - Tagliatelle to the fruits of sea - alfemminile Prescription
Prescription - Tagliatelle to the fruits of sea.
It rinses the mazzetto of sedano and it cuts it dadini.
You add the fruits of sea and you remove them as are opened.
It filters the gravy of baking of the fruits of sea.
- If you it is piaciuta this prescription, then they will appeal to these prescriptions to you, these appetizers, these second ones, these desserts….

Prescription - Laughed to the fruits of sea and grapefruit rose - alfemminile Prescription
Prescription - Laughed to the fruits of sea and grapefruit rose.
Rice to the fruits of sea and grapefruit rosaUna prescription of Lacryma1.
Prescription: To wash the vongole and to leave them in water cold and salata in order clear them from the sand, to clean up the cozze and to put both in a tegame with average wine glass, to make to open them and then to extinguish.
To clean up calamaretti and the polipetti, spellar them, to wash them and lessarli for 25 minuteren.
To regulate know them, to join the tomatoes reduced to cubetti and the grass cipollina chipped with the scissors (if fresh one is not had that, to use that sand bank or frozen-dry); to flavor with 4/5 extra oil spoons vergine of olive, a pizzico of chili pepper, to stir well.
To cover, to carry to boiling, to lower the flame and to cook the rice for the indicated necessary time on the confection.
To drain the rice, to pass it fastly under the cold water in order to stop the baking, to sgocciolare and to join it to the other ingrdienti prepares to you.
To stir, to fix knows them and oil, to join the grapefruit segments rose peels you to the alive one and spezzetati.
- If you it is piaciuta this prescription, then they will appeal to these prescriptions to you, these appetizers, these second ones, these desserts….


paste with the fish prescriptions paste and fish
Fish, crustaceans and fruits of sea “.
Fish, crustaceans, fruits of sea Fish - On the freschezza the quality of the fish depends, this fundamental characteristic is found through a particular series that it is necessary to keep in mind at the moment of the purchase: delicate scent and gradevole lacking in ammoniacal shadings, healthy total aspect, very hard consistency of the body, adherent flakes and shining, colorful and naturally stiff skin, not reddened alive eye, gills humid and rose (or red), abdomen lacking in spots or cuts, absence of traces of long blood the lisca.
Crustaceans - Contrarily to that light vein of hardness that is in the name that them contraddistingue, enclosed in those shells is alone delicacy.
All, escape, lobsters, lobsters or gamberi of river, shells of Saint-Jacques or cappesante, granchi and granceole, have exquisite meats that demand respect: therefore, simple and short bakings, natural condimenti like the raw oil, provided that of warm or cold olive and extravergine, sauces realized with ingredients first quality.

Prescriptions: insalata to the fruits of sea - L \ 'Abruzzi to table
To make to cool within the baking bottom, to drain and to cut to rough pieces and to put within a container.
To add julienne of sedano, a wine white man agrumato oil to the lemon, the fine, regular garlic and the prezzemolo of know them, to mischiare the all much good and to put in refrigerator marinare for approximately six hours.
To serve with one julienne of insalate mixed and segments of lemon.
Threads of trout to the aromatic mollica of bread.
Thread of rabbit in crust according to an ancient prescription.
Ferratelle with annealed and saffron to the forest fruits.


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Fruits of sea like acquiring them freschi
Stamane, having “in plan” to write this article, is come down from my office to the unit fish market of Gbianchi, the cash & carry where job, in order to ask the head unit some useful council in order to acquire of the freschi fruits of sea.
Before what to make would have to be a verification of the shells, they must be polishes and very locked taking as an example in consideration cozze and oysters opened with the very visible animal in how much they are not from thinking damaged.
Some fruits of sea like tartufi or the capesante, introduce the valve sometimes schiuse: if picchiettandole these are closed, can acquire them trusting; if instead they remain opened the animal sure it is died.
Opening the valve of a clam if this is fresh turns out full, with the stiff surface, humid vital, with reactions to the fast stimuli; if instead it has been fished from a lot or has been badly conserved, it introduces dry meats and it is static even if sped up with one it heads of a knife or with some drop of lemon.
Consequently if in opening a fruit of sea this does not oppose resistance, means that it is not reactive and it is therefore to discard.
A last and definitive test of the freschezza of the fruits of sea is the olfattivo examination.

To eat - Insalata of fruits of sea, potatoes Well and cozze
Insalata of fruits of sea, potatoes and cozze.
Cuocete for approximately 10 cleaned up minuteren the polipetti and cuts to you to pezzetti in one vapor pot with oil, garlic and means wine glass white man.
Left to cool and united all then the ingredients: flavored with oil extravergine of olive, a pizzico of prezzemolo, knows them and pepper.

To eat - Ciotola of lobster and fruits of sea to the prosecco Well
Ciotola of lobster and fruits of sea to prosecco Fare to bubble the lobster for 30 minuteren and the gamberi for 10 minuteren.
To prepare while the spinaci well washing them, cutting them, bubbling them for twenty or so tiny and jumping them in frying pan with butter and knows them.
To prepare one bechamel with brodo of fish gained from the boiling of lobster and the gamberi and to prepare for part one Dutch sauce, putting eggs in one frying pan, joining the 2 wine glasies and cuocendo in a bain-marie, making attention not to make to bubble it; to add therefore the remaining butter and to rather join to the bechamel, obtaining one dense cream.
To arrange in 6 ciotole the spinaci in center, one lobster slice over spinaci and the gamberi round, to cover with the sauce to the prosecco and to put to gratinare to warm furnace for 10 minuteren approximately to 200° C.


Spaghetti to the fruits of sea Prescription Preparation Ingredients
The prescriptions sended from the customers of Ricettemania, collaborate also you!.
You have only some ingredients? You want to exclude of others? It uses our advanced search and it ago finds the prescription that for you!.
You want to know the calories of that it eats? USA the Contacalorie!.
Time: --Indifferent-- Less than 15 minuteren Less than 30 minuteren Less than 1 hour Less than 2 hours More than 2 hours.
Ingredients that must contain (es.: eggs, know them, oil, etc):.
of fruits of sea (cozze, vongole), 200 gr.
Preparation: Scottate the gamberi and sguscia you them, scaldate the fruits of sea in tegame senz 'a water in order to make to open them and then you remove the molluschi.
You put in teglia an oil with the tritato garlic fairies to scaldare and then united the fruits of sea.
Endured Rigirate, lowered the flame and joined the gamberi, the tomatoes trita to you, prezzemolo and the some pizzico of chili pepper.
Lessate while the spaghetti to the tooth, drains them to you and conditeli with this sughetto perfumed and stimulating.


Tagliatelle to the fruits of sea Prescription Preparation Ingredients
The prescriptions sended from the customers of Ricettemania, collaborate also you!.
You have only some ingredients? You want to exclude of others? It uses our advanced search and it ago finds the prescription that for you!.
You want to know the calories of that it eats? USA the Contacalorie!.
Time: --Indifferent-- Less than 15 minuteren Less than 30 minuteren Less than 1 hour Less than 2 hours More than 2 hours.
Ingredients that must contain (es.: eggs, know them, oil, etc):.
Joined the vongole sgusciate with their water of baking, the verdure and saffron in threads.

NEWTON - Crustaceans and fruits of sea for the cosmonauts
Crustaceans and fruits of sea for the cosmonauts.
The agency spaces them Russian has announced a true one and own gastronomica revolution for the menù spaces them in which it will be passed from the abundance of meat to numerous plates made up of fish.
Gastronomica revolution in the space: on the ISS, international the orbital station, plates made up of crustaceans and fruits of sea will be eaten above all in future while the meat will be reduced to the bone.
The Russians, than during the last few years have organized the large one of catering through the Progress smalls boat (only the cargo) and Soyuz (for the transport of men and things), have decided to modify drastically the menù of the cosmonauts to the light of the accumulated experience in decades of flight space them.
Here because in place of the heavy foods as pig and manzo will be soon in lassù table in gravity absence also many alghe, richest of iodine.
The new plates have been hardly puttinges to point from '' the scientific Center be them Iuri Gagarin for the preparation of the cosmonauti', that it is found in the “City of stars” to the suburbs of Moscow.
The departure data clearly: when it is gotten dizzy without more weight in the orbital station, with most insufficient occasions to make a little motion, has need of little calories regarding the life on the Earth and all the metabolism changes in substantial way.

NEWTON - Fruits of sea, risk turns them in ambush
Fruits of sea, risk turns them in ambush.
An alarm of the experts puts in guard consuming raw these types of organisms that are in a position to concentrating in the own meats from 100 to 200 times the microbico content and turns suspended them in the water.
They are in a position to leaking until 400 liters of water to the day, and for this they are exposed to the risk of I accumulate of polluting biological and chemical.
They are the molluschi bivalvi, the common ones cozze, vongole or oysters, prelibatezze of our tables, but also small great risks: they are in fact in a position to concentrating in the own meats from 100 to 200 times the microbico content and turns suspended them in the water.
And they are to risk also for I accumulate it of heavy metals, mercury, pesticidi.
The risk remains high, insomma, for who it consumes molluschi bivalvi raw or little cooked.
'' Currently the control for the microbiological contamination - Luciana explains Crosses, In charge of the Unit Communitarian Implementations and Public Health of the National Center for the Quality of Alimenti and the Alimentary Risks of the Higher Institute of Health - comes carried out by means of the survey of bacteria (Escherichia strains) considers indirect pointers you of faecal contamination, but not always one directed correlation between presence of virus and presence of bacteria exists indicatori'.

scialatielli to the fruits of sea
of olives greens and capers, 2 segments of garlic, prezzemolo, oil of olive and it knows them q.b.
and soffriggete the garlic very chipped until making it to become blond.
You add the fruits of sea, the seppioline cut to pezzetti and the gamberetti.
The paste e' a life style, the genuinita' is recalled to the modern concept.