The name “tuchinaggio” was interpreted by the historians in different ways. According to some people it could derive from French “tous chiens”, (all dogs) or from “tue chies” (dogs’ killer). Other think instead that the word derives from “tuc’un” (all for one) and this last version is the more reliable. It expresses the idea of union which is just on the basis of the revolt that the name represents.
The causes of the insurrection broken out in 1386 are of political – social- economic type. The Canavese, devastated for years by continuous wars between local feudatories and by enemies like Monferratos and Savoy, was economically impoverished and the people suffered more and more the exploitation of small and great feudatories who, in order to look after their interests seldom ruled the territory with justice and equity.
The revolt beginn with violence in the high Canavese where different castles werw sacked and destroyed, among which where those of Brosso and Arundello (see the picture on the right). Very soon the strong popular protest of the Tuchini found an alliance in the Marquises of Monferrato, who wanted to take back the domination on the area, and support in some feudatories who, subjected to the Savoy, aspired to their autonomy. |
A year later, in 1387 Amedeo VII succeded in repressing a lot of rebels who preferred to subject themselves directly to the Savoy rather than continue to depende on the local vassals.
But the guerrilla warfare continued for some years, always supported by Monferratos, both for the above reasons and because some places wanted to become free communes. In December 1390 the troops of Savoy succeded in conquering the principal centre of the rebels whose the leaders werw summarly tried and sentenced to death. Therefore, reduced in political factions without a valid support, the Tuchini were forced to surrender. The conclusive act of the event was Ivrea’s agreement, signed in the house of the Stria, a noble family of Ivrea. Amedeo VII with his mother Bona of Bourbon, the nobles of Canavese and the representatives of all the community of the Canavese werw present to sign the agreement. This agreement sanctions the will of peace of all of the people of the Canavese, it fixes the properties of the lands, the jurisdictions and the castles, it regulates the relations between the Savoy and the lords of the Canavese.
The agreement is very important as it means the disappearence of a lot of feudal aspects still present in the Canavese: Amedeo VII is, in fact, recognized as the only Lord of the Canavese, the nobles lose a lot of their independence, people can claim their rights an not suffer again from the impositions of the local squires.