Curiosity: The common sterotype of Japan is the one of an overcrowded country of skyscrapers without trees.The reality is different: outside the cities there are many cultivation fields and the mountains, often very steep, are unspoiled. In the cities, though, the space is densely used, but tall skyscrapers are not frequent. Apartment homes and, in general, three-storey houses are much more common (see picture below).
Japanese houses are in general smaller than European ones: if you book a cheap hotel room be prepared to squeeze a little...

All images © 1999 Manuel Hood

Date: Settembre 1998

Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4

Panorama of Osaka, the business city of Japan. Who told me that there are no trees in Japan ?
Onoden, one of the many electronic superstores of Akihabara the "techno" district of Tokyo.
The legendary Shinkansen (bullet train), installed for the first time in 1964. It was already capable of travelling at 220 km/h
The girl selling snacks has to make a bow each time she enters a wagon. The display shows news, time to destination, and current speed.
Curiosity: the Shinkansen is a longtime pride for Japan. Its punctuality is legendary, and some people actually use it to set their watches. The train shown above is a "Hikari", capable of a cruise speed of 250 km/h. New "Nozomi" trains can reach 300 km/h. Magnetic Levitation trains are in test phase.
Foodstore in Asakusa district. Contrast between old and new in Kyoto, the city with the biggest number of remnants from the past.
Stand selling popular souvenirs (see the Doraemon cat)
Tokyo traffic seen from the municipal towers (75th floor)
Traffic and suspended bridges in Akihabara, Tokyo Den-den town, the elctronic district on Osaka.
Getting around in Japan: In Japan traffic goes on the left, asin India, Australia, New Zeland etc.
Although the metropolis are huge, traffico is heavy but disciplined, thanks to the big help from the public transport (bus, subway, trains), which allows people to go almost anywhere. Ther efficiency of public transportation is so high that many Japanese do not own a car because... it would be useless!