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URSA MAJOR & the Big Dipper
(part of the Greater Bear) - UMa

Date & Time
Angular separation Alkaid - Talitha = 45°
ursa major
Click on a star name for more informations        
NameMagn.Dist. (L.Y.)Temp.°KC.TypeGreekConst.
Tania Aus.3.051703.400 M0MuUMa
Talitha3.14438.000 A7IotaUMa
Thufr Al Ghizlan3.17486.480 F6ThetaUMa
Muscida3.361205.500 G5OmicronUMa
Tania Bor.3.451009.360 A2LambdaUMa
Alula Bor.3.481304.440 K3NuUMa
Al Kaphrah3.711724.800 K0ChiUMa
Muscida4.602044.680 K1Pi 2UMa
Alula Aus.4.8723.86.000 G0XiUMa
Angular separation Dubhe - Alkaid = 26°
Click on a star name for more informations        
NameMagn.Dist. (L.Y.)Temp.°KC.TypeGreekConst.
Alioth1.776510.000 A0EpsilonUMa
Dubhe1.791004.800 K0AlphaUMa
Alkaid1.8614020.800 B3EtaUMa
Mizar2.27749.680 A1ZetaUMa
Merak2.37629.680 A1BetaUMa
Phad2.448010.000 A0GammaUMa
Megrez3.31539.040 A3DeltaUMa
Alcor4.01728.400 A5-UMa
m82M82 - NGC3034
Irregular Galaxy
Magn. 9.2
Dist. 17 millions l.y.
Bode's Nebula
M81 - NGC3031
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 7.9
Dist. 4.6 millions l.y.
m81 and m82 In the left corner, wearing a red nucleus surrounded by blue spiral arms, is M81. In the right corner, sporting light stars and dark dust lanes, is M82.
These two mammoth galaxies have been locked in gravitational combat for the past billion years. The gravity from each galaxy dramatically affects the other during each hundred million-year pass.
Last go-round, M82's gravity likely raised circulating density waves rippling around M81 resulting in the richness of M81's spiral arms. M81, though, left M82 a messy pulp of exploded stars and colliding gas so violent it emits bright X-rays. In both galaxies, colliding gas has created a recent abundance of bright new stars. In a few billion years only one galaxy will remain.


The Pinwheel Galaxy
M101 - NGC5457
Dist. 15 millions l.y.
A giant pinwheel of stars resembling the Milky Way galaxy in shape and size, the spiral appears almost face-on our view; the dark filaments in its arms are dust lanes. (Kitt Peak National Observatory).

CASSIOPEIA - Cassiopeia - Cas

Date & Time
Angular separation Caph - Segin = 13°
Click on a star name for more informations        
NameMagn.Dist. (L.Y.)Temp.°KC.TypeGreekConst.
Shedir2.231104.800 K0AlphaCas
Caph2.27457.080 F2BetaCas
Cih2.4772028.000 B0GammaCas
Ruchbah2.68598.400 A5DeltaCas
Segin3.3844020.800 B3EpsilonCas
Achird3.4418.56.120 F9EtaCas
Marfak4.432338.000 A7ThetaCas
Castula4.63645.080 G8Upsilon 2Cas
Marfak-West5.1725.15.500 G5MuCas
M 103M 103 - NGC581
Open Cluster
Magn. 7.4
Dist. 8.500 l.y.
25 stars from 11th magn.
Open Cluster
Magn. 6.4
Magn. of the brightest star 6.0
Membership number 80
Dist. 9.100 l.y.
The brightest star
in the picture is
f Cas
Magn. 4.98
Dist. 1.090 l.y.
    M52 and Bubble Neb. 
M 52 - NGC7654
Open Cluster
Mag. 7.0
Dist. 5.200 l.y.
100 stars from 8th magn.

The Bubble Nebula - NGC7635
Magn. 7.0

URSA MINOR - the Little Dipper - UMi

Date & Time
Angular separation Polaris - Pherkad = 19°
ursa minor
Click on a star name for more informations        
NameMagn.Dist. (L.Y.)Temp.°KC.TypeGreekConst.
Polaris2.028206.360 F7AlphaUMi
Kochab2.08844.320 K4BetaUMi
Pherkad3.051109.040 A3GammaUMi
Alifa al Farkadain4.323758.700 A3ZetaUMi
Yildun4.368209.680 A1DeltaUMi
Anwar al Farkadain4.95766.600 F5EtaUMi
Pherkad minor5.022174.320 K4-UMi

CEPHEUS - Cepheus - Cep

Date & Time
Angular separation Alderamin - Alrai = 19°
Click on a star name for more informations        
NameMagn.Dist. (L.Y.)Temp.°KC.TypeGreekConst.
Alderamin2.44488.000 A7AlphaCep
Alrai3.21484.680 K1GammaCep
Alfirk3.2399025.600 B1BetaCep
Erakis4.081.0903.160 M2MuCep
Alkurhah4.291029.040 A3XiCep
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 9.7
Dist. 17.9 millions l.y.

6946-6939Top right:
NGC 6939
Open Cluster
Magn. 7.8
Dist. 4.100 l.y.
80 stars
from 10th magn.
Bottom left:
NGC 6946
7822NGC 7822 Bright Nebula
NGC 7762 Open Cluster
Ced 214 Bright Nebula
Berk 59 Open Cluster

DRACO - the Dragon - Dra

Date & Time
Angular separation Etamin - Gianfar = 45°
Click on a star name for more informations        
NameMagn.Dist. (L.Y.)Temp.°KC.TypeGreekConst.
Eltanin2.231004.200 K5GammaDra
Al Dhibain Prior2.74645.080 G8EtaDra
Rastaban2.794905.800 G2BetaDra
Nodus Secundus3.071104.840 G9DeltaDra
Al Dhibain3.1731014.800 B6ZetaDra
Ed Asich3.291404.560 K2IotaDra
Thuban3.6518110.000 A0AlphaDra
Grumium3.75934.560 K2XiDra
Tyl3.832045.220 G7EpsilonDra
Gianfar3.841253.400 M0LambdaDra
Dziban4.58606.600 F5Psi 1Dra
Alsafi4.6818.44.800 K0SigmaDra
Kuma4.88938.200 A6Nu 1Dra
Arrakis5.83716.360 F7MuDra
cat's eyeCat's Eye Nebula
NGC 6543
Planetary Nebula
Magn. 8.8 - Dist. 3.600 l.y.
11.4 magnitude central star

The image shows one of the most complex planetary nebulae ever seen. It reveals intricate structures including concentric gas shells, jets of high-speed gas and unusual shock-induced knots of gas. This nebula is estimated to be 1,000 years old and is a visual record of the dynamics and late evolution of a dying star. Although the center point of light in this Hubble image appears to be one star, a first interpretation suggests that the star might be a double-star system. The effects of two stars orbiting one another would explain the intricate structures which are more complex than what is usually seen in most planetary nebulae. By looking at this image it is noted that a fast stellar wind of gas was blown off the central star creating the elongated shell of dense glowing gas. This structure is embedded inside two larger lobes of gas which were blown off the star at an earlier phase. These lobes are pinched by a ring of denser gas assumed to have been ejected along the orbital plane of the binary companion. (The suspected companion star also might be responsible for a pair of high-speed jets of gas that lie at right angles to the equatorial ring. If the companion were pulling material in a neighboring star, jets escaping along the companion's rotation axis could be produced.) These jets would explain several puzzling features along the periphery of the gas lobes. Much like a stream of water hitting a pile of sand, the jets compress gas ahead of them, creating the curlicue features and bright arcs near the outer edge of the lobes. The twin jets are pointing in different directions than these features. This suggests that the jets are wobbling and turning on and off periodically.

The image of the Cat's Eye Nebula was taken on September 18, 1994 by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope with the Wide Field Planetary Camera-2. It is a composite of three color images taken at different wavelengths.

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Constellation pictures are modified screen displaies of Voyager II™ version 2.0 for the Macintosh™, the Astronomy Program of Carina Software, 12919 Alcosta Blvd Suite #7, San Ramon, CA 94583

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