The origin of the surname Kappers

This page describes the origin of the surname Kappers for the descendants of the Kappers families that had their origin in Heurne, a hamlet in the municipality of Aalten in the province of Gelderland in the Netherlands. (1)

The first marriage with the surname Kappers that was written in the register of marriages of the municipality of Aalten was the marriage of Koop Kappers and Trijntje Doijncks: notice of intended marriage at January 15, 1665 and marriage at April 2, 1665.

Koop Kappers is a descendant of the family of owners - inhabitants of the Kappers property in the 16th and 17th century in the hamlet Heurne (municipality of Aalten, in the east of the Netherlands, near the German border).

In the archives in Anholt, a place near Aalten just at the other side of the Dutch-German border, mr. R. Wartena, local archivist of Aalten, noticed an undated reference from the second half of the 16th century: "Henrick Kapers, Kap Kapers, eyn half arve" (2). Henrick Kappers is known from the sources as the owner - inhabitant - constructor of the Kappers property. Kap Kapers is possibly his son or his brother and probably an ancestor of the Koop Kappers from 1665.

Koop, Ceupe, Cope are different ways of writing the same name that often occurs in the area of Aalten and Bredevoort. The different orthography depends on the fonetical transcription of the word by the authors of the time. When we consider the fonetics in the eastern part of The Netherlands, Kap is similar to these names Cope, Ceupe and Koop with a vocal sound that is between "oh" and "ah". So Kapers or Kappers is the genitiv of this name. The property Kappers got its name from its first owner "Kap".

Later on, other families adopted Kappers as their by-name or surname because they were related to the place of the already existing Kappers' property.

So for the descendants of the Kappers family from Heurne, their surname is coming from a place, a farmstead, that got its name from its first owner Kap.

René Kappers

The original text of the genealogical research carried out by René Kappers is available in Dutch.
Archive Anholt, Fuerstliche Salm Salmsche Archiv, Bredevoort akten 5.39, copy Wartena at the archive of the municipality of Aalten
