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Savona e Vado

The runs of this zone can easily join its with those of Finalese, the two areas in reality they constitute an only zone what I have treated separately for my convenience. The whole of the two zones it is rich of possibility: it is gone by the runs in the Mediterranean bush up to the woods of Bardineto and the val Bormida.

1 - Cross from  Quiliano to Altare, via Roviasca

Updating: 12/1999
From Quiliano we go up again the valley coasting along in plain the river. To the fork for Montagna (km 2,8) we continue straight on reaching a bridge where the slope begins that it brings to the country of Roviasca (km 5,8).
We cross the country continuing in slope on the road that, later around 1 km, becomes dirt. We proceed with small inclination and we reach a fork where we go straight (km 7,8 pylons ENEL in the scarp to the right).
We follow this road that climbs without steep slopes as far as a collar to height 500. Here we change slope and we continue quite in level road to arrive near a small abandoned quarry (place Rocca d'Orso, km 13,3).
Here we meet a wide road that climbs toward left. We go down to the right instead losing height with some windings until to arrive on the government road near the Colle of Cadibona.
For Altare we turn to the left.
Gradient: 500 m.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: the road is crossed by the cars.

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2 - Ascent from  Quiliano to Colla S. Giacomo, via Roviasca

Updating: 12/1999
From Quiliano we go up again the valley coasting along in plain the river. To the fork for Montagna (km 2,8) we continue straight on reaching a bridge where the slope begins that brings to the country of Roviasca (km 5,8).
We cross the contry continuing in slope on the road that, later around 1 kms, it becomes dirt. We proceed with small inclination and we reach a fork where we turn to the left (km 7,8 pylons ENEL in the scarp to the right).
The road climbs up to reach a gate (dogs). We enter the cancel, we cross some meters and we turn to the right. We reach a road where we turn to the left in slope.
We quickly go up with some very steep tract to arrive to a few evident collar (Colle Baraccone; km 11,5). Here we meet the trail signs of the high step (AV) that they climb to the right. We continue straight on for the road in slope.
After few the slope has term and begins a tract in moderate latches at half coast in the wood. The tract finally finishes with a descent that hands on an ample gravel road (Colla del Termine, km 13.8).
At right would be gone down to the provincial road Altare/Mallare, we go to the left instead on the ample road following the trail sign AV (cars!).
The road proceeds and we also follows it when the trail sign it gets further to the right. We finally arrive to a fork where the principal road continues toward the Rocce Bianche by now near. We go up to right instead and we immediately gain height.
The road improves and continuous to climb; we cross the road that climbs from Orco, then the inclination decreases and we finally goes down up to the wide meadow saddleback of the Colla S.Giacomo.
Gradient: 800 m.
On saddle: 100%

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3 - Ascent from  Valleggia to Rocche Bianche, via Segno

Updating: 1999
From Vado Ligure we ascent toward the church, or we ascent coasting along the stream Vado. In every case we reach an intersection with traffic-lights where we go straight on, following the indication for Segno or Valley of Vado.
We cross the industrial zone behind the electric plant. We continue on the asphalt road S.Ermete overcoming and reaching a bridge where the slope begins.
We arrive to the church of Segno (km 6,5) that we leave to the left; to the following winding we go to the left.
Always on asphalt we arrive to the houses of Cunio where we find an intersection with signals for Campo dei Francesi to the right (km 8).
We turn to the right in the dirt road that it is initially level, but it climbs then with some steep slopes.
We rise always following the main road (some cars) and we arrive to an ample intersection (km 11,3).
We turn to the left. We coast along the slopes of Fortress of the Crows, we go down a steep descent and we get over a landslide.
On good road with slopes and descents we arrive to a crossroads (km 13,5) where we go straight on for a narrow road that begins to climb and it leads in a lawn of forehead to a farmhouse.
Continuing we pass above of the restaurant and we reach the square of the White Fortresses (km 15). Crossroad of different paths all interesting ones.
The roadway in slope continues to Colla del Termine or Colla S.Giacomo.
Gradient: 600 m.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: Be attention to the cars.

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4 - Descent from  Rocche Bianche to Valleggia

Updating: 2/2000
From the tablet we slightly go down toward south and we take the road that climbs to the left and it coasts along awry the restaurant. We continue passing near a house in front of which we take the road in descent.
We follow the road until to arrive to a crossroads (km 1,8) where we go straight (slightly to the left). We coast along the southern slopes of the Rocca dei Corvi with some latches; we cross a landslide, we get over a steep ruined ramp and we finally arrive to cross the dirt road that it climbs from Segno (km 4,2). We continue to the left, in slope. The road continues ample, in light descent and it finally goes up again to a pass (km 6,3).
Here we continue for the road, that continues on the slope northern, it reaches a collar with benches. We hold to the left there on the road that it slightly goes up again and then it decidedly begins to go down with some windings.
It is necessary to do a lot of attention because we have to abandon later this inviting road around 600 meters descent (km 7). Here it detaches to the right a level road. We follow it in light slope. After few it begins to go down with increasing inclination and bed in worsening.
We arrive to an intersection (km 8,5): to the left the path FIE goes down, to the right go up a ramp, of forehead a road is opened. We cross the intersection taking the road that goes down cutting the southern slope of the mountain.
The steep descent it finishes to a collar where we meet a road (km 9,5). We go down to the left for reaching the asphalt road in proximity of some houses (km 11). We go down for reaching the square of Valleggia (km 12).
Gradient: 600 m.
On saddle: 100 %, excluded a short steep slope 200 m.
Observations: it is the layout also described in the itinerary 8 in contrary sense. Useful to go down above all from the varied itineraries when there is snow on the slopes of Roviasca and Montagna.

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5 - Descent from Rocche Bianche to Quiliano, via Montagna

Updating: 6/2001
From the tablet we go up the short ramp that faces it from the opposite part of the road and we arrive to a square. Here we take the narrow road that goes away in plain to the right (trail sign FIE squared red).
We continue slowly losing height.
We arrive to a fork (km 1,5) where we neglect the new forest road that goes down to the left.
It follows then some steep descent and we arrive to a fork (km 2)where we neglect the road of left to go down to the right, always following the trail sign.
We come in place Cà Linà where we neglect the path that goes down to the left. We continue for a tract with in latches to arrive to a few evident pass in the wood (km 3,7). Here the path changes slope and we proceed in descent.
We quickly arrive to an evident fork (km 4).
On the left go up a dirt road (fork that brings on the itinerary 7), instead we take to the right in descent (always same trail sign, few visible).
The steep descent quickly brings to cross the courtyard of a house and then to other isolated houses. We meet the asphalt and we are almost by now to Montagna.
We skirt the cemetery (it is possible to go down for the steep narrow road, first with concrete bed, then difficult path) and we arrive in a square (km 7).
Of here for asphalt down to Quiliano (km 11,5).
Gradient: 600 m.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: good solution for the descent.

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6 - Cross Colle of Cadibona - Colle of Melogno

Updating: 3/2000
From the Colle of Cadibona we go up on the road that is detached on the northern slope of the pass just before the square of service of the highway.
We follow the wide carriage that passes above the highway and go up steep thin to a square in place Rocca d'Orso.
Here we continue in slope (to the left the itinerary 1 get further contrarily).
We neglect a first fork and, after 1200 meters, we meet an evident fork. Two solutions are possible.
  1. We follow the road that goes to the right in plain. At first in descent, then in slope the road finishes after 3 kms in a square for the cut of the lumber. We go up to the left arriving near a small construction in concrete. The road of the cut one is turned into mule-track, with leaves and dejected trees, and it is forwarded in the wood. After 1 kms we meet the AV in the point in which it finishes the steep descent in the wood of the itinerary of the following solution.
  2. (Advisable) we go up to the left (trail sign AV). The road climbs until near the Forte Burotto that we reach to the left with a short deviation. We return to the road that keeps on climbing and it is maintained on the ridge. We turn to the left following the trail sign AV and beginning the descent. We go down a very steep and rough tract that brings to cross the preceding variation where we go to the left.
We continue on good path that goes down to the Colle Baraccone.
Here we meet the road that climbs from Roviasca. We continue to the right on the road in slope.
After few the slope has term and begins a tract in moderate latch to half coast in the wood. The tract finally finishes with a descent that brings on an ample road to natural bed.
We are to Colle of the Termine. We can more easily arrive here climbing from the provincial Altare/Mallare. Itinerary 1 of Bormide.
We continue in plain on the ample road toward left following the trail sign AV (auto).
The road proceeds in plain and we also follow it when the trail sign gets further to the right. We finally arrive to a fork where the principal road continues toward the Rocce Bianche by now near. We go up to the right instead.
The road continues to climb; we cross the road that climbs from Orco, then the inclination decreases and we finally goes down up to the wide meadow saddleback of the Colla S.Giacomo.
From the Colla we continue on ample road that advances to the left holding itself to half coast. We reach the provincial one that climbs from Feglino. Of here we continue in slope for two hundred meters. We left the provincial one ( varying ). We take to the left an evident dirt road that it slightly goes down to a ford, it goes up again and then it goes down.
We arrive to a path that it is taken to the right in slope. It is the run n°6 of the Finalese contrarily.
With some steep slope it is arrived until near the small church of Madonna of the Snow.
The road continues asphalted up to reach the government one of the Melogno near the House of the Magician (itinerary of descent for Eze).
On saddle: 99%
Observations: Long (km 33) crossed not binding that it allows of to almost all cross the described itineraries.
Varying:   It can be climbed to the Madonna of the Snow following the asphalt and saving a little of energies. From the intersection with the provincial one from Feglino it is continued in slope without lefting the asphalt. With a final descent it is reached the church (around 4 kms from the intersection).

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7 - Ascent from Quiliano to Rocche Bianche, via Montagna (trail of the five bridges).

Updating: 2/2000
From Quiliano we go up the valley skirting in plain the river. To the fork for Montagna (km 2,8) we climb to the left and continue in slope up to the square of the country (km 5).
We continue for the road that climbs to the right (trail sign FIE red rhomb), we get over the church that stays in low to the right and we leave the asphalt in correspondence of the winding; we go in plain in the wood and after 300 meters a road is met asphalted that it goes down.
We don't follow it and we go to the left, in plain, on a road that is forwarded in the valley.
The dirt road always continues for a long time almost in plain and also with tracts in descent. We arrive to a last house (km 7,5, dogs) where a cross-road is met; we continue for the road level plant.
We always continue on the floor of the valley arriving to a fork, almost invisible, where a narrow path for Roviasca goes down to the right to ford the stream. We neglect it and we continue on our road that it reaches a first bridge (km 10.5) to which others follow of it.
After the last bridge we begin to climb with steep tracts. We pass near an abandoned house that we leave aloft to the right. The inclination decreases while the road starts to go toward left. It follows a tract in descent and then it begins the final slope to windings.
We go out (km 14.5) on the road that connects Rocche Bianche with Colla of the Termine. For Rocche Bianche we go to the left, we get over the intersection with the road that climbs to the Colla S. Giacomo and we goes down to the Rocche.
Gradient: 620 ms.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: beautiful slope, very proper for the warm summer days. To take it in descent to pay attention: who originates from Rocche Bianche or from Colla S. Giacomo he immediately meets to the right it after the brief descent that follows the abandoned construction that is found to the left of the road (around 300 meters, trail sign FIE red rhomb).
Who originates from Colla of the Term it will find later to the left the deviation around 3 kms.

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8 - Run of the valley of Segno

It is the brief valley behind Vado.
Updating: 2/2000
From the superior extremity of the square of Valleggia we go up for a steep narrow road asphalted (trail sign FIE line-point red).
We steeply go up for around a kilometer reaching some houses, here we turn to the right decidedly, in descent on dirt road.
We cross few meters and the slope it takes back steep up to reach a clean pass where the road begins to go down (km 2,5). We leave the road to climb to the right along a dirt road on the maximum inclination and we continue for the dirt road that it continues skirting the southern slope of the crest without leaving breath.
The road finishes to a crossroad (km 3,5). We take to the left the road that go up less steep, changing slope. Some tracts force to go down of saddle, then the inclination decreases and we continues to half coast and then with a tract in descent that finishes to a cross with a road.
On the right we would go down to Faie, we go therefore to the left climbing with some windings of reasonable inclination up to come under to an evident pass with benches that it is not reached leaving to the left it some meter (km 5,5).
The road continues to the right becoming wide and carriage; we arrive so to a pass where we again change slope.
The pleasant run is almost maintained in plan and it conducts to a fork (km 7,8). We go to the right for a rough tract in steep descent at the end of which we still go straight on. It follows a tract to latch that finishes to a crossroads (km 10).
We could go down to the left on the trail sign FIE (double red square) shortening the run; we go instead straight for a narrow road on that begins to climb and it leads in a lawn of forehead to a farmhouse. Continuing we pass above of the restaurant and arrive to the square of the Rocche Bianche (km 12).
We go down to the left for the carriage road with tracts asphalted up to reach the intersection where the asphalted road goes to the left for Segno (km 14). We go down to the right instead on the ample dirt road. Later around 800 meters you do attention to take to the left a forest narrow road (trail sign FIE double red square).
We continue to half coast with tracts in descent arriving to a cross (km 16) where we go to the left in plain (trail sign). We meet a crossroads after two kilometers where we go up reaching the ridge. We follow the ridge with his latches to arrive on top of the Bric Colombino with his aerials (km 17,3).
Steep descent on road dirt to the right then with small inclination. We arrive to a road that we follow to the left, we pass near a house and we reach an ample Pass.
Here we go up straight on dirt road then on a steep ramp in concrete. Other small pass where we go to the right. The road continues to half coast overhanging a waste and a quarry, still square of another quarry to right and then come down final to a pass (km 23).
With the road to the left it is possible to reach quickly Vado Ligure and to finish the turn.
We go to the right instead to dirt descending road. After few meters we have to turn clearly to the right on a narrow road. The run level it directs toward the Mao mountain becoming path. We almost continue in plain skirting the base of the mountain, we go out of the valley and we continue with ample sight on the sea.
Finally the road becomes in concrete, then asphalted and it steeply goes down to Spotorno (km 26).
  • E' possibile salire da Valleggia mantenendosi più fedelmente sul filo della costa, ma il tracciato diviene ancora più ripido.
  • Dall'ultimo quadrivio prima di Rocche Bianche si può scendere a sinistra seguendo il segnavia. Si arriva così alla strada asfaltata per Segno. La si attraversa e si prosegue dalla parte opposta. Non si prosegue diritti sul segnavia (non ciclabile per alberi abbattuti e rocce) ma si scende subito a destra raggiungendo l'itinerario principale.
  • Lungo l'itinerario si incontrano numerose stradine che scendono di volta in volta: a Faie, a Segno, a Vezzi, a Spotorno, a Bergeggi.
  • I percorsi del monte Mao possono essere raggiunti salendo direttamente da Finale o Noli.

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9 - Ascent from Savona to Naso di Gatto

Updating: 4/2001
From the center of Savona we reach the road for Turin, in bank right of the stream Letimbro.
We get over the commercial center "The Gull " and we continue on the avenue planted with trees.
At the end of the straight the road for Turin goes to the left; here we turn to the right and we get over the bridge (km 1,8; indications for Sanctuary).
Immediately after the bridge we turn to the left. Later around 300 meters we find to the right the indications for place Marmorassi.
We begin the slope. After having under-cross the railroad we neglect the road that climbs to the right and we continues coasting along the cableway of the transport coal.
We reach and we get over the houses of Marmorassi.
The road almost continues level. Be attention to a road that climbs to the right, in direction contrary to that of origin (km 4,2).
We turn and the slope is made more binding. The tract that follows alternate level tracts and steep ramps and it conducts to get over a last house (km 5,6). After a little while the asphalt road ended and the inclination it decreases.
To an intersection we go straight on and we continue in slope to cross a dirt, very large road (km 7,3). We are on the watershed.
We go to the left, we get over a hard ramp for then to proceed calm. We reach the asphalt (km 10) and we continue in slope to arrive to the provincial road, few meters from the buildings in place Nose of Cat (km 13,7).
Gradient: 700 ms
Ciclabilità: 100%
Observations: A lot of asphalt, but on roads without traffic.

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10 - Ascent from Savona to Colle di Cadibona, via Ciantagalletto

Updating: 10/2001
From the center of Savona we reach the road for Turin, in bank right of the stream Letimbro.
We get over the commercial center "The Gull " and we continue on the avenue planted with trees.
At the end of the straight the road for Turin goes to the left; here we turn to the right but we don't get over the bridge (km 1,8) and we turn immediately to the left, remaining therefore on the right shore of the river.
We pedal in steep slope as far as to cross a small road that climbs to the right (km 2,8; indications for Ciatti; trail sign FIE: red disk).
We continue with steep windings to an intersection (km 5,4): to the right Ciatti is gone to (indications) while to the left it is beginning a dirt level road. We take this road that it coasts along the cableway.
With moderate inclination we arrive to a great intersection (km 6,5) where numerous trail signs FIE arrive. To the right the road goes to Sanctuary. We continue straight on. The road continues alternating slopes and descents, it arrives to a group of houses and rises to a small pass near a house.
We continue crossing a last time the cables of the cableway and we go down to the national road (km 11,8) where we turn to the right. In few meters we reach the church of Cadibona.
To go to the Colle we continue on the government one, we turn to the left at the great intersection that brings to the tunnel and we reaches the fortifications (km 14,2). On the other side of the galleries we find the departure of the itinerary 6 . Gradient: 480 m
On saddle:  100%

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11 - Loop of Vado Ligure

Updating: 12/2001
From Vado Ligure we rise toward the church, or we rise coasting along the stream Vado. In every case we reach an intersection with traffic-lights where we go straight on, following the indication for Segno or Valley of Vado.
We cross the industrial zone behind the electric plant. We continue on the asphalt road S.Ermete overcoming and reaching a bridge where the slope begins.
We arrive to the church of Segno (km 6,5) that we leave to the left; to the following winding we go to the left.
Always on asphalt we arrive to the houses of Cunio where we find an intersection with signals for Field of French to the right (km 8).
We turn to the right in the dirt road that it is initially level, but it climbs then with some steep slopes.
We salt always following the principal road (some cars) and we arrive to an ample intersection (km 11,3).
Here they pass the itinerary 8 that rise from Valleggia and the itinerary 4 that it goes down from the White Fortresses.
We turn to the right and we continue in common with the itinerary 4
The road continues ample, in light descent and it finally goes up again to a pass (km 13,4).
We continue on the road, that continues on the northern slope, and we reach a pass with benches. We stay to the left on the road what rise slightly and then it decidedly begins to go down with some winding.
We reach the intersection with the narrow road that, to the right, it goes to Valleggia; we neglect it and we keep on going down on the main road. Overcoming some steep tract we reach an asphalt road (km 16,1).
We turn to the left and we rise to the few houses of Faia (km 17,4).
The road crosses the houses in slope on the left (trail sign FIE for Fortress of the Crows: red rhomb). We go out of the country on dirt level road, we leave the trail sign that climbs to the left, and we continue meeting some light up-and-down.
The road advances deeply in the valley. We get over a cippus and we reach the slope of Mountain. Without difficulty we arrive to cross the itinerary 5, reaches a house, we pass under a vault and we find the asphalt (km 21,4).
We get over a brief tract in slope and then we quickly go down; we get over the cemetery and we arrive to a winding (km 22,8). Here we turn to left entering on the dirt road crossed by the itinerary 7.
We cross the wood and after 300 meters we meet an asphalt road what it goes down.
We don't follow it and we go to the left, in plain, on a narrow road that advances in the valley.
The dirt road continues for a long time almost in plain and also with tracts in descent. We arrive to a last house (km 24,8; dogs) where we meet a crossroads; we continue in the middle level road.
We always continue arriving to a fork, nearly invisible, where we have to turn to the right (km 27).
This point is recognizable because situated to the beginning of the slope toward the 5 bridges. On the trees varied FIE signals are nailed and a small prohibition of transit. To the right two traces go down that they are gathered after few meters.
We go down on one of these traces; after few meters the path becomes evident and enough cycle. We cross a path more marked where we go down to the left in a steep tract and we reach the edge of the stream. We follow to the right the comfortable path and then we get over the ford (km 27,6).
On the opposite bank we follow a narrow road that meets in a dirt road. Without difficulty we follow it toward right; we coast along the stream and we arrive to cross the asphalt road to Roviasca (km 30,1).
If we want to go to Roviasca we have to turn to the left in slope, we go to the right otherwise and we go down to Quiliano (km 34). Vado Ligure 8 km is found to.
Gradient: in 760 ms
On saddle: 99,5%
Observations: beautiful and easy itinerary, only difficulty is in the descent to the ford before Roviasca.
It is fit to other combinations.

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12 - Descent from mount Mao to Vado

Updating: 12/2001
We go down from the peak of the mountain to the pass and then to the northern shoulder (km 0,6).
We turn to the left and we go down to an intersection (km 0,9). To the left we could reach the itinerary 4 of the finalese; instead we go straight on a level road. Little later we begin the descent.
The road goes down very steep but ample and leads to an intersection (km 2,6). We go to the left here, in plain.
An almost level tract brings us to a new descent. The road it becomes an asphalt one and leads to some houses. We turn to the left. Still some windings and we arrive on the ground of the valley (km 4,3) where we turn to the right and we reach the main road to the entry of Vado.
Gradient: 420 m
On saddle: 100%
Observations: praticabile only in descent.

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13 - Ascent from Vado to mount Mao

Updating: 12/2001
From Vado Ligure we follow the government road toward west, coasting along the sea. We get over Capo Vado and we reach the intersection for Bergeggi (km 3,3).
We begin to climb, we reach the church and we continue in direction of the cemetery. We get over the cemetery climbing to the right. We arrive to a small church where the inclination decreases. We arrive to a pass (km 6,7).
Here we leave the road and we turn to the left. The dirt road climbs steep to a concrete construction, then we face some not cycle tracts and we go out in peak (km 7,1).
We go down and we continue straight on arriving to an ample square. Here we go to the right slightly entering a level road that it coasts along to north the mount S.Elena .
We arrive to a small quarry where the road finishes (km 8,3). We go down for 100 meters on steep and not cycle path going out on a narrow road with grassy bed. We turn to the right, we get over a gate and we reach an ample dirt road (km 8,5; here it passes the itinerary 8 ).
We turn immediately to the right and then to the left beginning to climb (itinerary 8 contrarily).
The slope finishes to a shoulder (km 9,9). In this point we leave the road turning to the left.
For traces we climb to the left to a pass and then for the steep slope that it finishes in peak of the mount Mao (km 10,5).
Gradient: 470 m
On saddle: 93%; 99% if we don't climb the peak.
Observations: the peak of Mao is not cycle. The interest of the itinerary it is the possibility of link with the crossings toward Segno, Finale, White Fortresses .

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14 - Climb from Stella to the Pass del Giovo

Updating: 3/2002
From the church of Stella S.Giovanni we continue the slope on the government road of the Passo del Giovo.
After one kilometer we turn to the left (indication for Corona), go down to cross the stream and rise up to reach the church of S.Bernardo (km 4), near the houses of the little country.
Just in front of the church it climbs a tarmack road (trail sign FIE: two red triangles).
We climb and we reach a fork where we go straight on following the steeper road. The slope continues tarmacked to a fork where it begins dirt ground (km 5).
We turn to the right. The ample dirt road climbs with inclination enough constant and we arrive to an intersection (km 6,5) where we turn to the right leaving the trail sign FIE that continues straight on.
We continue climbing and we reach a pass where we find the tarmac and an intersection (km 7,5).
The road of forehead goes down to Repiano, we turn to the right and we begin to climb on the narrow tarmacked road (indications of the AV). After 500 meters the tarmac ends and the trail sign turns to the right.
We continue on the forest road that oblique to the left and it continues to climb to reache an intersection near a power line (km 8,5).
We neglect the road that goes down on forehead and we turns to the right clearly.
The road has many broken branches on the ground and requires a lot of attention. We steeply go down with some windings and we arrive where a narrow road finishes (km 9,3). We don't turn to the left on the tarmac but to the right on duoble track.
The road goes little on descent but then it maintains high alternating slopes and descents.
We arrive to an intersection where we go straight on, in descent. Shortly after we meet the AV that originates from right and we follows it toward left.
When the AV goes down to the right we continue straight on and we reach the Burnt fortress. (km 11,1).
On the square a road tarmacked arrives, we take it up and we quickly go down to go out on the government road (km 12,5).
To the left we can reach Pontinvrea at 3,5 kms while to the right in 300 meters we reach Giovo Ligure. The Pass is to the left at 800 meters.
Gradient: 600 ms.
On saddle: 100%

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15 - Traversata da Pontinvrea a Stella

Aggiornamento:  3/2002
Dalla piazza di Pontinvrea andiamo in direzione di passo del Giovo. Dopo 400 metri troviamo a destra una strada pianeggiante (indicazioni per i Laghi ed Ippovia).
Proseguiamo in pianura, tra rade case, poi iniziamo a salire. Attraversiamo la corte di una casa e scendiamo ad un ponte.
La strada prosegue sulla riva del fiume, in leggera salita, ed arriva ad un'ultima casa. Superiamo un tratto più ripido, poi proseguiamo in salita moderata tagliando il fianco della montagna.
Raggiungiamo una casa superata la quale arriva il termine della salita (km 5,3).
Proseguiamo in piano fino a raggiungere un ponte (km 5,9) superato il quale svoltiamo a sinistra. La strada di destra conduce, in due chilometri, a ferriera di Montenotte.
In leggera salita attraversiamo i prati e superiamo le poche case di Repiano. La strada lascia le ultime case ed inizia a salire in modo più deciso.
Raggiungiamo un valico (km 8,6) dove ha termine l'asfalto.
Troviamo l'itinerario 14 che seguiamo al contrario. Iniziamo quindi a scendere. Dopo un chilometro troviamo un incrocio e svoltiamo a sinistra.
Scendiamo con larghi tornanti ed arriviamo ad un altro incrocio dove troviamo l'asfalto. Svoltiamo a sinistra e raggiungiamo rapidamente la chiesa di S.Bernardo (km 12,2).
Per andare a Stella svoltiamo a sinistra e seguiamo la provinciale per circa 4 km.
Dislivello:  in salita 300 m.
Ciclabilità: 100%
Osservazioni: La salita è interamente asfaltata ma priva di traffico.

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16 - Traversata da Giovo a Naso di Gatto

Aggiornamento:  3/2002
All'incrocio tra le strade statali svoltiamo nella strada che va a Pontinvrea.
Dopo 300 metri trascuriamo la stradina su cui corre l'AV e svoltiamo in quella immediatamente successiva che sale a sinistra (indicazioni per forte Bruciato).
La strada guadagna quota con qualche tornante e termina sull'ampio piazzale del forte (km 1,7).
Saliamo a destra e seguiamo una strada sterrata che scende ad incrociare i segnali dell'AV. Andiamo a destra seguendo i segnavia.
Dopo alcune centinaia di metri l'AV va a sinistra. Noi proseguiamo sulla strada che sale a superare una spalla, poi prosegue senza grandi dislivelli ma fondo sconnesso.
Infine arriviamo all'inizio di una strada forestale asfaltata (km 3,5). Lasciamo la strada per salire a sinistra su una ripida strada sconnessa.
Il tratto che segue è il più faticoso della gita.
Saliamo un po' a piedi ed un po' in sella fino ad uscire dal bosco e raggiungiamo un incrocio (km 4,3) con un segnavia che proviene da destra (doppia croce gialla).
Qui svoltiamo a sinistra e scendiamo su una strada sterrata. Dopo non molto la sterrata diviene asfaltata e ritroviamo i segnavia AV.
Scendiamo rapidamente arrivando ad un valico (km 5,3).
Da destra proviene l'itinerario 15 da Pontinvrea. Svoltiamo a sinistra e scendiamo, in comune con questo itinerario, ad un incrocio.
Qui svoltiamo a destra, in salita.
Seguiamo ora una bella strada che costeggia le pendici meridionali della montagna con qualche salita e molti tratti riposanti.
Incontriamo e trascuriamo vari segnavia ed arriviamo ad un valico dove ritroviamo i segnavia AV e tre strade (km 11).
Proseguiamo diritto superando una zona dove si alternano salite e discese. Con un'ultima salita arriviamo ad un incrocio nel bosco (km 13,1) dove l'AV scende a destra. Noi andiamo diritti e troviamo subito un altro incrocio dove andiamo a sinistra, in leggera salita.
La strada inizia a scendere, passa nei pressi di alcuni tralicci ed arriva al termine del tratto ripido confluendo con un'altra sterrata (km 14,1).
Andiamo a destra e raggiungiamo la Provinciale con gli ultimi metri in comune con l'itinerario 9.
Dislivello:  in salita 600 m.
Ciclabilità: 96%

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17 - Anello di Ellera 1

Aggiornamento:  10/2002
Partiamo dalla provinciale entrando tra le case di Ellera dove seguiamo la stradina che va in leggera discesa e costeggia il torrente in riva destra.
Restiamo sempre su questa strada evitando le strade che salgono a destra o che attraversano il torrente (segnavia FIE: croce rossa). Dopo il primo tratto pianeggiante iniziamo a salire ed entriamo in una valletta laterale dove raggiungiamo un bivio. La strada asfaltata sale a destra, noi andiamo a sinistra su sterrata e superiamo un ponte (km 2,3).
La salita prosegue con qualche tratto impegnativo. Superiamo una casetta ed attraversiamo un ponte (km 3,5).
Sul versante opposto saliamo un tratto molto ripido, poi la salita prosegue meno impegnativa fino ad un bivio (km 4,5) dove svoltiamo a destra.
In discesa arriviamo ad un guado, poi saliamo ad una spalla dove ha termine la salita (km 5,6).
La strada prosegue tagliando in diagonale il versante della montagna e scende per raggiungere un ampio colle prativo dove si incrociano varie strade (km 6,7; a sinistra variante).
Proseguiamo diritti sulla strada più a destra. Trascuriamo sia le deviazioni che salgono a sinistra, sia quelle che scendono a destra e ci manteniamo sulla traccia principale anche quando diventa mulattiera e poi sentiero.
La discesa presenta qualche difficoltà a causa dello strato di foglie che nasconde pietre smosse. Aggiriamo la montagna arrivando ad un cancello superato il quale entriamo in una zona coltivata.
La strada scende con un tornante uscendo sull'asfalto in località Striera (km 9).
Scendiamo seguendo la ripida stradina asfaltata che perde quota con qualche tornante.
Raggiungiamo la provinciale al ponte Santina (km 9,8). Andando a destra raggiungiamo Ellera (km 11).
Dislivello: in salita 470 m.
Ciclabilità: 100%
Osservazioni: ben ciclabile solo in questo senso.
Variante 17.1: Un po' più lunga ma più facile.
Al colle prativo (km 0) svoltiamo a sinistra e scendiamo sulla strada sterrata che entra nel bosco. Con discesa ripida, ma su strada agevole e con fondo buono, arriviamo ad alcune case (cani; km 1) che lasciamo a destra per svoltare a sinistra. La discesa prosegue senza difficoltà. Trascuriamo le strade laterali e raggiungiamo il fondovalle (km 2,1; a sinistra strada in salita per Corona). Proseguiamo a destra su strada ormai asfaltata ed arriviamo agevolmente alla provinciale (km 3,8). Ellera è a destra a 2,6 km. Molto ripida in salita.

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18 - Anello di Ellera 2

Aggiornamento:  12/2002
Partiamo da Ellera seguendo la strada provinciale che sale in direzione di Stella.
Arrivati in località Ritani (km 2,7) lasciamo la strada, prima di attraversare il ponte, e svoltiamo a sinistra salendo in una stretta strada asfaltata. Seguiamo al contrario la variante 17.1 risalendo la valletta fino al termine dell'asfalto (km 4,3). Lasciamo a sinistra la strada della variante e proseguiamo dirritti.
Superiamo un ponte e proseguiamo su facile salita sulla strada inizialmente sterrata poi asfaltata.
Nei pressi delle prime case sparse svoltiamo nettamente a sinistra (km 5,6) in una strettissima e ripida stradina che sale verso il paese. Continuiamo la salita fino alla chiesa di S.Bernardo (km 6,2).
Proprio di fronte alla chiesa sale una strada asfaltata (segnavia FIE: due triangoli rossi).
Svoltiamo a sinistra e saliamo in comune con l'itinerario 14. In salita raggiungiamo un bivio dove andiamo diritti seguendo la strada più ripida. La salita prosegue asfaltata fino ad un bivio dove inizia lo sterrato.
Svoltiamo a destra. L'ampia sterrata sale con pendenza abbastanza costante ed arriviamo ad un incrocio (km 8,7) dove svoltiamo a sinistra, in comune con l'itinerario 16 che proviene da destra.
Seguiamo ora una bella strada che costeggia le pendici meridionali della montagna con qualche salita e molti tratti riposanti.
Incontriamo e trascuriamo vari segnavia ed arriviamo ad un valico dove troviamo i segnavia AV e tre strade (km 13,3).
Svoltiamo a sinistra nell'unica strada che scende. Incontriamo un tornante ed arriviamo in una zona di tagliate dove troviamo un bivio (km 14).
Svoltiamo a sinistra e proseguiamo la discesa agevole fino ad un traliccio dell'alta tensione. La discesa diventa ora ripida, dissestata e fangosa ma sempre ciclabile.
Perdiamo quota con numerosi tornanti ed arriviamo ad una casa diroccata (loc. Cerce, km 15,9). Dopo 100 metri incrociamo la sterrata che sale da Ellera (itinerario 17) e svoltiamo a destra. Superando qualche tratto ripido ma ormai la discesa è quasi priva di difficoltà.
Attraversato un ponte (km 17) incontriamo l'asfalto e proseguiamo la discesa fino alle case di Ellera (km 20,5) e poi alla strada provinciale.
Dislivello: 750 m.
Ciclabilità: 100%
Osservazioni: ben ciclabile solo in questo senso. In senso opposto presenta 1500 metri, dopo case Cerce, quasi impedalabili.

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Altri percorsi

  1. Da Colla del Termine è possibile scendere direttamente a Roviasca con un percorso nel bosco inizialmente ripido poi a mezza costa. Il sentiero (segnavia FIE croce rossa) parte poco sotto la stradina che dalla Colla porta all'edificio della Colonia.
  2. Dall'ultimo bivio dell'itinerario 5, invece di scendere a destra, si può salire a sinistra. La strada si inoltra nel bosco per portarsi nella valle parallela, percorsa dall'itinerario 7. Con una ripida discesa si sbuca su una comoda sterrata che si segue a destra, itinerario 7 al contrario. Occorre prestare attenzione ad un sentierino che scende a sinistra a guadare il torrente. Lo si prende e dopo il guado si segue la sterrata fino a sbucare un paio di tornati sotto al paese di Roviasca.

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