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General considerations

The itineraries are generally constituted by segments (to es. only slope or only descent) to the purpose to facilitate the connections that each will retain to do.
Despite every effort they will certainly be present a lot of errors; I think that every description is only an invitation to go and to try.
Your ability will make the rest.
And, finally, excuse me for mine bad English.

Criterions of subdivision in the zones

In the subdivision in the zones I have not exclusively followed a geographical criterion. I have tried to keep track of the place of departure so that to facilitate the closing of rings.
It is perfectly possible to combine itineraries situated in neighbouring zones, of course.

Choice of the itineraries

I have described the itineraries that I have crossed and that are seemed more interesting to me. A lot of other possibilities also exist in the same places.
It doesn't stay that to try.



I haven't made some reference to the technical difficulties, it is an evaluation that seems to me very subjective. This should not influence the feasibility of the runs, at the most a great or small ability will vary the percentage on saddle.
For the same reason I have not pointed out the times of route that vary in reason of the conditions of training, of the age, of the motivations.


Some itinerary sometimes sets problems of orientation; it is clear to me that you have with you the necessary one for the orientation: map, compass and altimeter.
In the descriptions of the itineraries I have tried to underline the points in which it is seemed to me easier to lose the run.
The itineraries the path markers of FIE often cross. Even if I have a cordial antipathy for this intrusive way to mark the ground killing every illusion of adventure, I have brought the references to the signals that you can be met.
I think that if you are there you also have to be able to go out with your tools of it, but it is seemed to me excessive to omit an indication that could be you useful.

Gradient and distances

The suitable distances in the relationships have been measured with a simple cyclocomputer and they result accordingly approximate.
In the respect of the gradients I have tried to consider the possible latches.
You will find of the not homogeneity in the descriptions, some too much long others too much breves. The reasons are a lot of but the sense stays that to invite you to go.

Temporal validity of the itineraries

The situation of the runs is mutable. The rain, the hoarfrost, the snow, the wind and the intervention of the man can sensitively alter the state of the paths. The relationships bring a date to which the described situation is reported.


The climate in Liguria is warm and damp in the summer, cold and windy in the inside country in winter.
Therefore in the summer we will avoid the runs exposed to the sun and low height; on the contrary they are very proper for the winter.
Prohibitive periods there are not, however some itineraries (Reopasso, west ridge of the Lavagnola and some other) they are absolutely to avoid with snow or ice.


I have inserted some maps of the described zones.
They have not pretence of precision and they can serve only for having an idea of the location of the runs.

NB: to visualize a different image is essential to close first the window with the map.