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Valli Trebbia e Aveto

1 - Ascent from Montebruno to Barbagelata

Updating: 8/2000
From Montebruno we climb on the SS 45 for around 6 kms.
In correspondence of the poster that points out the fraction Costamaglia we see to the left a narrow road that goes down (km 0; indications for S.Brilla, Cornale, Valley of Aveto). We steeply go down reaching the bridge on the Trebbia (km 1.2) and we begin to climb.
The slope is developed on a dirt wide road that it climbs with constant inclination. We follow it with the prudence to go to the right to the only fork (to the left it would be gone to S.Brilla).
The slope finishes on the asphalt road (km 6.3) among Barbagelata to the right and Costa Finale to the left.
Gradient: 500 m.
On saddle: 100%

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2 - Come down from Barbagelata to Montebruno

Updating: 8/2000
From the church we leave the provincial road and we enter the country. We follow the asphalt road that it slightly goes down.
We watch out for the trail that is detached to the right around 100 ms later (trail sign FIE: yellow "little ball" and yellow "equal"). A steep slope, practically not cycle, leads to a pass. The path continues to half coast to go out beside the ruins of the chapel of Final Coast.
We go down to a crossroad where 6 paths or mule-tracks arrive. (Here we would arrive directly climbing from Costa Finale).
We continue on the path that climbs forehead (trail sign FIE yellow little ball). We rise so to climb a back. The path continues to half coast maintaining itself on the north west slope.
We also face some steep descent and we arrive to a fork where the signalled path continues straight on (km 3.4).
We turn to the left. Initially the path doesn't go down very, then it widens in steep and rough mule-track that falls to Tartogni.
To Tartogni we find an asphalt road, we follow it to reach Montebruno (km 9.8).
Gradient: 500 m.
On saddle: 99%
Observations: it is practicable in opposite sense, but two tracts for around 700 total meters are no cycle.
In slope go to the right to the fork that it is met on the mule-track 400 ms after Tartogni.

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3 - Ascent from Torriglia to mount Lavagnola

Updating: 8/2000
From the center of Torriglia we follow the old road to Val Trebbia and we cross the brief gallery of the Buffalora.
Just finished the gallery (here it is also arrived climbing from the Val Trebbia: leave the road, before begins the galleries climbing to the left, to the signalled fork) we turn to the right climbing on the steep narrow road.
We go to the left crossing some houses (km 2,2; trail sign FIE: yellow triangle and signal white/blue IFF) and we continue in slope with some steep tract. The narrow road becomes wide path.
Neglecting the deviations we maintain on the path there and we arrive to a groundamental crossroad (colle Lavagnola, km 5).
Continuing straight on we rise, in 200 meters, to the peak; to the right the path goes down to Scoffera; to the left that to Passo del Portello.
Gradient: 300 m.
On saddle: 98%
Observations: it is the run that connects the itineraries of the Antola with the sea.
The Lavagnola is set among the Valleys Fontanabuona, Trebbia, Scrivia and the valleys Aveto and Bisagno are near.
It is not a very cycle mountain but it is passage for many connections.

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4 - Traversata dal monte Lavagnola a Barbagelata

Aggiornamento: 8/2000
Percorso Dalla vetta si scende al colle Lavagnina dove si svolta a destra, in discesa inizialmente ripida. Il percorso prosegue in piano, poi risale e infine discende a raggiungere una strada asfaltata (km 2, passo del Portello).
Si scende a destra sull'asfalto per circa 1.5 km arrivando in località sella di Giassina.
Prestare attenzione alla larga strada che si allontana in piano a sinistra. Occorre prenderla; si passa nei pressi di una cascina e si arriva ad un bivio dove si va a destra, in salita.
Al termine della salita una rapida discesa porta ad uno spiazzo (km 5,6 dalla vetta).
Qui si vede una sterrata che scende a sinistra. Non la si prende ma si sale sul sentiero dell'alta via che sale nel prato nel punto in cui le strade si incrociano.
Segue un tratto ripido e non ciclabile di circa 200 metri, poi il sentiero attraversa le pendici meridionali della montagna facendosi stretto.
Ancora un breve tratto non ciclabile in salita e si arriva ad una spalla dove inizia un tratto in discesa, su sentiero che via via si allarga.
Ancora una salita, ormai su comoda sterrata, e si sbuca alla lapide partigiana (km 8.7) nei pressi dell'asfalto.
Qui arriva l'itinerario 3 della Fontanabuona. A destra si andrebbe al Caucaso. Noi raggiungiamo l'asfalto e saliamo a sinistra a Barbagelata (km 9.3).
Dislivello: in discesa 250 m, in salita 250 m.
Ciclabilitą: 97%
Osservazioni: Si può scendere in val Trebbia, oppure, dalla stele partigiana, scendere in Fontanabuona

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5 - Climb mount Antola from Huts of Carrega

Updating: 12/2001
We continue, from the houses, in slope reaching the point in which the vision it is opened on the slope of the valley Trebbia.
From this point an evident path departs that climbs to the right (the asphalt road continues arriving, in one km, to House of the Romano, restaurant and hotel). We climb few steep meters, then we continue with sweets inclinations among the pastures and the woods of the ridge.
We easily proceed, then we get over a steep tract that almost in peak to the Mountain Three Crosses leads (km 3,1). A descent rather rough it finishes to the Three Crosses Pass (km 3,5). To the left beautiful descent for Caprile (km 2,5 from here, not suited for the slope).
We almost continue in plain and we climb some rough tract. A steep descent brings to a saddle (km 4,7).
We get over a non cycle slope of around 400 meters and we go out on the underlying pastures the peak. We neglect the path that climbs to the cross and we continue straight on meeting a narrow road (km 5,2). We follow it quickly reaching the small church (km 5,5).
Gradient:   300 ms.
On saddle:  87%.
Observations: you avoid to climb peak with the bike because the ground, it is already enough ruined. The shelter is closed from many years.
The crossing can continue with the itinerary 5 of the Scrivia valley.
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6 - Come down from mount Antola to Bavastrelli

Updating: 3/2002
From the shelter (had been closing for many years) underlying to the peak we direct us toward south on good mule-track that it immediately goes down with steep tracts (trail sign FIE: two yellow little balls and others).
After 700 meters we arrive to an intersection where it is placed a bench. Straight it continues the itinerary 5 of the valley Scrivia.
We turn to the left and we go to descent following the mule-track of service of the shelter.
After the initial descent the mule-track maintains it to half coast and it crosses the southern slope of the Antola.
At the end of the diagonal we decidedly begin to go down on generally good ground.
Without possibility of error we follow the mule-track to arrive to the first houses of Bavastrelli (km 4,8).
In country we follow the trail signs that bring us on the provincial road.
Gradient:   650 ms.
On saddle: 100%.
Observations: it is also usable in slope, but it is cycle only 75% because of some steep tracts.

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7 - Ascent from Ottone to mountDego

Updating: 3/2002
From the Ottone center we take the road in slope that begins to the superior border of the square with gardens.
We face a monotonous slope on asphalt, with non binding inclination. We climb overcoming some fractions and, before the slope has term, we see on the right a dirt road that enters a lawn and it continues (km 8,4).
We take it. The road rises to reach a shoulder, then slightly goes down and takes to climb more definite.
We gain height with some windings, turns then on the southern slope of the mountain.
We continue reaching a last bend (to the right path crossed by the itinerary 8) and then the small church of the peak (km 14).
Gradient:  935 m.
On saddle: 100%.

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8 - Come down from mount Dego to Fontanigorda

Updating: 3/2002
From the small church we follow the road of access reaching the bend toward right. In front we see an evident path (trail sign FIE: yellow disk) and we go straight on it.
The path has a course in light slope, then it goes down to a saddle and it begins to coast along the mount Oramara.
Overcoming some more difficult tracts we continue until the path it widens for becoming a forest road (km 2).
We always continue without difficulty staying on the road and arriving this way to the construction of the shelter of Foppiano. (km 3,2).
We neglect to the left a road and we go down to a fork where we go to the left to the road in descent. The road finishes for becoming a path that climbs with some non cycle tracts.
In descent we arrive to a pass where we leave to the right the signalled path for Casanova (km 5).
We still cross some hundred meters and we go out to the Pass of Ertola (km 5,5).
To the right a dirt road goes down, in front the path arrives from the pass of Fregarolo.
We turn to the right and we go down on the ample dirt road.
After some hundred meters the road begins to climb. The inclination of the slope gradually decreases and begins the descent.
The steep tracts of descent are alternated to long level diagonals. We reach a bar (km 9,4) and we go out in a zone of pastures with few trees. We always continue on the ample road arriving to a few evident pass.
We continue to the left on the road that goes down with some windings.
We quickly lose height and we reach the asphalt (km 13,4). Shortly after we arrive near Crescione where we turn to the right continuing the descent.
We go out on the provincial road near the church of Casanova (km 15).
Fontanigorda is to the left to around 1,5 kms.
Gradient: 700 m.
On saddle: 98%.
Observations: the dirt road is also practicable fully in slope.

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9 - Climb from Rezzoaglio to the mount Dego

Updating: 3/2002
From Rezzoaglio we continue on the government road in direction of Bobbio.
We reach the intersection with the road for Ottone and Alpepiana (km 4,7) and we turn to the left going down to cross the bridge.
The road rises and it get overs the houses of Alpepiana. We find an intersection with indication for Lovari (km 8,3).
We take to the left this narrow road that rises and it becomes dirt.
We rise until we don't see to the right a smaller road, closed by a chain (km 9,8). The principal road rises still for 300 meters, then it begins to go down. We turn to the right and get over the chain.
The slope is hard for hundred meters, then it becomes easily cycle.
We continue in slope without other deviations and we reach the Pass of the lawns of Foppiano, few meters under to the shelter (km 13,2).
Here we meet the run 8 that we follow contrarily. We turn therefore to the right and we go to slope up to the term of the forest road (km 14,4).
We follow the path, that has some non cycle tracts, coasting along the mount Oramara.
The path finishes in a dirt road (km 16,3) that we follow toward right. The slope finishes to the church in peak to the mount Dego (km 16,5).
Gradient: 780 m.
On saddle: 99%.

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10 - Cross from the Pass of Foppiano to the Pass of Fregarolo

Updating: 3/2002
To the Pass of Foppiano we go toward south, in common with the itinerary 8.
To the fork we go to the left to the road in descent. The road finishes (km 0,9) to become a path that rises with some non cycle tracts.
In descent we arrive to a pass where we leave to the right the signalled path for Casanova.
We still cross some hundred meters and we go out to the Pass of Ertola (km 2,3).
To the right the dirt road goes down crossed by the itinerary 8. We go straight on the path that rises and has some non cycle tracts. In light descent we reach the Pass of Esola (km 3,2).
We continue on path with similar characteristics and rise to get over a shoulder (km 5,1) over which begins a steep descent.
After some hundred meters the inclination decreases while the characteristic rocky top of the mount Gifarco appears.
The path goes down with rocky and ruined ground and continues still to go out to the Pass of the Gifarco and, immediately later, to the Pass of the Fante (km 6,4).
To the right the path goes down for the Wood of the Fairies and Fontanigorda, to the left the path for Brignole.
We continue straight on and rise for overcoming the shoulder of the mount Castellofante.
Alternating slopes and descents we reach the final descent that brings to the Chapel and the Pass of Fregarolo where we find the provincial road (km 9,4).
Gradient: climb 200 ms, descent 340 ms.
On saddle: 85%.
Observations: even if not very cycle it develops in a beautiful and wild environment.

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Altri itinerari

  1. Traversata dal passo di Fregarolo a Barbagelata
    Il crinale che separa le valli d'Aveto e Trebbia č attraversato dalla strada asfaltata che congiunge Fontanigorda con Cabanne, tramite il valico di Fregarolo.
    Dal passo si segue la strada sterrata che si dirige verso sud. Quando questa termina si prosegue su sentiero, spesso stretto e con ripide salite e altrettanto ripide discese.
    Si arriva ad una cappella e poi ci si ricongiunge col sentiero percorso dall'itinerario 2.