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1 - Cross from Velva to Bracco

Velva is attainable from Sestri Levante in around 15 kms following the National Road for Parma. Reached the intersection it is climbed to the right for Velva and Carro.
Updating:  4/2000
From Velva we continue on the National road to an intersection where it is climbed to the right for Carro. The road continues in slope. To lend attention because we have to leave the asphalt road after around 2,7 kms. We go to the right to a road initially dirt in slope, exactly in correspondence of the boundary-stone with the province of La Spezia (trail sign FIE: double red square).
The road immediately starts to go down leaving to the left the trail sign. Some windings steep and with the ground a little bit rough and then we continue in light descent. The road finishes (km 4,8) to become difficult path that it forces to some stretch by foot and it continues with slopes and descents.
We finally arrive on an ample dirt road (km 5,7) that we follow to the right; we continue in light descent on the road that is maintained without any difficulty until to arrive to the National road (km 14).
It can go down to the right on the small road that it conducts to the houses of Bracco and then in the road for Masso (km 16).
On saddle:  99%

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2 - Descent from Monte S.Nicolao to Sanctuary of Velva

Updating: 3/2000
Few meters before the peak it is detached to the right a dirt level road. We follow it going down to a saddle; descriptive poster.
To the left it goes down way n°3 ; we continue straight on. After a little while we find a fork: the road continues to the left for climbing to Cima Stronzi (panorama) and there it finishes; instead to the right (trail sign FIE two square red) a path continues in the wood. Let's follow it up to go down to an evident saddleback (descriptive poster).
We go down from the opposite part immediately finding a fork. Go to the left go down (trail sign FIE) a brief very steep stretch, then the inclination decreases and it can be cycle.
The path slowly loses height cutting the slope and presents some stretch of gone up again. We finally reach a shoulder over which it begins the rough final descent, steep and with some dejected tree.
We reach the provincial road that we follow to the left in descent. After about fifty meters it is necessary to let it to climb to the right in the wood. Exceeded a first stretch in slope we continue in plain and then in descent reaching on the National one few meters from the Sanctuary.
Gradient: 350 ms.
On saddle:  80%
Observations:   The peak S.Nicolao Mountain is reached climbing for a steep small asphalt road that it is detached by the National Aurelia road around 1 kms after having get over the Passo del Bracco, in direction Spezia. They are 240 ms of gradient in less than 2 kms.

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3 - Discesa dal Monte S. Nicolao a Castiglione Chiavarese

Aggiornamento: 4/2000
Dalla vetta si scende l'asfalto per cinquanta metri svoltando a sinistra. Si arriva al bivio dove si scende a sinistra passando nei pressi delle rovine dell'abbazia.
La discesa prosegue fino ad un colletto dove si cambia versante (segnavia FIE croce rossa). Segue un tratto difficile e da affrontare con precauzione che taglia il versante sud dell'aspro monte Pietra di Vasca.
Si arriva ad uno slargo. A sinistra si può raggiungere in un centinaio di metri la Statale, in località Baracchino (ristorante). Si prosegue diritti per qualche decina di metri, poi si svolta a destra.
Si scende per un sentiero inizialmente eroso dall'acqua (numerosi segnavia tra cui la croce rossa); il sentiero diventa più facile, al bivio si va a sinistra e si scende alla strada dell'acquedotto percorsa dall'itinerario 1.
Si va a sinistra per alcuni kilometri facendo attenzione ad una strada evidente che scende a destra. Quando la si incontra la si prende (segnavia T rossa) seguendola fedelmente fino ad arrivare sulla sponda del torrente Petronio. Il paese di fronte è Missano.
Si attraversa su di una passerella svoltando poi subito a sinistra, prima della casa. A destra subito dopo la casa. Il sentiero diviene stretto, difficile ed anche pericoloso costeggiando il torrente, ma termina in breve su una larga sterrata in prossimità di alcune antiche case.
Si sale per la sterrata raggiungendo l'asfalto, qui si scende a sinistra risalendo poi fino al paese. Siamo a circa 10 km da Sestri.
Dislivello:  650 in discesa, 50 in salita.
Ciclabilità:  98%
Osservazioni:  E' utilizzabile anche in senso contrario. In tal caso attenzione a trovare il sentierino al termine della discesa da Castiglione. E' a sinistra lungo il muro di sostegno presso l'ultima curva e risale la riva destra del torrente.
Non tentate di guadare il torrente perchè dalla parte opposta non c'è prosecuzione.

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4 - Discesa dal Monte S. Nicolao al Valico della Mola

Aggiornamento: 3/2000
Pochi metri prima della vetta si stacca a destra una strada sterrata pianeggiante. La si segue scendendo ad una selletta, cartelli segnaletici.
A sinistra scende il percorso n°3, proseguiamo diritti. Poco dopo si presenta un bivio: la strada prosegue a sinistra per salire in vetta a Cima Stronzi (panorama) e lì termina; invece a destra (segnavia FIE due quadrati rossi) un sentierino prosegue nel bosco. Lo si segue fino a scendere ad una evidente insellatura (cartelli segnaletici).
Si scende dalla parte opposta trovando subito un bivio di due sentieri. Si trascura il sentiero segnato FIE che scende a sinistra e si prosegue pressocchè in piano a destra.
Il sentiero procede sostanzialmente pianeggiante, con qualche tratto roccioso, fino a raggiungere un valico.
Si prosegue ancora per poco fino ad un passaggio fra le rocce dove inizia una ripida discesa con tratti molto sconnessi. In breve si arriva così ad una stradina che si segue in discesa a destra con un tratto meno ripido ma sconnesso. Si arriva infine su una comoda forestale ed in breve al Passo.
Dislivello:  200 m.
Ciclabilità:  75%
Osservazioni:  Può servire a chi dovesse rientrare verso Carro.

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5 - Ascent from Levanto to Foce del Bardellone

I insert in the zone of the Bracco this itinerary of the bay of Levanto waiting for to create a title for the coastal runs of the east.
Updating:  12/2000
From the center of Levanto we follow the avenue that conducts to the old station and the walk on the sea. Almost at the end we turn to the right following the road indications for Genova and Framura.
We rise some windings and then we turn to the right in a road in slope; indications for Groppo and Lavaggiorosso (km 1).
We rise without diverting arriving so to the houses of Lizza and passing under to those of Lavaggiorosso.
We continue reaching Groppo. At the end of the country we turn to the left for a road that it diverges near the descriptive poster with the name "Groppi" (km 5).
Climb it immediately is done very steep, with concrete paving.
After some winding the inclination begins to decrease, then the ground becomes dirt and after few the inclination is almost reseted.
We continue up to find again the asphalt road and we go to slope. The road becomes dirt and it finishes to a small church positioned on the Foce di Dosso (km 7.5).
Here a crossroad is found. Ours is that that climbs to the right.
We rise for a brief stretch, then we continue almost in plain up to the Foce di Montale and we restart to climb. We reach the intersection with the road that goes down to Cassana ( itinerary 1 of the val di Vara) and immediately later to Foce del Bardellone (km 11.5).
Gradient:   600 ms.
On saddle:  100%

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6 - Descent from Bracco to Deiva

Updating:   4/2001
Yhe departure is on the National road of Bracco in place Tagliamento (or Ca' Marcone), in the point where it is inserted the road that climbs from Deiva Marina (restaurant, houses).
Near the beginning of the road for Deiva some faded poster are noticed with the indications: for Moneglia and for Deiva.
We face the steep and not cycle path that it is scrambled in this point (trail sign FIE red square).
The slope it decreases of inclination and, crossed hundred meters, it allows to get on cycle.
We rise in a beautiful wood of oak, we still get over a brief descent and then slope staying on the oriental slope of the mountain.
The beautiful run conducts to a descent that finishes to a hold saddle (passo dell'Incisa; km 2,5. The two side paths that go down to Mezzema and Comeglio are impracticable in bike).
We go up again on the opposite slope facing some latches on the crest that becomes panoramic.
We arrive on the peak of the mountain Telegraph (km 5; great wood cross and pylon Enel).
We face the descent, steep and rough, that conducts, in 700 ms, to a groundamental crossroad.
At right is gone down to Lemeglio and Moneglia (red square trail sign and blue little ball).
We turn to the left instead; trail sign blue little ball.
After an enough easy stretch the descent is made binding for the rough paving and the steepness and we meet some brief exposed stretch.
Later around 600 meters we arrive on a small road that we follow to the left. On more and more ample road we arrive to a house.
After a little while (km 7,2) it begins a steep descent, with concrete paving, that conducts to Deiva (km 8,5).
Gradient:   in descent 650 ms
On saddle:   99%
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7 - Ascent from Deiva to Costa

Updating: 2/2003
we depart from the center of Deiva and ascend toward the Bracco coasting along the stream. We can follow the provincial road or, at the end of the parking lot, go down in the stream and follow the gymnastic run that races parallel to the road.
We always follow the road that climbs with some windings up to reach the church (km 5). We continue on the right to Framura. at the second winding (km 5,6) we leave the road and we take the smaller road that goes down to the right.
The road is always tarmacked. We overcome the houses of Ca' Lazzino (km 6,7) and we turn to the right after 300 meters.
The road goes down to an intersection, we turn to the left and we go to the left still at the following fork.
We overcome a back and we reach the last house (km 7,6) where the road finishes.
We continue on the mule-track that it goes down to the stream. The mule-track has been from a little reconstructed and presents wide terraces contained by trunks.
We cross three brooks in succession, then we begin to ascend.
On good ground ascend on the slope of the mountain and we reach a forest road (km 9,1) where we turn to the right. With a last stairs stretch we reach the houses of Costa (km 9,5).
The road continues toward Framura, if we want to follow one of the following itineraries instead we turn to the right. After 100 meters we go down to a saddle where four paths are crossed.
Gradient: 320 ms
Rideable: 99%

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8 - Descent from Costa to Deiva

From Costa we reach the small pass at the west of the country.
Forehead climbs the itinerary 9. We go to the right instead. The path goes down and we immediately meet a fork where we go to the left.
The descent immediately is steep, then the inclination decreases. We continue to go down reaching a stream (branches, some dejected tree).
With some up-and-down we continue on the narrow path (trail sign blue disk), we reach a fork where go to the left reaching the ruins of a house (house Vigo; km 1,6) and an intersection.
We go down to the right and we continue then straight on at the following fork, leaving the trail sign that goes down to the right.
We follow the visible path that shortly after it begins to go down steep staying near the ridge.
The ground is passable. We go down by windings and we reach a point where the path keeps on going down but it becomes impracticable (km 2,3).
Here we have to go to the right on a visible narrow path (stamping of horses). We are going down in the valley on the right of the ridge and, after 100 meters, we arrive to cross a level path.
We turn to the right and we reach the shore of the stream Deiva, we turn to the left going out on the pebbly shore (km 2,6).
We follow the trace that goes down staying in left shore up to a ford. We look for the best point to cross and we follow the path that continues in right shore.
The path becomes small road and brings us on the gymnastic run. Let's follow it up to the entry of Deiva (km 4,3).
Gradient: 310 ms
Rideable: 98%
Observations: not practicable in opposite sense

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9 - Anello di Costa

Updating: 2/2003
From Costa we reach the small pass at the west of the country. We continue straight on a forest road that offers two binding ramps.
With easy run we reach a touristic farm (km 0,6) and we go down to a small pass.
The road continues on the right with up-and-down enough easy.
We reach an oak wood and we go down to a house (km 2,5).
Before the house we turn to the left. We are on a dirt road that goes down with two windings and then continues on half coast and it goes up again to an intersection (km 3,9). The right road reaches in 300 meters a panoramic point, advisable deviation.
At the intersection we continue on the road that goes down to cross the tarmac (km 4,4). We turn to the left in slope and we arrive again near the tourist farm (km 4,9).
We turn to the right and contrarily run the itinerary up to reach the mouth that it precedes the houses of Costa.
Gradient: 140 ms
Rideable: 98%

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