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Mister Garats

Nokia World

In this session you will find the most interesting News......

  1. Exposures type technical on the NetMonitor. This technical menu, allows of to check the correct operation of your jail cell, how your provider GSM manages the communication etc. etc. Every single voice of the 89 pages is explained in the detail and in exhaustive way. I bring here following only some screen, rhyming you however to the page Net Monitor Info. From not to lose!

Parameters of the net Operator, area,canale and cell Information on the battery Version software

  1. Varied information for the one whom it travels, as the useful Roaming Internazionale. Every marked country with a connection hides useful information and sometimes important. (You for example see Russia). If you visit a nation and they rise some problems with your jail cell, you can contribute with one e-mail of yours adjourn and to correct the whole brought news. Thanks!

  2. The answers to the most frequent questions, set by the visitors of this site, regarding the realization of the interface. (F.A.Q. ).

    Updatings: The pages that follow are adjourned of frequent!