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Mister Garats


Here is a series of " codes " to draw useful information on your jail cell.

For correctness I fix that all the present information on this page have been made a will with my Nokia 6150, (Version Software 4.13 of December 16 th 1998, Version Hardware 2340), but I don't guarantee for those people who possess other models.

* #0000 #-      (asterisk, cancelletto, numbers, cancelletto) Version of the software
Useful E' to know the version because you can appraise if to effect the updating. My Nokia 6150 are not adjourned, therefore if I insert the SIM WIND that it is a HI-Power, the rapid menus of Wind don't appear me. The jail cell doesn't have the adjourned software because they didn't exist this type of SIM yet when you has been produced. There are no problems for the one who it acquires a jail cell today.

* #06#-          (asterisk, cancelletto, numbers, cancelletto) Codice  IMEI
It's the code of series of your jail cell, finds again it on the only present label on the jail cell. You have to remove the battery to see it. Important to preserve this code because it allows of to find again your jail cell in case of theft. After having stopped your SIM and effected the relative denunciation of theft, who uses your jail cell it will insert his SIM to phone. To this point thanks to the technology the preceded authorities will verify on what number of SIM your jail cell is operating. The Provider GSM will furnish the generalities of the owner of the SIM, this will receive the visit of the competent authorities that they will seize the jail cell. Surely you will be contacted for the restitution.
In some foreign countries is necessary to furnish a declaration of possession of the jail cell, specify the code IMEI, etc. Visits the session Roaming Internazionale on this site!
I recommend in case of reparation or updating of the software to verify if the number on the label and that on the display they coincide. Is not dealt with a matter of malice but simply of a remote eventuality that the technician has taken the wrong hull during the rimontaggio.

* #92702689 #- he offers information on your telephone:

  1. Number of Series of the jail cell
  2. Month and Year of Production
  3. Gives of acquisition of the telephone. The first time that enters each other nothing is not written you, can insert the Date of Acquire but remembers that this datum cannot have changed once compiled!
  4. Gives some last reparation, if the jail cell has not been ever mended it appears 0000.
  5. Transfer given of the consumer? You can use this method to transfer the whole Calendar, Varied Formulations, Who calls, Information Of group to another telephone)
    Note: You have to extinguish the telephone to go out of this menu.

*3370 #- active EFRs. You/he/she will be activated after a reboot of the telephone.
To improve the quality audio of your phone calls you can activate the Enhanced Full Installments (EFR) a correspondence biunivoca exists between the increase of the quality audio on the net GSM and an increasing consumption of the energy used by your jail cell. If you decide to activate the Enhanced Full Installments he/she remembers that the autonomy of your battery will lower of a 5%.

If you desire to disarm the Enhanced Full Installments it uses:

#3370 #- EFR disarms. You/he/she will be de-activated after a reboot of the telephone.

*4720 #- active Half Full installments. You/he/she will be activated after a reboot of the telephone

#4720 #- Half Full disarms installments.

The autonomy of the battery increases of a 30% around but it reduces the quality of the call dramatically. Useful when the efficiency of your battery has reduced drastically! You/he/she will be de-activated after a reboot of the telephone.