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Mister Garats

Nokia World

To spare you times of navigation, to the search of what it uses, I have thought about picking up in this page the programs and the most useful material for your Nokia.

All the introduced programs are of the respective owners!

It notices well: Some programs are shareware, or not free: who effects the download of it and uses them for a certain time (around two or three weeks) the moral obligation is also assumed of to record them! This generally involves the dispatch to the author of a sum of money to refer some burdens borne for his creation. In change the planner the code sends to transform the program in a recorded version to you and therefore complete of all his functionalities. Any moral obligation for that programs freeware!

Name Description Vote
Logo Express 2.0 Program for the management of the loghis of start, loghi of group, operating loghi. *****
Net Monitor Program to activate on your Nokia the Netmonitor, menu 11 or 12. (325Kb) ****
Flash SMS You can send with your Nokia the Flash SMS. (42Kb) ***
Nokia Tool Tool to verify protections and conditions of your SIM. (74Kb) **
Logomanager 1.2.5 Novelty! Version 1.2.5 (New Function! It allows of to capture the images from your desktop! If the image of your Nokia doesn't appear tell me)   *****
Nokia Profile Novelty! Allow of, mail the contrast of the display, reset the formulations of the Nokia, etc. Useful in case of presumed malfunctions!  ***
Nokia6210 Backup To manage the backup of your new Nokia 6210. (333Kb) ****
7110 Explorer To manage your new Nokia 7110. (119Kb) **
Loghi Gruppi Harvest of Loghi. (they are 364 loghis). (126Kb) *****
Raccolta Loghi Harvest of all the loghis under listed! (they are 1544 separated loghis on 20 matters). *****
Loghi Avvio They are 182 loghis (192Kb) *****
Loghi Adulti They are 076 loghis hard (54Kb) ****
Loghi Animali They are 164 loghis on the animals (151Kb) ***
Loghi Comp They are 045 loghis comp (46Kb) **
Loghi Facce They are 044 loghis on expressions (31Kb) **
Loghi Grif They are 090 loghis on the most known brands (77Kb) ***
Loghi Love They are 081 loghis for enamored (58Kb) *****
Loghi Musica They are 033 loghis for musicians (30Kb) ***
Loghi Nokia They are 044 loghis Nokia (37Kb) ***
Loghi Operatori They are 095 loghis operating Tim, Omnitel and Wind (41Kb) *****
Loghi Ope Stranieri They are 175 foreign operating loghis (95Kb) ****
Loghi Paesaggi They are 051 loghis landscapes (38Kb) **
Loghi Personali They are 173 personal loghis (170Kb) **
Loghi Simboli They are 051 symbolic loghis (44Kb) **
Loghi Spazio They are 043 loghis with theme the space (39Kb) **
Loghi Sport They are 037 loghis with theme the sport (26Kb) ***
Loghi Telefoni They are 022 loghis with theme the telephones (20Kb) **
Loghi Vari They are 036 loghis you launch (35Kb) **
Loghi Veicoli They are 038 loghis with theme means of transport (29Kb) **
Loghi Visi They are 064 loghis on expressions (39Kb) **
Toni Chiamata New suoneries for your Nokia! (491 suoneries). (126Kb) ***
Nokringtones If possess a Nokia here 3210 117 suoneries! (21kb) *****
Nokia Ring It allows of to listen to the sonorous lines realized with the notepad. (170Kb) ***

This page is in the center of preparation! If use some software freeware or valid shareware, that can also interest to other holders of a cellular Nokia, contact me! Will be inserted in this list!