Home page Su Infrared Scheme IrDA Component IR


Mister Garats

Other Nokias

Part of the laboratory where have made a will and worn-out the interface!

Phases of development

The interface has suffered a series of test with the purpose to optimize and to guarantee a certain safety. It didn't suit me of to risk my Nokia 6150, I have so preferred, during the phases of workmanship, to make a will and stressare the interface introduced on this site.

To avoid of to engrave endless printouts I have realized the circuit on visible " bread board " in orange. E' anchored to the roof of the container with the four handle grips, some pins they communicate with the inside in way from to withdraw the tension of feeding and the varied signals of clock automatically.

This solution is useful and he was born from the demand to reduce the times of preparation during the phases of planning of my circuits. It contains, an adjustable power 1,2 - 24V 2A that use to feed the bread board, a generator of so that quadre and triangular whose operational range can be select rotating a changer to 12 positions and other. For the calibrazione of the frequency, that we desire to use for the varied tests, we have a potenziometro for the standard regulation and one for that end. For the reading of the frequency I have used the digital frequenzimetro that works from according to generating of functions visible in the photos. Testing Test and technical verifications

I have provide ad powered the integrated one of the Maxim with different tensions from those brought in the specific in way from to arrive to the destruction of the cip. If desire the specific can now unload her! (memory that they are in the format .pdf, if you don't succeed in visualizing you owe Acrobat Reader to install her 3.0 or superior versions).

I have destroyed 3 cips MAX232 and 2 cips MAX3232 with the purpose to verify, further to some technical parameters that I save up you, what it happened to the direct exits to the jail cell and the zeners that protect it.

The solution adopted in this interface guarantees some correct borders of protection.

If you don't desire to connect you to Internet to send e-mail from yours portable, it doesn't take an interest to manage your jail cell from the PC but you want to personalize your Nokia simply, then, dates a glance to the interface to rays infrared IrDAs always introduced on this site. E' the ideal solution for those people that desire something more " soft ", must be connected naturally to the mother card of your PC.