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Mister Garats

Scheme IrDA
Component IR

The cellular Nokias, beginning from the model 6150, have equipped of a door to infrared rays present on the tall part of the jail cell, you see photo to the right behind the oval window. Hands infraredVery useful is when necessity is had to interact with other devices that use the same system of communication.
Possible for example to Snake!transfer the content of the notebook from the PC to the Nokia and viceversa without using cables. To exchange the loghis called or, for the least mature, to play to snake with a colleague. To stamp present notes in notebook, telephone numbers using the function Stamps street IR, etc. Naturally the printer has also to possess a connection to infrared. In the most common case to send his own visit ticket, function Sends street IR, to another compatible jail cell. The holders of a Nokia 7110 can transfer his own visit ticket complete some numbers of jail cell, of house, of the office, I address e-mail, phone fixed of the office, of house etc. the everything in an alone " hit "!You signal oscilloscopio

Seen the manifold functions it seems me opportune to address you to the respective manuals, (they are present in the section Others Nokia), to draw great details.
When you will realize this interface, to contain the costs you can use one of the present free lodgings on the façade of the PC. The frontalino estraibile can do to your case. I refer to that available above the reader of floppy disk.
We can realize the circuit disentangling the footsteps in way from to have on the same line the photodiode for the transmission, the phototransistor for the receipt, the diode red LED ( transmission) and the diode green LED ( receipt).

Note: In relationship to the tests effected suggestion the interface to infrared to those people who don't make intensive use of the door. If you often use your Nokia in tandem with the PC, (management indexes, compilation and dispatch SMS from your PC, backup indexes, appointments etc.), a most managerial use, advises in short you not to take in consideration this interface. Direct you from immediately toward the interface F-bus/M2-bus present on this site!