* The machine, also if mainly used for toothing, still owns its
performances, and may be used as an ordinary machining center over
other kind of products or other surface on a gear.
* In case of fast table it is possible to operate turning machining.
* Machine may be used for a previous check of geametric conditions of gear,
due to heat treatment for example.
* The same machine may operate , other than involute cut, also first
rough machining and/or root fillet machining.
* With proper CNC software, it is possible to machine also large
spur bevel gears, for any generating lenght.
(Available photos on request)
* Machining of long pinions may be improved by using a rotary
table with horizontal axe, with edge and intermediate counter-supports.
* Respect to hobbing machines, speed table in continous milling modes is very
lower than in hobbing mode, with speed ratio about 60:1 - 80:1
and table is stopped in ulti-plane mode.
This means that CNC equipement is very cheaper (Don't forget that any
supply offer of hobbing machine shows different prices according
to required maximum table speed!).
* No tool rotation control is required.
* In case of machining of pinions with just a few teeth,
there is non limit to cutting speed.
* In case of power failure , no damage occours in multi-plane mode
and low damages occour in continous mode (Anyway less tha in hobbing mode,
when both hob and gear have high speed at the momento of power failure).
* Machining center suppliers are quite numerous and behave in correct
anti-trust mode.