Guides : LAW

More on Orkut and law enforcement: Brazil
["Cooperation" between Orkut and law enforcement] is something that's been going on for a while here in Brazil, where law enforcement agencies just love suing Google for "objectionable content" over on Orkut (we have several laws
OJ’s Lawyer Re-enters the Spotlight
Federal law, however, prohibits possession of “HGH” without medical supervision. Shapiro issued a statement saying Matthews has not violated any MLB laws or rules and that he would cooperate. Matthews, he said, would tell “his side of
Lindsay Lohan and Jude Law might be dating
lindsay-lohan-new-york-bodyguard-01-thumb.jpg Lindsay Lohan and Jude Law were spotted together at The Box on both Friday and Saturday night, sparking rumors they might be dating. A source says:. "She called Jude at 1 in the morning,"
See if Anyone In Your E-mail is on MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster
Many law students use LinkedIn for professional networking and MySpace for social networking. Law students also use a number of other similar services. Wouldn’t it be great to view the pages of all your friends, family, and professional
Top 50 Law Schools by SSRN Downloads
I offer a simple solution: omit downloads of the three most-downloaded faculty members at each school when ranking law schools by SSRN downloads. Odd articles (like mine) and potentially unrepresentative faculty members are thereby
google’s law
It is at the moment that you have finished typing an email requesting a meeting with your child’s middle school language arts teacher that gmail will go down for the first time in more than six months.
A Way for Law Students to Impact Their Legal Community
Many law students wonder how to stand out from the crowd. A few students at Georgia State School of Law may have accidentally done just that. They are using the web to improve access to the law. These students prepared online legal
Lindsay Lohan Parties with Jude Law
I guess Lindsay Lohan got down with Jude Law over the weekend They partied into the wee hours of the morning, ALONG WITH LINDSAY'S MOTHER DINA!!! Click here for more This is funny because I was doing a google search for more dirt
New Dutch accessibility law
On 1 September last year the new Dutch law on the quality of government websites went into effect. Last Friday I studied it in detail, and to say that I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. The law's stated purpose is to
Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review Publishes CAFA Volume
The Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol. 39, Issue 3 (October 2006), entitled Developments in the Law: the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005, has just become available on Westlaw (as far as I can tell) and includes the following works

Google confident digital liability law protects it Reuters via Yahoo! News
Google Inc. is confident its popular video-sharing site YouTube and other Web services Google offers have strong legal protections under current copyright law, company attorneys said on Tuesday.
Are Law Firms' Diversity Efforts Discriminatory? via Yahoo! Finance
Law firms that have responded to client demands by putting together legal teams of a particular racial composition could face discrimination suits, according to Curt Levey, a conservative activist who helped lead the high-profile fight against the University of Michigan's affirmative action programs.
EU tackles online copyright law InfoWorld via Yahoo! News
The European Parliament urged the European Commission Tuesday to propose a law that would force the dismantlement of the current method of distributing online copyright fees to songwriters and musicians in Europe.
Mugabe must respect rule of law: South Africa AFP via Yahoo! News
The government of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe must respect the rule of law and the rights of its opposition leaders, the South African foreign ministry said Tuesday.
Are Law Firms' Diversity Efforts Discriminatory?
Law firms that have responded to client demands by putting together legal teams of a particular racial composition could face discrimination suits, according to Curt Levey, a conservative activist who helped lead the high-profile fight against the University of Michigan's affirmative action programs. "Not only may a law firm be liable for discrimination, but so may be the individual employees and
Struggling 'Law & Order' faces uncertain future
LOS ANGELES, California (Hollywood Reporter) -- "Law & Order" may stumble in its quest to replace "Gunsmoke" as the longest-running primetime drama in television history.
Insurance law 'glitches' put lobbyists in mood to tweak St. Petersburg Times
Industry representatives work to alter the rules passed in January. TALLAHASSEE - Florida's insurance industry lobbyists, unbent by the populist tide, are quietly asking lawmakers to rewrite parts of the January law that cleared the way for premiums to drop.
Hospitals support extension of PIP law Miami Herald
With the no-fault personal injury protection law, or PIP, due to die Oct. 1, the Florida Health Association converged on Tallahassee Tuesday to try to put the controversial auto insurance measure on life support for another three years.
Iraqi Leader: Passage of Oil Law Needed AP via Yahoo! Finance
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki fears the Americans will torpedo his government if parliament does not pass a law to fairly divvy up the country's oil wealth among Iraqis by the end of June, close associates of the leader told The Associated Press on Tuesday.
Report: Cloud over N.J. 'Sunshine Law' The Star-Ledger
New Jersey's law requiring governments to hold open public meetings should be revised to catch up with 21st century technology, and officials should make sure it is uniformly followed across the state, a new report by the New Jersey Foundation of Open Government employment law | criminal law | employment law | criminal law | law