02 Mar 07 04:34:00
Specializing in licensing and litigation involving software, internet and high technology matters. Offices in Manchester, New Hampshire and Philadelphia
software law from FOLDOC
software law < legal > Software may, under various circumstances and in various countries, be restricted by patent or copyright or both. Most commercial software is sold under some kind of software
Software Freedom Law Center
The Software Freedom Law Center provides legal representation and other law related services to November 30, 2006 Patent Office Asked to Review and Revoke Blackboard Patent Software Freedom Law
Software Freedom Law Center
The Software Freedom Law Center provides legal representation and other law related services to Mission. We provide legal representation and other law-related services to protect and advance Free
Internet Law Digest WebSite
Corte di Cassazione, Sez. III Pen., 22 novembre 2006 - 9 gennaio 2007, n. 149 (duplicazione di software e server FTP) Data: 09/01/2007 • Autore/i: Corte di Cassazion
SySTEP - Systep sas - Consulenza globale Web Solutions
Systep sas - Consulenza globale Web Solutions. Progetta e realizza Siti Web - e Commerce - Presentazioni Aziendali Multimediali - Software Gestionali reti intranet ed altro,registrazione domini
Consiglio Nazionale Forense
ARGOMENTO : 16/12/2006 - MODIFICHE DEL CODICE DEONTOLOGICO FORENSE: FORMAZIONE PERMANENTE (testo realizzato da: Di Clemente Software e DCS Software e Servizi S.r.l
Manifesto eLawOffice - Gestionale Studio Legale GPL - Open Source
Gestione Studio Legale, Open Source, multi piattaforma IL MANIFESTO DI eLawOffice. eLawOffice e' un progetto GNU GPL di Free Software , per la gestione di
New Law - novità giuridiche ed economiche dell'information technology
un unico scopo, qualora una violazione ex art. 171-bis (di duplicazione o commercializzazione abusiva) fosse stata commessa su software

Law Offices of Joel A. Nass Streamline Legal Practice With AdvologixPMTM Deployment PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance today announced that The Law Offices of Joel A. Nass has completed deployment of AdvologixPM delivering a comprehensive Legal Practice Management software service suite for use by its employees, clients, and associates.
RainMaker Software Announces Platinum Version 8.0 -- The Largest New Feature Release in the Company's 37-Year History PR Web
RainMaker Software, Inc. today announced one of the most significant product releases in the history of the company, RainMaker Platinum version 8.0, a wholly .NET enterprise application. (PRWeb Mar 14, 2007) Post Comment:Trackback URL:
RainMaker Software Announces Platinum Version 8.0 -- The Largest New Feature Release in the Company's 37-Year History PRWeb via Yahoo! News
RainMaker Software, Inc. today announced one of the most significant product releases in the history of the company, RainMaker Platinum version 8.0, a wholly .NET enterprise application.
A Cheater Checker? New Software Provides an Inexpensive, Sure-Fire Way to Catch Your Cheating Partner PR Web
With the rise of computers being used as online cheat-tools, more people than ever are practicing infidelity. New monitoring software provides an inexpensive, sure-fire way to catch those who cheat on their partners. (PRWeb Mar 14, 2007) Post Comment:Trackback URL:
A Cheater Checker? New Software Provides an Inexpensive, Sure-Fire Way to Catch Your Cheating Partner PRWeb via Yahoo! News
With the rise of computers being used as online cheat-tools, more people than ever are practicing infidelity. New monitoring software provides an inexpensive, sure-fire way to catch those who cheat on their partners.
Assessing latest in tax-return software The Cincinnati Post
Sales of tax-preparation software are expected to rise briskly again this year, thanks in large measure to our tax system's stunning complexity.
Attensity Law Enforcement Analyst Desktop Solution LEADS to Help Federal, State and Local Agencies Fight Crime Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
PALO ALTO, Calif.----Attensity, the leader in text analytics software for business intelligence, today announced the Attensity Law Enforcement Analyst Desktop Solution for local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
Cyber-Criminals and Their Tools Getting Bolder, More Sophisticated Washington Post
Robert Hoyler thought hackers who broke into his computer stole only his bank account information. But it turned out that the thieves also left something behind: a hidden software virus that recorded his every keystroke.
Satori Group, Inc. Announces Software Product Name Change Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa.----Satori Group, Inc., a premier provider of enterprise class business intelligence and business performance management, announced today that it has changed the names of its BI and BPM software products to i-Performance to better reflect the single platform integrated solution under a single brand.
YouTube's fate rests on decade-old copyright law ZDNet
Wording of DMCA, which appeared in Congress long before the Web video revolution, could determine whether YouTube family law software | law firm billing software | family law software | law firm billing software | software+law