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Mappa Mentale

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2008 - Viaggio in Cina

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Ada Byron Lovelace was one of the most charming personalities in computer history. She is known as a British mathematician, musician, and is best known as the first computer programmer. She wrote about Charles Babbage’s “Analytical Engine”, explaining the process with such clarity and precision that her work became the leading text explaining the process now known as computer programming. A software language that was developed in 1979 by the U.S. Department of Defense was named Ada in her honor.

     Ada Byron Lovelace was born on December 10, 1815 to the famous poet, Lord Byron and Annabella Milbanke. Lord Byron was a strikingly handsome man who traveled widely and wrote his poetry with a biting criticism of British society. While he fell in love with Annabella, their marriage lasted only a year. Five weeks after Ada was born, Lady Bryon asked for a separation from her husband, and was given sole custody of the child. Lord Byron left for Italy and never returned to his home. He never saw his daughter again. He died in Greece when Ada was eight years old.

     Ada was an active athletic child, loving gymnastics, dancing, and horseback riding. She became an accomplished musician, playing the piano, violin, and harp

As a teenager, Ada had all the advantages of the elite in London. She attended concerts, theaters, and elegant parties. She met many famous people, including the queen.

     Even though she loved the arts, Ada was more interested in how things worked. She was fascinated by mechanical things and loved to figure out what make machines work. Lady Byron, being afraid that Ada would end up being a poet like her father, encouraged her daughter in her studies of mathematics and the sciences.

     When she was seventeen years old, Ada met Mrs. Somerville, a remarkable woman who had just published a book on mathematical astronomy, “The Mechanism of the Heavens”. This woman became a mentor to Ada and while she encouraged the young lady in her mathematical studies, she also tried to put mathematics and technology in a human context. 

It was Mrs. Somerville who arranged for Ada to meet Lord William King, Earl of Lovelace, who was to later become her husband.

      Ada met Charles Babbage at a dinner party put on by Mrs. Somerville. It was here that she first heard of Mr. Babbages Analytical Engine and Ada was intrigued by his ideas. As his idea progressed in later years, Ada suggested to Babbage that a plan be written for how the engine might calculate Bernoulli numbers. He commissioned Ada to write that plan, and this very plan is now considered the first “computer program”.

     After she wrote the description of Babbage’s Analytical Engine, her life was difficult. She was plagued with illnesses and she died of cancer in 1852 at the age of 36.


Figlia del poeta inglese Lord Byron ebbe un ruolo molto importante nella storia dell’informatica, anticipando i principi organizzativi del calcolo automatico moderno

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) ebbe un ruolo molto importante nella storia dell'informatica, anticipando i principi organizzativi del calcolo automatico moderno.

Figlia del poeta inglese Lord Byron, Ada manifestò sin da ragazzina un grande interesse per le scienze, in particolare per la matematica e la meccanica, che studiò sotto la guida della madre, una donna colta e amante delle scienze.

Determinante fu l'incontro con il matematico inglese Charles Babbage, inventore dell'antenato del computer moderno. Tra i due nacque una profonda amicizia e una collaborazione che durò molti anni. Babbage stava progettando la sua "macchina analitica", un calcolatore meccanico in grado di calcolare e stampare tavole matematiche.

Intelligente e ambiziosa, Ada desiderava partecipare a questo progetto: tradusse dal francese una monografia dell'ingegnere italiano Menabrea, in cui veniva illustrata la costruzione della macchina analitica, e vi aggiunse numerose annotazioni proprie. Scoprì e corresse un errore commesso dallo stesso Babbage e diede contributi originali riguardo alla programmazione della macchina. Ideò infatti diversi programmi per eseguire calcoli di matematica superiore. Il suo lavoro venne pubblicato nel 1843 nelle Taylor's Scientific Memoirs.

Vi erano tuttavia numerosi ostacoli alla realizzazione concreta della macchina analitica: essa risultava infatti estremamente costosa e troppo avanzata per l'ingegneria del tempo.

Il progetto non venne mai realizzato, nonostante i grandi sforzi di Ada per procurarsi le somme necessarie per portarlo a termine: perse tutte le sue sostanze e si indebitò pesantemente al gioco.

Morì, ancora molto giovane, nel 1852. (a cura di Federica Pozzi)


Procedimenti Mentali & Accurati Studi  -

Fatti & misfatti a.r. l.


1994 -1998 La Baby Sitter e le Cooking Holidays

1999 - 2001 Il Corrimano e la Fontana del Papa

2002 - Vendiamo la Nostra Casa - Uno Sguardo alle Carte - Catilina

2003 - La Nostra Nuova Casa

2003 -  Il Pensatoio

2003 - L'Ordito Crea la Trama - Guardie e Ladri - 

2003 - Ordinanza di Demolizione - Procedimenti Mentali & Accurati Studi - La Verità di Novembre

Il Blog del 2004

2005 - Fondi Europei ed Imprenditoria Femminile 

2006 - La Perquisizione

2007- Il Tessitore The Weaver

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