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Pastries in paradise Pacific Daily News
If you've ever been to the Pastries in Paradise event, you most likely left with your belt buckle loosened a bit or feeling like you're bursting at the seams.
Try wine, if ‘Spirit’ moves you Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
It almost seems too good to be true: a rare bottle of wine hidden behind a false wall in an Italian villa cellar.
FOOD & DRINK Style Weekly
Now open in the Village Shopping Center is Haru Sushi, the latest in a growing number of sushi places in Richmond, all with slightly different vibes.
Dining Guide The Times of Northwest Indiana
A restaurant that provides some of the freshest Middle Eastern food in the region at reasonable prices. The family recipes, from Jordan and the East Bank, are authentic and carefully prepared. Hot, fresh pita bread with hummus and three other appetizers are served as you are seated.
FOOD BRIEFS Richmond Times-Dispatch
Have a few extra cans of evaporated milk sitting around? Get on the Internet and check out , a Nestle/Carnation site full of recipes, ideas and a contest. The recipes include what looks to be an absolutely delightful Pear Clafouti with Cardamom Custard Sauce.
Pucker up The Herald News
Di Ana Ford spends her days surrounded by temptations that smell and taste like chocolate mousse, buttercream frosting and pina colada. Yet, the Naperville business owner doesn't have to worry about calories if she indulges.
C. F. Donovan's: A Hidden Gem The Mass Media
We continue our tour of the local hotspots. Last week I took you on a tour of UMass Boston's unofficial bar, The Banshee. This week we take a trip a ten minute trip from campus, one stop down the red line to Savin Hill's C.F. Donovan's. Located at 112 Savin Hill Ave, across the street diagonally from the Savin Hill T-Station, C.
Sweet spots for chocolate USA Today
In time for Valentine's Day, USA TODAY's Kitty Bean Yancey enlisted chocolate-loving colleagues Veronica Gould Stoddart and Robert Abitbol to test some notable U.S. artisan chocolates.
The Farm Lobby Washington Post
* 1/2 Agraria
Going Up and Around at Stuttgart's Cannstatt Festival
We planned to take our 13-year-old daughter and her friends to Stuttgart, Germany's Cannstatt Festival (held at about the same time as Munich's Oktoberfest). As luck would have it her friends became unable to go, one by one. One had been grounded for punching her brother, another for not finishing her chores, and the third was whisked out of town (the mother told me of her in-laws) by a

::: - Recipes - Chocolate Mousse
Make the white chocolate mousse: In a bowl raspberries and the mint sprigs. Frost with chocolate mousse. Chill large mixing should be covered
chocolate mousse recipes | chocolate pudding recipes | chocolate
chocolate recipes from the chocolate inn, including our chocolate mousse, puddings and trifles recipes.
France: Chocolate Mousse
France. The Global Gourmet features daily updates, international recipes, cookbook profiles, regular columnists, food news, cooking tips, wine & product
Mousse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Once only a specialty of French restaurants, chocolate mousse broke out into American and English Chocolate Mousse (Mousse au Chocolat) recipes and tips
Simply Recipes: Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Chocolate mousse is a great dessert for entertaining because 1) it looks Chocolate mousse is a little bit tricky. If you incorporate the egg yolks when

France: Chocolate Mousse
France. The Global Gourmet features daily updates, international recipes, cookbook profiles, regular columnists, food news, cooking tips, wine & product
Mousse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Once only a specialty of French restaurants, chocolate mousse broke out into American and English Chocolate Mousse (Mousse au Chocolat) recipes and tips
Simply Recipes: Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Chocolate mousse is a great dessert for entertaining because 1) it looks Chocolate mousse is a little bit tricky. If you incorporate the egg yolks when
Chocolate mousse cake - Recipe
The Chocolate Mousse Cake has rich chocolate mousse on top of a thin, delicious hazelnut cake.
Chocolate Mousse - Quick Chocolate Mousse
A chocolate recipe from France for quick chocolate mousse.
Triple-Chocolate Mousse Cake
Transfer bittersweet-chocolate mousse to a large pastry bag fitted with a large Repeat with milk chocolate mousse, piping on top of the bittersweet
Chocolate Mousse (Mousse au Chocolat)
The definitive guide to Chocolate Mousse (properly known as Mousse au Chocolat, including Chocolate Mousse recipes.
101 Cookbooks - Amaretto-spiked Chocolate Mousse
101 Cookbooks: Recipes, Cookbooks, and Culinary Adventures.

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