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Dining Guide The Times of Northwest Indiana
A restaurant that provides some of the freshest Middle Eastern food in the region at reasonable prices. The family recipes, from Jordan and the East Bank, are authentic and carefully prepared. Hot, fresh pita bread with hummus and three other appetizers are served as you are seated.
Sweet spots for chocolate USA Today
In time for Valentine's Day, USA TODAY's Kitty Bean Yancey enlisted chocolate-loving colleagues Veronica Gould Stoddart and Robert Abitbol to test some notable U.S. artisan chocolates.
Dining out: Park Place is the place for value Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
When it comes to fine dining, value really never enters the equation. When I want to go out for a special evening, whether it is a birthday, anniversary or just a night of treating myself, I don’t think of a 99-cent menu. However, I would have no problem with being able to super-size a prime rib just like I can a Big Mac meal.
A vexing vegetable has a great fall The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star
Spinach falls from grace
Dining Out / Precisely how a restaurant should be Haaretz Daily
When I learned Tel Aviv's recently opened Ronnie James restaurant was named after the soloist of Black Sabbath, I assumed I would find there loud rock music and a far-from-traditional decor.
Wednesday -- Chocolate raspberry brownie Thursday -- Mocha buttercream chocolate espresso cake Here are the two easiest recipes in our weeklong series of dark chocolate treats. Each can be prepared in 20 minutes or less and baked in about the same time.
Pairs for the palate The Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Not so long ago, a wine-tasting expedition in Sonoma County meant going from winery to winery and from wine to wine with nothing to break up the monotony.
Whats on in Clapham My Village Tooting
Local Libraries: Movies, music, learning resources oh, and books, all on your doorstep.
Emergency water lasts indefinitely -- if stored right San Jose Mercury News
Q I have 14 gallons of bottled water I purchased last year to use in an emergency. How long is it good for? A The key factor here is how the water has been stored. The bottled water industry group advises consumers to store bottled water ``at room temperature (or cooler), out of direct sunlight, and away from solvents and chemicals such as gasoline, paint thinners and dry cleaning chemicals.''
The true tastes of Portugal, in such sweet bites Calendarlive.com
"These must be incredibly labor intensive," says my companion, an inquisitive home cook, as she unfurls a thin strip of pastry to examine the multilayered shell of her nata.

Premium Dark Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Cook's Illustrated 1/2006
This recipe is designed to work with a boutique chocolate that contains a higher percentage of cacao than the Ghirardelli chocolate recommended in our Dark
Chocolate Mousse (Mousse au Chocolat)
The definitive guide to Chocolate Mousse (properly known as Mousse au Chocolat, For recipes using dark chocolate (some use white chocolate),
Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut - Dark Chocolate Mousse
melt the dark chocolate, stirring constantly, until smooth. Pour mousse into a large serving bowl, or 8 individual dessert glasses.
Simply Recipes: Chocolate Mousse Recipe
If you are going to serve the mousse straight - with no added cream or fruit, and you love the taste of barely sweet dark chocolate, your mousse will be
Dark Chocolate Mousse
Melt the chocolate over a pan of simmering water. While it is still warm, Dark Chocolate Mousse Nutrional value of each serving:. Calories:374kcal

Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut - Dark Chocolate Mousse
melt the dark chocolate, stirring constantly, until smooth. Pour mousse into a large serving bowl, or 8 individual dessert glasses.
Simply Recipes: Chocolate Mousse Recipe
If you are going to serve the mousse straight - with no added cream or fruit, and you love the taste of barely sweet dark chocolate, your mousse will be
Dark Chocolate Mousse
Melt the chocolate over a pan of simmering water. While it is still warm, Dark Chocolate Mousse Nutrional value of each serving:. Calories:374kcal
White Chocolate Mousse
This dessert was originally concieved as a dark chocolate mousse by Chef Andrea Apuzzo of Andrea's Restaurant in Metairie, Louisiana, when he was executive
Dark Chocolate Mousse Recipe-Cook's Illustrated
When developing this recipe, we used our winning supermarket brand of dark chocolate, Ghirardelli bittersweet, which contains about 60 percent cacao.
Dark Chocolate Mousse - Chocolate Recipes
Chocolate Trading Co. UK >> Buy chocolate, send gourmet chocolate gifts online. Specialists in fine chocolates by post. Dark chocolate bars, milk chocolate,
Cooks.com - Recipes - Dark Chocolate Mouse Cake
Results 1 - 9 of 9 for dark chocolate mousse cake. Pour the dark chocolate mousse into a lightly oiled evenly, and chill the cake, covered loosely
Our Best Chocolate Cake Recipes (Recipe Collection)
A moist hazelnut and chocolate cake with dark chocolate mousse. Chocolate Tart · Chocolate Tart (Sachertorte) Medium dark dark frosting

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