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Dining Guide The Times of Northwest Indiana
A restaurant that provides some of the freshest Middle Eastern food in the region at reasonable prices. The family recipes, from Jordan and the East Bank, are authentic and carefully prepared. Hot, fresh pita bread with hummus and three other appetizers are served as you are seated.
C. F. Donovan's: A Hidden Gem The Mass Media
We continue our tour of the local hotspots. Last week I took you on a tour of UMass Boston's unofficial bar, The Banshee. This week we take a trip a ten minute trip from campus, one stop down the red line to Savin Hill's C.F. Donovan's. Located at 112 Savin Hill Ave, across the street diagonally from the Savin Hill T-Station, C.
Sweet spots for chocolate USA Today
In time for Valentine's Day, USA TODAY's Kitty Bean Yancey enlisted chocolate-loving colleagues Veronica Gould Stoddart and Robert Abitbol to test some notable U.S. artisan chocolates.
The Farm Lobby Washington Post
* 1/2 Agraria
Cupcake cavalcade South Bend Tribune
NEW YORK -- The cupcake is a classic, let's face it. An unsung favorite for eons, it has hit the culinary pop charts in recent years, even the art scene. The sugary little darlings have become big business, but they still retain their cozy place in our hearts.
A Striking Entrance With Dishes to Match New York Times
Onyx, in Williston Park, replaces a previous restaurant at its location and represents a noticeable step up in food and service.
Dining out: Park Place is the place for value Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
When it comes to fine dining, value really never enters the equation. When I want to go out for a special evening, whether it is a birthday, anniversary or just a night of treating myself, I don’t think of a 99-cent menu. However, I would have no problem with being able to super-size a prime rib just like I can a Big Mac meal.
Out of the comfort zone, into a shelter St. Petersburg Times
Two City Council members get a brief taste of homelessness, offering an occasional suggestion to those who truly are struggling.
Restaurant Review: Le Bernardin The Epoch Times
NEW YORK-The year 1994 must have been the best of times and the worst of times for the restaurant Le Bernardin. Eight years after its opening in New York City, this culinary temple to seafood reign
Fixed-price meals get you to the play on time San Jose Mercury News
Your Broadway curtain's in 90 minutes. Should you try a new restaurant for dinner, even if the prices seem a little out of control for a quick meal? Fall back on your old-standby restaurant? Or grab a slice of pizza from one of the parlors on Eighth Avenue?

White Chocolate Mousse Recipe
It's such a simple dish to make, and it's melt-in-your-mouth light. You could use regular chocolate if you prefer.
Raspberry White Chocolate Mousse - All Recipes - Cake
This is a light and fluffy mousse with a wonderful raspberry sauce. Great layered like a parfait then frozen. Additional Raspberry sauce can be spooned over
White Mousse Au Chocolat - as simple as it gets » Blog Archive
So I’m still on the search for the perfect white chocolate mousse recipe I also like chocolate mousse. But I have not tasted white mousse au chocolat.
White Chocolate Mousse
White chocolate mousse is a delightful finish to any meal. New Italian Recipes brings you the best in gourmet Italian cooking.
Commander's Palace White Chocolate Mousse Recipe | Recipezaar
Commander's Palace White Chocolate Mousse Recipe | Recipezaar - The name derives from the first owner, Emile Commander, who opened this New Orleans

White Mousse Au Chocolat - as simple as it gets » Blog Archive
So I’m still on the search for the perfect white chocolate mousse recipe I also like chocolate mousse. But I have not tasted white mousse au chocolat.
White Chocolate Mousse
White chocolate mousse is a delightful finish to any meal. New Italian Recipes brings you the best in gourmet Italian cooking.
Commander's Palace White Chocolate Mousse Recipe | Recipezaar
Commander's Palace White Chocolate Mousse Recipe | Recipezaar - The name derives from the first owner, Emile Commander, who opened this New Orleans
Simply Recipes: Strawberry White Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Cooks.com - Recipes - Chocolate Mousse
WHITE CHOCOLATE MOUSSE: Stir white chocolate, 1/4 cup cream in 2 batches. Divide mousse among 4 custard cups. dollop of chocolate whipped cream.
Invisible City Productions: White Chocolate Mousse
Mine likes mousse that isn’t super sweet and that isn’t overpowered with chocolate. If you go a little nuts and put in too much white chocolate,
Search more than 18000 recipes, including the latest from Gourmet and Bon Appétit magazines, famous chefs, and cookbook authors.
White Chocolate Mousse Cake - All Recipes - Cake
A white chocolate mousse cake with a chocolate crust. This striking contrast will dress up any occasion. Serves 16 or more decadent people.

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