Ingredients: (4 people)

1 Kg. of aubergines of medium dimensions, 2 dl béchamel sauce, 2 yolks and 3 egg white, 1 small shallot, 3 tablespoons of ementhal, nutmeg.


For aubergines: cut the eggplants in half, therefore the pulp forming megrim, sprinkled with salt and let it purged for about 30 min. Grease a baking-pan and lay in the aubergines, rinsed by salt, with the pulp in contact of the pan. Bake at 180 °C and do them cook 20 minutes. Dig into the pulp from aubergines, as for stuffed aubergines and put in a greased oven dish the shells of the aubergines.


For the béchamel sauce: stir-fry the shallots finely chopped in 40gr. of butter. Once transparent, add 40gr. of flour and 2 dl. of milk. Once the béchamel sauce will wrinkled, add the grated ementhal and after having removed from fire, the 2 egg yolk, the pulp of the aubergines at and sprinkle the nutmeg.


Then fill the shells of eggplant with the compound obtained, we have added the three white of egg assembled in snow and cook in oven for 20 min. at 180 °C.


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