Ingredients 10-12 people:


 3 chicken thighs cut into 4 pieces each, 6 hg. cuttlefish and squid, 12 shrimp large or 24 small, 1/2 kg clams, and 1/2 KG. mussels clean and keeping open 1/2 Shell, 1 pepper big, 1 bunch of peas and 1 hg of beans, 1hg. of French beans parboiled, 1 onion chopped with 1 clove of garlic, 1 tomato peeled and cubed, saffron, paprika strong, 2 LT. chicken broth or vegetables or fish, 13 coffee cups of rice.


Prepare before: the chicken and shrimp washed, the cuttlefish and squid boiled and cut squares (water to boiling may be used to make the broth), and the sweet peppers cut into squares, the onion and tomato. Sprinkle with oil the frying pan and brown the pieces of chicken; to end of cooking have the pieces to the edges of the pan; proceed equally with cuttlefish and squid. Brown thus before the prawns and then the peppers, in this case, it is however better withdraw them both in a dish because they will be useful for successive garniture. Brown in the same pan the onion and then the tomato, add the saffron and paprika strong.


Preparation of the rice:

Heat the broth, rekindle under the pan prepared as described above and brown carefully the rice, add 2 ladles of broth, add the peppers aside, the French beans and peas. Have the ingredients well in the frying pan, in the rice must not be more turned but only great shaking the pan. Continue until the cooking of rice (about 20 Min, according to the quality of rice), adding when necessary some ladle broth. When almost cooked, garnish with the mussels, the clams, and the shrimps. At the end cover, with fire turned off, the frying pan with a towel and let rest 5 minutes.



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