Ingredients: (2 people)

6 artichokes, oil, salt and pepper, 1 clove of garlic, wine and water. 20gr. flour, 30 gr. of butter, 1 dl. milk, 50 gr. of Fontina, 50 gr. of Ementhal, 1 egg yolk a pinch of salt.


Preparation of the artichokes:


After having stripped the artichokes, depriving them of the external leaves more fibrous matter, cut the tips generously and empty them inside from hay by creating a niche. Cook them with water, wine, oil and salt and some grain of pepper for 10 min.

Preparation of the fondue:

Prepare a béchamel sauce with the butter, the flour and milk; add the cheese cut into cubes, salt. Once removed from the fire add an egg yolk and mix thoroughly.

Fill the artichokes with the fondue and drain in the oven for about ten minutes.


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