info: 2003

MLB: insulti a Barry Bonds
Datasport - (DS) - Los Angeles (USA), 15 aprile - Brutto momento per Barry Bonds, la superstar del baseball MLB militante nei San Francisco Giants. Per lui tanti fischi dopo la possibilita` che il 'grand jury ...
Caltanet - Washington, 15 apr. (Adnkronos) - Non finiscono i guai per Donald Rumsfeld, attaccato nei giorni scorsi da ex generali e pressato dalle richieste di dimissioni tanto da convincere il presidente ...
P4 1,8 GHz, Scheda video 64 MB RAM - Noi Sega fatichiamo a capirla. Da un lato sembra volersi impegnare pił che mai nel mercato occidentale e in particolar modo in ambito PC, con l'acquisizione di team di sviluppo quali Creative ...
Manila, 12:02
La Repubblica - Il presidente delle Filippine, Gloria Arroyo, ha annunciato una moratoria sull'applicazione della pena di morte. "Ai condannati a morte, annuncio che commuteremo la pena nel carcere a vita", ha ...
Palermo, 13:05
La Repubblica - Ha consentito di fare arrestare l'assassino della studentessa ventiduenne di Partinico (Palermo), Roberta Riina, uccisa lo scorso 18 ottobre, dopo essere stata lei stessa, il 30 marzo, aggredita dal ...
Il Resto de Carlino - Un rapporto di HumanRights Watch accusa il ministro della difesa Usa Di essere implicato in modo diretto in abusi e torture ai danni di un prigioniero della prigione cubana Washington, 15 aprile 2006 ...
Guantanamo, Rumsfeld coinvolto in abusi
Il Corriere della Sera - WASHINGTON - Un coinvolgimento diretto e personale. E' pesante l'accusa rivolta da Human Rights Watch a Donald Rumsfeld. Secondo l'organizzazione per i diritti umani, il ministro della Difesa ...
Il Giorno - Fa arrestare l'assassino della studentessa di Partinico dal quale era stata aggredita anche lei. Il fratello la ripudia, il datore di lavoro la licenzia Palermo, 15 aprile 2006 - Ha consentito di fare ...
WallStreet Italia - (ANSA) - ROMA, 15 apr - La concorrenza proveniente dalle imprese localizzate in Paesi in via di sviluppo e specializzate in alcuni settori di punta del comparto manifatturiero italiano ha fatto ...
Il segretario alla Difesa Usa Donald Rumsfeld
Rai News 24 - Un rapporto di Human Rights Watch accusa il ministro della difesa Usa Rumsfeld di essere implicato in modo diretto e in prima persona in un episodio di abuso e torture ai danni di un prigioniero di ...
Long prison term for man convicted in 2003 robbery (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
Insisting to the end that he was innocent, a South Philadelphia man was sentenced yesterday to 44 years in prison on his conviction in the 2003 robbery of a business in which a victim was shot and almost died....
Newey nearly quit F1 in 2003 (
Ace aerodynamicist Adrian Newey has revealed that he came close to walking away from F1 at the end of 2003 after a major dispute with McLaren. Newey eventually moved to Red Bull late last year....
Torres gets 20 years in 2003 shaken-baby death of girlfriend's son (Sioux City Journal)
DAKOTA CITY -- Raul Torres, 26, of Mexico, was sentenced to the maximum 20 years in prison Friday in the 2003 shaken-baby death of 10-month-old Alejandro Torres-Alas....
Reports: Bonds investigated for 2003 perjury (The Auburn Citizen)
SAN FRANCISCO - A federal grand jury is investigating whether Barry Bonds committed perjury when he testified in 2003 that he never used steroids, according to media reports....
Bonds's Potential Problems Go Beyond Steroids (New York Times)
A federal grand jury is investigating whether Barry Bonds committed perjury in his 2003 testimony before the grand jury involved in the Balco steroid-distribution case....
United Way Says Ex-Leader Took Assets (New York Times)
The United Way of New York City said yesterday that an internal investigation had determined that its former leader, Ralph erson Jr., diverted $227,000 of charitable assets for personal use in 2002 and 2003....
For Iraqi Students, Hussein's Arrival Is End of History (Washington Post)
BAGHDAD -- The two-year-old modern history textbook used at Baghdad's Mansour High School for Boys doesn't mention the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq in 2003....
Daily Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq (AP via Yahoo! News)
As of Friday, April 13, 2006, at least 2,371 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. The figure includes seven military civilians. At least 1,861 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military's numbers....
'10th Planet' May Not Be as Large as Estimated (Los Angeles Times)
An icy ball discovered last year in the outer solar system is only slightly larger than Pluto, astronomers reported Tuesday. Previous estimates by ground-based telescopes suggested the object officially known as 2003 UB313, but called Xena, was 30% bigger than Pluto....
U.S. Toll (San Francisco Chronicle)
As of Friday, at least 2,371 members of the U.S. military had died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. The latest deaths reported by the military: - Army Spc. Scott M. Bandhold, 37, North ...

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