info: VIRUS 2003

L'allarme influenza aviaria arriva troppo tardi in molte aree rurali ...
AsiaNews.IT - Il padre di una bambina deceduta a causa del virus H5N1 non conosceva l'influenza aviaria. Informare su come prevenire il virus è molto difficile perché i cambogiani che vivono nelle aree rurali ...
Warga Mesir Meninggal Akibat Flu Burung
Suara Merdeka - Kairo, CyberNews. Satu lagi warga Mesir meninggal dunia akibat tertular virus flu burung. Dengan demikian sudah empat orang meninggal akibat virus yang berasal dari unggas ini. Orang yang meninggal ...
. Commenta l'articolo . Invia articolo . Stampa . Indice ... - L'OMS CHIEDE PIU' MEDICI - Nel mondo mancano oltre quattro milioni di medici con gravi conseguenze nei Paesi più poveri. L'allarme è stato lanciato dall'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ...
Confcommercio, meno fisco e l'economia riparte
miaeconomia - È stato il tema centrale dei due confronti elettorali, nonché il terreno di battaglia dell'intera campagna politica. Ma il fisco è anche uno dei nodi principali su cui i commercianti chiedono al ...
Lasciarsi il disagio dietro le spalle
Giornale di Calabria - CATANZARO. Ministero della Giustizia, Regione, Ufficio territoriale del governo, Arcidiocesi, amministrazioni comunali, universita', scuole, ordini professionali, fondazioni, associazioni, cooperative ...
Oltre gli SMS con servizi a valore per i manager
01Net - Le tecnologie mobile e wireless si stanno conquistando uno spazio sempre più ampio all'interno delle aziende, complice l'aumento dei collaboratori "atipici" ma, soprattutto, un mutamento radicale ...
Budak maut dijangkiti selesema burung
Berita Harian - PHNOM PENH: Selesema burung meragut mangsa keenam di Kemboja iaitu seorang budak lelaki berusia 12 tahun, kata Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) semalam. Budak berkenaan yang berasal dari wilayah ...
Singapura jalani latihan hadapi H5N1
Berita Harian - SINGAPURA: Singapura merancang mengadakan latihan selama dua hari untuk menguji reaksinya terhadap kemungkinan serangan wabak selesema burung, kata pihak berkuasa semalam. Latihan akan meneliti ...
Lunedì 27 marzo 2006 - Notizie flash sull'Iraq
Uruk Net - (AGI) - Baghdad, 27 mar. - Gli Stati Uniti si sono detti del tutto estranei all'irruzione della notte scorsa nella moschea sciita di Mustafa a Baghdad, nel quartiere nord-orientale di Ur, durante la ...
Avian Flu (Migration Dialogue)
Avian or bird flu (H5N1 virus) spread from Asia in 2003 to Western Europe and Africa during the winter and spring of 2006. Birds in 40 countries and at least 175 people were infected; half of those infected died....
Benton man convicted for exposing another to the HIV virus (Benton Courier)
Bobby Ray Mezzell could say nothing more than "get tested" following the conviction Wednesday of Steven Turbyfill, who exposed the HIV virus to Mezzell....
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile 2.0 for Windows Mobile released (MS Mobiles)
Unlike Symbian phones, Windows Mobile phones don't really need anti-virus software because there were no cases of virus infection yet but several companies are trying to capitalize on fears of people and corporations ...
Ministry to upgrade bird-flu risk status (Daily Yomiuri Online)
The health ministry plans to categorize the H5N1 strain of bird flu that has killed more than 100 people around the world as a most dangerous infectious disease, the second virus to be so labeled after the SARS virus in 2003, sources said Friday....
Indonesia is bird flu 'time-bomb': animal health chief (AFP via Yahoo! News)
Indonesia has become a bird flu "time-bomb" because of its failure to eradicate the deadly H5N1 strain of the virus from numerous areas, the head of the Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) said....
The Case for Expanding Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing (RedNova)
By Feinberg, Judith For the first 20 years of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic, case finding was focused on individuals at high risk, such as men who had with men and persons who injected drugs and their partners....
Novel Virus Entry Mechanism Could Lead To New Drugs Against Poxviruses (Science Daily)
Scientists working with Vaccinia virus, the smallpox vaccine, have discovered a novel mechanism that allows poxviruses to enter cells and cause infection....
As birds migrate, will flu? (The Wichita Eagle)
Within a year, Kansas could see its first case of avian flu in birds. Health and wildlife experts warn that a migratory bird carrying the H5N1 avian influenza virus could arrive in Kansas this year, bringing the pathogen that's disrupted Asian lives and economies to the heart of the United States....
NCCo plan for response to a crisis completed (The News Journal)
If a major hurricane, terrorist act or virus outbreak hits New Castle County, officials say, they are ready....
W. Nile danger is warming up (The Arizona Republic)
State health officials are warning residents to throw away outdoor trash like old tires that could collect water, keep their swimming pools clean and change birdfeeder water at least twice a week. Doing so can reduce the risk of contracting the deadly mosquito-borne West Nile virus. ...

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