info: OFFICE 2003

Lo sportello bancario è sempre più vicino al cliente
miaeconomia - Sportelli bancari italiani sempre più specializzati e customer-oriented. È quello che emerge dallo studio 'Innovazione nei modelli di servizio della banca retail' presentato dall'associazione ...
Bellaciao - Nei decenni scorsi, soprattutto dopo la fine della Guerra dei Sei Giorni del 1967, le relazioni fra Stati Uniti e Israele hanno costituito il cardine della politica mediorientale statunitense. L ...
informazione dall'iraq occupato
Uruk Net - Now that we've spent millions of tax dollars on the CIA leak investigation, here's a new bit of information that adds a whole new twist to the saga. According to a recent article by ace ...
Le licenze di 'seconda mano' aprono un nuovo business
Computerworld Italia - L'idea è semplice e sembra funzionare: vendere licenze software Microsoft di seconda mano con un modello di business che viene visto dai suoi fautori come complementare a quello dei rivenditori ...
Indymedia Italia - E' diffuso convincimento che la guerra é una cosa troppo seria per farla fare ai generali. Altrettanto diffuso è il convincimento che l'informazione la debbano fare i giornalisti, o almeno ...
I cinque padroni dell'informazione
Articolo21 - Capire di chi è la proprietà del mezzo di informazione del quale utilizzate le notizie, e' la prima informazione che vi serve per capire su quali argomenti non potete aspettarvi una notizia ...
Giacomo Dotta -
HTML.It - Se altri ben noti problemi non dovessero bastare, al contesto bancario italiano si aggiunge ora anche un elevato allarme phishing . Il monito giunge da Websense Security Labs, secondo cui sarebbero ...
Indymedia Italia - A record of a wire transfer of money to Zacarias Moussaoui used as evidence in his trial. The jury is deliberating in the penalty phase. Al Qaeda, according to a newly revealed account from the chief ...
Antara Interactive - Pacitan (ANTARA News) - Presiden Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono meresmikan Community Access Point (CAP) yang ditempatkan di Perguruan Islam Pondok Tremas, Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur dan bertujuan untuk ...
Antara Interactive - - Dua Ribu Orang Santri dan Guru dapat memperluas wawasan melalui Community Access Point (CAP) Pacitan, 12/4 (ANTARA) - Hari ini, Presiden Republik Indonesia, Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono secara resmi ...
Part-time post office at Rudston (Driffield Today)
A VILLAGE post office which closed in September 2003 will re-open in new premises this week. (14/04/2006 10:51:29)...
Board Favors Office Option Hospital Plans to Buy Building (RedNova)
By KAREN MAESHIRO\ Staff Writer LANCASTER - Antelope Valley Hospital plans to buy a four-story medical office building that was built for the hospital three years ago by a Chicago-based firm....
Officials take critical audit in stride (Columbia Daily Tribune)
Randolph County built a 99-bed jailhouse, and what did it get? A Claire McCaskill audit and deeper in debt. The state auditor's office released a biting 90-page audit of the county's 2003 and 2004 practices this month....
French court fines tourism office for racial discrimination in vacation rentals (CP via Yahoo! Canada News)
MONTPELLIER, France (AP) - A court fined a tourism office in southern France on Friday for complicity in racial discrimination in vacation rentals, in what an anti-racism group hailed as the first such ruling against a government agency....
Norman wishes to continue as judge (Greenville Advocate)
Probate Judge Steve Norman has announced his Democratic candidacy for election to the office he has held since January 2003. Norman will face challengers Charles Rogers and John Hall in the Democratic primary on June 6....
First Look: WordPerfect Office Offers More for Less (PC World)
Version X3 of the venerable suite gives Office users reasons to switch....
23-year FBI veteran to head office in Baltimore (Baltimore Sun)
Chase, who has experience fighting organized crime and narcotics, is leaving top post in Albany, N.Y. The new chief of the FBI's Baltimore office is a 23-year veteran who worked on cases including the infamous shoe-bomber incident and organized crime and is coming from the agency's Albany, N.Y., office, officials confirmed yesterday. ...
Reports: Bonds investigated for 2003 perjury (The Auburn Citizen)
SAN FRANCISCO - A federal grand jury is investigating whether Barry Bonds committed perjury when he testified in 2003 that he never used steroids, according to media reports....
United Way Says Ex-Leader Took Assets (New York Times)
The United Way of New York City said yesterday that an internal investigation had determined that its former leader, Ralph erson Jr., diverted $227,000 of charitable assets for personal use in 2002 and 2003....
Bonds's Potential Problems Go Beyond Steroids (New York Times)
A federal grand jury is investigating whether Barry Bonds committed perjury in his 2003 testimony before the grand jury involved in the Balco steroid-distribution case....

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