Biospeleology of the Piemonte |
Systematic Photographic |
Arthropoda, Insecta, Coleoptera, Cholevidae, Leptodirinae
Insecta, Coleoptera, Cholevidae, Leptodirinae,
Dellabeffaella roccai Capra, 1924 - Troglobite insect, that feed organic substances in decomposition (saprophage), like the other rappresentatives of its subfamily. Blind and depigmentated, its maximum size it's about 4 mm. On the piemontese territory it live only in the Pugnetto zone and its typical locality is the cave "Borna Maggiore del Pugnetto" (Greater Pugnetto Cave) (1501 Pi/TO, altitude 810 m above the sea level, Pugnetto, Mezzenile, Lanzo Valley). Sturani tell us about his meeting with this insects in his enchanting book "Caccia grossa tra le erbe" ("Big game hunting among the grass"), citing it as Royerella, genus which it was ascribed at the beginning of the century.Other images:
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