Biospeleology of the Piemonte |
Systematic Photographic |
Arthropoda, Insecta, Coleoptera, Cholevidae, Leptodirinae
Insecta, Coleoptera, Cholevidae, Leptodirinae,
Dellabeffaella olmii Casale, 1980 - Troglobite insect, eyeless and specialized to the subterranean life. The author recently (1995) found a southern new station of this species, in the Germanasca Valley, in the little fissure cave "Tuna dal Diau", near the Chiabrano village, at about 1150 m above the sea level. This new hypogean station adds to the typical one, the cave "Ghieisa d'la Tana", in the Angrogna Valley, collateral to the Pellice Valley, where the species has been discovered by Achille Casale in the seventies. The appearance of this Leptodirinae is like to the species of the same genus Dellabeffaella roccai, but its antennas are shorter and the color darker than in the citated species. D. olmii is described also in endogean stations of the Pellice Valley and in the Pinerolese (Pramollo), where it's possible find it digging in beechwood and this fact suggest that its distribution area cover most of the territory of the Pellice and Chisone Valleys. It is the more southern species of its genus and shows a distribution discontinuity corresponding to the Susa Valley, also if it's possible that more in-depht search will permit to fill this zoogeographical gap. (Real size: about 4 mm).Other images:
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