Biospeleology of the Piemonte |
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PIEMONTESE SPELEOLOGICAL GROUPS ASSOCIATION The Piemontese Speleological Groups Association has been created in 1979 as consequence of the necessity of the speleological groups that worked in that time to have an central association that coordinates the activities and presents itself to the Public Institutions as only point of reference. In May 1980 the Piemonte Region promulgate the Regional Law 69/80 on the tutelage of the speleological property of the Region acknowledge the A.G.S.P. as an technical organ that promotes, coordinates and manages the different speleological activities. In particular the Regional Law 69/81 promotes, by means of the AGSP, the search activities of study, documentation and protection of the karstic environment. At the moment of its birth the Association belonged four groups, that nowadays, after many years, are eight: to the fundator groups Torino, Biella, Cuneo and Novara, have been added in fact the Giaveno, Pinerolo, Coazze and Garessio Groups. The relationship with the Piemonte Region and the Administrations that operate on the karstic territories last by eighteen with a constant increase of the quality of the realisations. As regard the tourist enhancement of the caves the AGSP has took part, always in collaboration with the Public Administrations, to the tourist popularisation of the Caudano Cave (on behalf of the Mountain Community Monregalese Valleys), to the planning of the new turistic itinerary of the Bossea Cave (on behalf of the Concessionary Society), for the Pugnetto Cave (on behalf of Mountain Community of Lanzo Valleys). By many years the AGSP products and those of the groups that form it have a good level and quality; we can remember the publications and the books dedicated to a mixed public, from the simple tripper and curious to the more good studious or speleologists. The published works are over all conceived purposely planned out for the person who want know the "cave ecosystem" and the "scientific" and "planning" problems, and moreover want know in specific way where he can begin a new speleological activity to address to the speleological organisations on the territory belonging to the Association. With regard to this subject we can remember that it increase too the number of local Groups that give speleological courses: from 1992 we have by now seven groups: Torino, Cuneo, Biella, Novara, Pinerolo, Giaveno and Coazze, that every year involve about 120 people. In the same way the constant engagement of collaborations between the A.G.S.P. and Piemonte Region regard to the speleological Cadastre is dedicate to the community, like the classification project of the cavities and the creation of the artificial cavities cadastre and of the karstic areas. The efforts of the speleological groups and of the Association are addressed to the illustration and valorisation to the technicians and administrators, over all of the Parks in which there are karstic phenomena, of the different problems and to suggest solutions and meeting and formation occasions both for the staff and the visitors. Is this the case by eight years of the "Parco dell'Alta Valle Pesio" (High Pesio Valley Park) and more recently of the Fenera Park; structures in which the AGSP is regularly involved in the proper commissions and with which it collaborates regularly. Since 1992, yearly, the Association organized a regional convention; in the spring 1994, in collaboration with the "Parco dell'alta Valle Pesio" has been organized the Internazional Meeting Italian-French "Margua '94" with over 400 congress participants. In 1998 has been organized the "18° Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia" (XVIIIth National Congress of Speleology), in Chiusa Pesio, with the participation of more than 1,600 people. The organisation of the Association and of the associated Groups has followed, during this years, the provided criteria of the Regional Law 69/80. The activity has followed the guide-lines of the Regional Law, that provide a general incentive of the speleological practice as we have described above.
Attilio Eusebio (A.G.S.P. President)
GRUPPO SPELEOLOGICO PIEMONTESE Galleria Subalpina, 30 Founded in: 1953 Publications:
Year: 2000 - n°: 134 |
GRUPPO SPELEOLOGICO ALPI MARITTIME Corso IV Novembre, 14 Founded in: 1958 Publications:
GRUPPO SPELEOLOGICO BIELLESE Via Pietro Micca, 13 Founded in: 1967 Publications:
Year: XXIII - n° 140 |
GRUPPO GROTTE NOVARA Vicolo Santo Spirito, 7 Founded in:…… Publications:
Year: XX - n° 20 |
GRUPPO SPELEOLOGICO GIAVENESE Via XX Settembre, 37 Founded in:…… Publications:
Year: 2000 - n° 2 |
GRUPPO SPELEOLOGICO VALLI PINEROLESI c/o C.A.I. Sezione Pinerolo Founded in: 1990 Publications:
GRUPPO SPELEOALPINISTICO c/o Club Alpino Italiano sez. Coazze (To) phone.: (Secretary) Marco Cotto 011.9377076 internet site: Founded in: 1994
SPELEO CLUB TANARO S.C.T. phone: Founded in: 1973 Publications:
The Association has moreover financed the publication of the magazines:
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