C-SPAN will air audio of Supreme Court abortion cases USA Today
C-SPAN just e-mailed word that next Wednesday it will broadcast same-day audio of arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court's in two high-profile cases involving abortion issues. On Wednesday, November 8, at 12:30 p.m. ET, C-SPAN Radio and c-span.org will air
Fairchild analog switches manage audio, USB sources Electronic Engineering Times Asia
The FSA201 (USB 1.1; 12Mbps) and similar FSA221 (USB 2.0; 480Mbps) multimedia-oriented, analog DPDT switches from Fairchild Semiconductor are designed to pass both single-polarity USB signals as well as bipolar analog audio signals.
Audio of hit-run arrest revealing The Davis Enterprise
Published Jun 02, 2006 - 14:29:09 CDT. Hear it yourself from the Enterprise web site: There are five separate audio files detailing the Davis Police Department's arrest and interview of Halema Buzayan. To hear them, click on the links below.
Upcoming 3D Audio Apocalypse in Vista? Voodoo Extreme
With Microsoft's decision to remove the audio hardware layer in Windows Vista, legacy DirectSound 3D games will no longer use hardware 3D algorithms for audio spatialization. Instead they will have to rely upon the new Microsoft software mixer that is built into Windows Vista.
Audio Adrenaline takes its time saying goodbye St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Audio Adrenaline isn't going down quietly. The Grammy and Dove Award-winning rock-gospel band known for Christian-based hits such as "Get Down," "Beautiful," "Chevette" and "Big House" announced it was hanging it up after 15 years because lead singer Mark Stuart's voice is failing him.
InterVideo Launches WinDVD 8 With Windows Vista Compatibility and High-Definition Video/Audio Technologies Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
FREMONT, Calif.----InterVideo®, Inc. today announced WinDVD® 8, the latest release of the software DVD player favored by 175 million users worldwide. WinDVD 8 takes video and audio playback to the next generation with Windows® Vista compatibility.
Richard Kundrat, CEO of NuVim, Inc. Featured in an Audio Interview at SmallCapVoice.com Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
AUSTIN, Texas----SmallCapVoice.com, Inc. today announced that a new audio interview is available at SmallCapVoice.com. The featured guest is Richard Kundrat, CEO of NuVim, Inc. . The interview can be heard here at http://www.smallcapvoice.com/nuvm/nuvm-10-31-06.html .
Superman Returns Videogame Audio Talk Comics2Film
Oscar-winning sound designer Pete Lehman and composer Colin O'Malley take you on a breathtaking audio tour of "Superman Returns: The Videogame" in a new online video
Audio-assisted voting for the blind News 14 Charlotte
CHARLOTTE – First used during May primaries, 1,500 new audio-assisted voting machines will be available across the county on Election Day. In the past, visually-impaired voters in Mecklenburg County have had to rely on the help of a sighted friend or volunteer to help them cast their vote.
MySpace to block pirated audio and video clips TG Daily
MySpace is partnering up with the Gracenote CD database to block pirated audio and video clips from member pages. The new system will scan uploaded content in addition to content already on member pages. Unauthorized files will be blocked and serious offenders will have their MySpace accounts deleted.
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Download programmi da scaricare audio encoder, editor, recorder, ripper, converter, ID3 Tag, jukebox, mixare, DJ, comporre musica, volume, convertire,
HOKUTO AUDIOTECA - Audio e Video da Cinema e TV
Archivio di files audio di battute e frasi celebri tratte dal mondo del cinema e della TV.
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Submit your audio content - including podcasts - to Audio Search with Media RSS Find audio files from across the Web including music, podcasts,
NEWTON - Archivio Video e Audio
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Yahoo! Search - Audio Search
Submit your audio content - including podcasts - to Audio Search with Media RSS Find audio files from across the Web including music, podcasts,
NEWTON - Archivio Video e Audio
In questa sezione potrete vedere alcuni video e audio che Newton ha selezionato per voi. Nelle categorie meteorologia, ambiente, storia, spazio e audio
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