Linux Leaders Call for Open Source License Simplification CBR via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
The free and open source software industry should follow the lead of the Creative Commons project to make it easier for developers to understand and choose open source licenses.
Apps: iNotePad, Pandora, Inquisitor MacNN
iNotePad 2.4 ($15) is a creative Mac OS X alternative to the classic Mac OS Notepad application that expands on the classic version's features. The update is the first Universal version, offering links between notes, links to files, and improved Spotlight integration. The software supports indexing encrypted notes as well as backing up databases as
The Internet is for interviews NewsForge
Phil Shapiro likes PBS talk show host Charlie Rose. He also likes the level playing field of the Internet, and has a passion for giving a voice to the "community." Shapiro has come up with a way to emulate his favorite television interviewer using webcams, voice over IP, and "free as in beer" digital video editing software, and he has big plans for his invention.
Holiday Gifts Spectrum Online
The style of a classic car is undeniable. So is the fact that most of them were built decades before satellite navigation, in-car video entertainment systems, and even power windows became common, making a ride in one a primitive experience by today’s standards.
SoundTech unveils LightSnake mic cable MacNN
SoundTech Professional Audio has unveiled the LightSnake USB intelligent microphone cable (site not updated), a microphone-to-PC cable with an embedded analog to digital converter and signal booster. The device effectively makes any microphone into a USB microphone, and includes a standard XLR connection on one end with USB connectivity on the othe
Cingular music deal excludes Apple MacNN
Cingular is partnering with Napster and Yahoo to launch a new music service on its cellular network, catering to users with mobile phones that also offer music playback capability in a bold move to defy Apple's dominance as the leader of digital music downloads. Previous reports speculated that Cingular might partner with Apple as the Cupertino-bas
Novell eDirectory Supports More Than 500,000 Users of SAP Developer Network SYS-CON Media
Novell today announced that SAP AG is using Novell(R) eDirectory(TM), the foundation of the world's largest identity management deployments, to support the more than 500,000 users registered to SAP Developer Network (SDN). SDN is the central resource for SAP's community of software developers, consultants and systems integrators to collaborate and co-innovate solutions developed on the SAP
Dot Hill Introduces Next Generation Storage Solution SYS-CON Media
Dot Hill Systems Corp. , a market leader in providing high performance, flexible storage offerings and responsive service and support to OEMs and system integrators (SIs), today announced its new high-performance, modular enterprise storage platform, the Dot Hill 2730, has been adopted by more than a dozen OEMs and SIs including DVS, Hammer PLC, Maximum Throughput, ONStor, Inc. and Stratus
Dot Hill Introduces Next Generation Storage Solution FinanzNachrichten
ORLANDO, Fla., STORAGE NETWORKING WORLD FALL 2006, Oct. 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Dot Hill Systems Corp. ( Nachrichten ), a market leader in providing high performance, flexible storage offerings and responsive service and support to OEMs and system integrators (SIs), today announced its new high-performance, modular enterprise storage platform, the Dot Hill 2730, has been adopted by more than
IP-STB runs Linux, supports USB-based descrambler Linux Devices
The latest news & announcements about Linux based embedded applications Keywords: Match: Sort by: A publicly traded start-up has announced an IP-STB (Internet protocol set-top box) with a USB-based "cable card" that allows users to access subscription content from Internet-connected PCs.
Gestori file audio/video | Software Linux | Download.HTML.it
Elenco dei software recensiti nella categoria Gestori file audio/video.
FileHungry : Linux Software - Audio Attrezzi
Category Listing : Linux Software - Audio Attrezzi. McFunSoft Video Solution is an easy and powerful video tool to capture, convert, edit and burn.
Screencast audio/video con Linux | oOo. assente .oOo [un blog su
Screencast audio/video con Linux. Inserito da assente il 21 Maggio, Installare software proprietario in Ubuntu-Linux Ubuntu-style · Ubuntu Dapper
Foto Dinamiche Panoramiche 360° Windows Vista Qtvr Apple Vr Video
Linux Download and manual installation of Java™ 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) for Video Vista So Easy software Audio Streaming non saranno più un problema
Adobe Italia - Download: Lettori web Adobe
Linux x86, Flash Player 7 per Mozilla 1.2. Linux x86 (1) (2) (2) Questi pacchetti Linux (RPM, DEB, ebuild) sono disponibili per il download manuale,
FileHungry : Linux Software - Audio Attrezzi
Category Listing : Linux Software - Audio Attrezzi. McFunSoft Video Solution is an easy and powerful video tool to capture, convert, edit and burn.
Screencast audio/video con Linux | oOo. assente .oOo [un blog su
Screencast audio/video con Linux. Inserito da assente il 21 Maggio, Installare software proprietario in Ubuntu-Linux Ubuntu-style · Ubuntu Dapper
Foto Dinamiche Panoramiche 360° Windows Vista Qtvr Apple Vr Video
Linux Download and manual installation of Java™ 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) for Video Vista So Easy software Audio Streaming non saranno più un problema
Adobe Italia - Download: Lettori web Adobe
Linux x86, Flash Player 7 per Mozilla 1.2. Linux x86 (1) (2) (2) Questi pacchetti Linux (RPM, DEB, ebuild) sono disponibili per il download manuale,
DivX DooR-Software MAC OS X-DVD-compressioni MPEG 4-audio video
Guide alla creazione di VCD e SVCD, alla masterizzazione e all'editing video e audio digitali con i migliori software freeware. Per Windows e MAC OS X.
E-LINUX.it: Software: Categoria: Audio e Video
E-LINUX.it: Software: Categoria: Audio e Video. Mappa Aziende mappa delle aziende e-linux.it in Italia. Numero verde: 800 03 04 561
Filosofia del Progetto GNU - Progetto GNU - Free Software
Pagina web con interviste/audio/video tratti dagli interventi a Madrid (maggio audio di un intervento, The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux
Mailgate.IT Web Server: it.comp.os.linux.software
Mailgate.IT Web Server: il newsgroup it.comp.os.linux.software (Applicazioni per Linux) Re: wmv 2 avi, sincronismo audio video, Mauro Rizzato