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  Casa Vacanze Cagnò


                                            I- 38020 CAGNO' Val di Non 

                                          Trentino  Italy







Chi cerca una vacanza distensiva e ristoratrice, sia per clima che per altitudine, trova in Val di Non l'ambiente ideale. Qui il turismo non è solo fatto di bellezze ambientali, ma anche di numerosissimi castelli, di chiese e centri storici immersi nelle coltivazioni di mele.

La nostra Azienda si trova a Cagnò( alt 679 m.), un piccolo paesino di montagna tranquillo e facilmente raggiungibile.

Al centro della Valle di Non, nel Trentino, si trova in posizione ideale per escursioni a piedi, in mountain bike e in auto (Lago di Tovel, Dolomiti di Brenta, Gruppo delle Maddalene, Santuario di San Romedio, Canyon della Val di Non).

Numerosi i castelli anche aperti al pubblico. In circa mezz'ora si possono raggiungere le piste da sci di Folgarida, Marilleva, Madonna di Campiglio e quelle della Val d'Ultimo in Alto Adige.


Possibilità di escursioni in bici o a cavallo ( nei vari maneggi della zona ) .Tennis e piscina coperta con solariun a m. 600. Centro sportivo attrezzato a 5 Km. Possibilità di pesca nel Lago di Santa Giustina e nei numerosi torrenti della valle.

                                      vedi METE TURISTICHE


Valle di Non

Every year about 300 million kilos of apples are picked in Trentino and most of the production comes from Valle di Non, the garden of the sweet smelling Golden Delicious and the Renette Canada, perhaps the best known and liked of this mythical fruit. 
The people of this valley owe their fortune to apples and a thriving agriculture, although the tourist activity, run on family lines in 38 communes Iying between 400 and 1200 metres a.s.l., has contributed considerably to improving the appearance of many villages. 
Valle di Non is the most populated valley in the province of Trento with about 38 thousand inhabitants. It extends from the Rocchetta gorge, at the side of Valle dell'Adige and the Piana Rotaliana, to the Palade and Mendola mountain passes going to Alto Adige. 
Among the most noted mountains surrounding the valley are the Maddalene Chain and the Brenta Group, but many other peaks, from Roen to Peller, are easily accessible. These balconies offer an impressive panorama of the whole of Trentino. 
The characteristic morphology of this vast area consists of a succession of three highlands, divided by gorges and ravines furrowed by rivers and shaped, in ancient times, by the combined action of glaciers and rivers . Besides the cultivation of apples, the very fertile soil of this valley permits good zootechnics. Cheese excells among the local products (in demand the strong Grana Trentino) and many kinds of sausages. Valle di Non is one of the Trentino areas where the 'gropel" grape is still harvested to make the characteristic mountain wine to drink with "tortel di patate" (potato pancake) a typical Valle di Non dish. 
Craft work, especially woodwork, is vital and is flanked by some small industries. The widespread welfare, reached in recent decades, has led to more care and attention of the land and environment, and not only of the villages. And so it is lovely to walk among the green expanses in summer and witness the ancient farming ritual of mowing grass or gathering hay.The offer of accommodation in the whole of the valley covers all demands and it is easy to fill one's holiday with sport and outdoor exercise, or motivate it with many outings to castles and sanctuaries. 




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