Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)12: Vitamins: Merck Manual Home Edition
Article describes the function of this vitamin in the body and symptoms, diagnosis,
and treatment of deficiency.

  • Vitamin B12 Deficiency 12 Usually, vitamin B 12 deficiency is due to inadequate absorption

  • Older people may have a vitamin B 12 deficiency because stomach acidity is low, reducing the body's ability to remove vitamin B 12 from the protein in meat

  • Surgery that removes the stomach (where intrinsic factor is produced) or the part of the small intestine where vitamin B 12 is absorbed can result in a deficiency

  • A strict vegetarian diet may also cause vitamin B 12 deficiency because vitamin B 12 is available only in animal products

  • Infants who are breastfed by a mother who is a strict vegetarian are at risk of vitamin B 12 deficiency

  • Symptoms Because vitamin B 12 is necessary for the production of mature blood cells, deficiency of this vitamin can result in anemia, characterized by abnormally large red blood cells (macrocytes) and white blood cells with abnormal nuclei

  • Vitamin B 12 deficiency anemia develops gradually, allowing the body to adapt somewhat

  • Vitamin B 12 deficiency can also cause nerve damage (neuropathy) even when no anemia develops, particularly in people older than 60

  • Advanced vitamin B 12 deficiency may lead to delirium, paranoia, and impaired mental function, including dementia

    Vitamin B1 (thiamin)1: Vitamins: Merck Manual Home Edition
    Information includes causes of deficiency, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

  • Vitamin B1 Deficiency 1 Vitamin B 1 (thiamin) deficiency may result from a deficiency in the diet

  • People whose diet consists mainly of polished (refined) white rice are at risk of vitamin B 1 deficiency, because polishing removes almost all of the vitamins

  • Alcoholics, who often substitute alcohol for food, are at high risk of developing this deficiency

  • Eventually, a severe vitamin B 1 deficiency (beriberi) may develop, characterized by nerve, heart, and brain abnormalities

  • Brain abnormalities due to vitamin B 1 deficiency occur primarily in alcoholics

  • Brain abnormalities may develop when a chronic vitamin B 1 deficiency is suddenly worsened by a rapid, substantial decrease in the vitamin B 1 level (which can be caused by an alcoholic binge) or by a sudden increase in vitamin B 1 requirements (which may occur when an undernourished alcoholic is fed intravenously)

  • All forms of the deficiency are treated with vitamin B 1 supplements

    Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia -- Topic Overview
    A discussion about this vitamin, its deficiency, symptoms, causes and a list of
    food sources.

  • Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia -- Topic Overview | A-Z Health Guide from WebMD: Health Topics                   Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia Topic Overview What is vitamin B12 deficiency anemia? Vitamin B 12 deficiency anemia is a blood problem that occurs when there is not enough of this vitamin in the body

  • Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia: Topic Overview Previous | Last updated: March 31, 2005 © 1995-2006, Healthwise, Incorporated, P.O

    InteliHealth: pernicious anemia
    Details about this disorder, what it is, the symptoms, diagnosis, prevention,
    treatment, prognosis and when to call a doctor.

  • Vitamin B12 Deficiency Vitamin B12 is needed to produce an adequate amount of healthy red blood cells in the bone marrow

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency is defined by low levels of stored B12 in the body that can result in anemia, a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency can develop for the following reasons: Absence of intrinsic factor, also called pernicious anemia — Intrinsic factor is a protein secreted by cells of the stomach lining

  • Removal or destruction of the stomach — Vitamin B12 deficiency can develop in people who have had surgery to remove part or all of the stomach

  • Overgrowth of bacteria — Some people develop vitamin B12 deficiency as a result of conditions that slow the movement of food through the intestines strictures, allowing intestinal bacteria to multiply and overgrow in the upper part of the small intestine

  • Dietary deficiency — Vegans (strict vegetarians who do not eat any meat, fish, egg or dairy products) can develop vitamin B12 deficiency because they lack vitamin B12 in their diets

  • In patients with or vitamin B12 deficiency also can be related to diet


    Photo by

    Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin B12
    Gives detailed content about basic functions, deficiency symptoms, good food
    sources, and RDA recommendations.

  • As a general rule, most individuals who develop a vitamin B 12 deficiency have an underlying stomach or intestinal disorder that limits the absorption of vitamin B 12 []

  • Sometimes the only of these intestinal disorders is subtly reduced resulting from early vitamin B 12 deficiency

  • Signs, symptoms, and health problems associated with vitamin B 12 deficiency: Characteristic, symptoms, and health problems associated with vitamin B 12 deficiency include anemia, weakness, loss of appetite, and weight loss [, ]

  • Deficiency also can lead to changes such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet [, ]

  • Additional symptoms of vitamin B 12 deficiency are difficulty in maintaining balance, confusion, dementia, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue []

  • Signs of vitamin B 12 deficiency in infancy include, movement disorders, and []

  • Many of these symptoms are very general and can result from a variety of medical conditions other than vitamin B 12 deficiency

  • Vitamin B 12 deficiency in infants is rare but can occur as a result of maternal insufficiency []

  • For example, breast-fed infants of women who follow strict have very limited reserves of vitamin B 12 and can develop a vitamin B 12 deficiency within months of birth [, ]

    Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin B6
    Includes functions, good food sources, suggested intake, and deficiency signs
    about the vitamin known as pyridoxine.

  • A vitamin B 6 deficiency can result in a form of anemia [] that is similar to iron deficiency anemia

  • Animal studies show that a vitamin B 6 deficiency can decrease your antibody production and suppress your immune response [, ]

  • Clinical signs of vitamin B 6 deficiency are rarely seen in the United States

  • Vitamin B 6 deficiency can occur in individuals with poor quality diets that are deficient in many nutrients

  • Symptoms occur during later stages of deficiency, when intake has been very low for an extended time

  • Signs of vitamin B 6 deficiency include dermatitis (skin inflammation), glossitis (a sore tongue), depression, confusion, and convulsions [, ]

  • Vitamin B 6 deficiency also can cause anemia [, ]

  • Some of these symptoms can also result from a variety of medical conditions other than vitamin B 6 deficiency

  • Who may need extra vitamin B 6 to prevent a deficiency? Individuals with a poor quality diet or an inadequate B 6 intake for an extended period may benefit from taking a vitamin B 6 supplement if they are unable to increase their dietary intake of vitamin B 6 [, ]

  • Some doctors recommend taking a supplement that provides 100% of the RDA for B 6 when isoniazid is prescribed, which is usually enough to prevent symptoms of vitamin B 6 deficiency

    Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
    Summaries concerning the health benefits of vitamin B12 and its effect on the
    human body.

  • As a result, a vitamin B12 deficiency may not manifest itself until after 5 or 6 years of a diet supplying inadequate amounts

  • The classical vitamin B12 deficiency disease is pernicious anaemia, a serious disease characterized by large, immature red blood cells

  • It is now clear though, that a vitamin B12 deficiency can have serious consequences long before anaemia is evident

  • A deficiency often manifests itself first in the development of neurological dysfunction that is almost indistinguishable from senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease

  • There is little question that many patients exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimer's actually suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency

  • However, if a deficiency is actually present then 2000 microgram/day for one month is recommended followed by 1000 microgram/day

  • Some physicians still maintain that monthly injections of vitamin B12 is required to maintain adequate levels in the elderly and in patients with a diagnosed deficiency

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency easy to avoid KINGSTON, CANADA

  • Many older people suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

  • A low intake of animal protein, the use of medications to reduce stomach acid, a Helicobacter pylori infection, an inflammation of the stomach lining, and problems with the pancreas can all contribute to the development of a deficiency

    Vitamin B12 - The Linus Pauling Institute
    Professional review including information on the functions, food sources, deficiency
    diseases, drug interactions, and recommened daily intakes of vitamin B12.

  • Deficiency Vitamin B 12 deficiency is estimated to affect 10%-15% of individuals over the age of 60

  • Causes of vitamin B 12 deficiency The most common causes of vitamin B 12 deficiency are 1) an condition known as and 2) food-bound vitamin B 12 malabsorption

  • If the body's vitamin B 12 stores are adequate prior to the onset of pernicious anemia, it may take years for symptoms of deficiency to develop

  • pylori infection to atrophic gastritis, gastric cancer, and vitamin B 12 deficiency is presently an area of active research

  • Other causes of vitamin B 12 deficiency Other causes of deficiency include surgical resection of the stomach or portions of the small intestine where receptors for the IF-B 12 complex are located

  • Conditions affecting the small intestine, such as malabsorption syndromes (celiac disease and tropical sprue), may also result in vitamin B 12 deficiency

  • Because the provides critical enzymes as well as calcium required for vitamin B 12 absorption, pancreatic insufficiency may contribute to B 12 deficiency

  • Since vitamin B 12 is found only in foods of animal origin, a strict vegetarian (vegan) diet has resulted in cases of vitamin B 12 deficiency

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    Vitamin B12 - cyanocobamin and cobolamin - information page. All ...
    Information includes deficiency signs, good foods high in the vitamin, functions,
    and suggested dosage.

  • Deficiency of vitamin B12 Some symptoms of a deficiency will include a sore tongue, weakness, fatigue, and weight loss, back pain and apathy

  • A deficiency may also result in the raising of the level of homocysteine in the blood - which in high doses can be toxic to the brain, which may be involved in Alzheimer disease

  • Severe deficiency may result in pernicious anemia also called Addisonian pernicious anemia

  • Another problem that appears in deficiency is the eroding of the myelin sheath - the fatty sheath of tissue, which insulates the nerve fibers in your body

  • Dosage The dosage underneath is the (RDA), but be aware that this dosage is the minimum that you require per day, to ward off serious deficiency of this particular nutrient

  • Other interesting points Vitamin B12 can not be manufactured by any plants, and therefore is only found in animal products - therefore a deficiency may happens to people on a strict vegan diet

    Introduction to anaemia, causes and different types.

  • Iron deficiency anaemia The most common type of anaemia is iron deficiency anaemia, which basically means the body is running low on iron

  • In women the most common reason for iron deficiency is menstrual bleeding (periods)

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia The main cause of vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia (also called pernicious anaemia) is when there is inadequate absorption of vitamin B12 from the diet

  • Folic Acid deficiency The main reason why you may have a lack of folic acid is due to a poor diet and if you drink excessive it can reduce the uptake of folic acid

  • Folic acid deficiency and vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia may also be known as megaloblastic anaemia

  • Other symptoms you may get could include: Pale appearance Shortness of breath and dizziness Fainting A red, sore tongue and a reduced sense of taste, this is usually only a symptom with folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia

  • If you are a strict vegetarian you should take vitamin B12 supplements to avoid deficiency

  • If the cause of your anaemia is vitamin B12 deficiency then your doctor may prescribe vitamin B12 injections

    Megaloblastic Anaemia
    Haematological profile, diagnosis and treatment of megaloblastic anemia.
    Vitamin B12 deficiency and frolic acid deficiency.

  • Megaloblastic Anaemia Diagnosis Many cases are seen that have a decreased serum B12 with a normal haematological profile and possibly normal clinical findings Test for methylmalonic acid in the serum as an indicator of vitB12 deficiency Test for homocysteine to check folate levels Haematological Profile Hb/RCC/Hct - Dec (due to Dec

  • Low results may occur in patient's with kidney problems Terminal ileal disease Ileal resections Ulcerative colitis (may be autoimmune) Tropical sprue (generalised malabsorption syndrome - seen in New Guinea) Competitive parasites Diphylobothrium latum Pancreatic failure (enzymes from the pancreas are required to allow binding of IF to vitB12) Drug induced Bacterial overgrowth (competition for vitB12) Increased Requirement for B12 Pregnancy Infancy Cancer Haemolytic anaemia Leukaemia Exfoliative dermatitis Multiple myeloma Disorders of Transport and Storage Folic Acid Deficiency Folate is obtained from leafy vegetables Deficiency results in anaemia in approx

  • The broken down, monoglutamate is transported across the intestinal mucosa, mostly at the jejunum and is primarily stored in the liver (capacity of 5-10mg) Condition Serum B12 Assay RBC Folate Assay Pernicious Anaemia Low Decreased Alcoholism Normal Low Acute Folate Deficiency Normal Normal Folate is taken into cells as N 5 -methyl-tetrahydrofolate(THF)

    Megaloblastic Anemia
    A definition of pernicious anemia, the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
    are discussed.

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency results


    VITAMIN B-12
    Famed pediatrician Charles R. Attwood, MD, FAAP, discusses the issue of
    supplementation and vegan children.

  • Personally, during 35 years of pediatric practice, I've never encountered a single case of B-12 deficiency

  • So in summary, it seems that vegetarians who consume enough calories face very little chance of developing a B-12 deficiency

    Vitamins: Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health
    Information on dietary intakes to protect general health and fight against diseases.

  • What's changed? Not only have scientists determined why we need pyridoxine (vitamin B6), but they are also accumulating evidence that this vitamin and others do much more than ward off the so-called diseases of deficiency, things like scurvy and rickets

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by pernicious anemia, due to a lack of "intrinsic factor" (a substance secreted by gastric cells that binds to vitamin B12 and enables its absorption)

  • A more common cause of deficiency is often diagnosed in older people who have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 from unfortified foods; such people can typically absorb vitamin B12 from fortified foods or supplements, however, providing yet another reason to take a multivitamin

  • Symptoms of B12 deficiency include memory loss, disorientation, hallucinations, and tingling in the arms and legs

  • Some people diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease are actually suffering from the more reversible vitamin B12 deficiency

  • While most people get enough vitamins to avoid the classic deficiency diseases, relatively few get enough of five key vitamins that may be important in preventing several chronic diseases

    CNN Food Central - Resources: Vitamin Guide

  • Deficiency problems: Night blindness and other eye problems; dry, scaly skin, problems with reproduction, poor growth

  • Deficiency problems: Greater risk of osteoporosis and osteomalacia (softening of the bones)

  • Deficiency problems: Nervous system problems

  • Premature, very low birthweight babies and people who do not absorb fat normally may have deficiency problems

  • Deficiency problems: Thin blood that does not adequately coagulate

  • Deficiency problems: Scurvy, a disease that causes loose teeth, Excessiveive bleeding, swollen gums and improper wound healing

  • Deficiency problems: Alcoholics are frequently low in thiamin and suffer fatigue, weak muscles and nerve damage as a result

  • Deficiency problems: Severely malnourished people may suffer eye disorders (such as cataracts), dry and flaky skin, and a sore red tongue

  • Deficiency problems: Symptoms include diarrhea, mental disorientation and skin problems

  • Deficiency problems: Depression, nausea, mental convulsions in infants and greasy, flaky skin

  • Deficiency problems: Impaired cell division and growth, a type of anemia, and, during the first trimester of pregnancy, increased risk of delivering a baby with neural tube defects including spina bifida

    Vitamin C: Requirements, health benefits, overdose & deficiency ...
    Offers a clinical perspective on how supplementing varying amounts of Vitamin C
    affects nutritional balance and medical conditions.

  • After I traced the first few cases of acute right-sided conjunctivitis to copper deficiency following a short course of very high ascorbic acid intake by these individuals, subsequent cases were quite amused when asked about - and confirmed - their recent Vitamin C "overdose" as soon as they walked into my office

  • In another chronic copper deficiency / high Vitamin C example, a young boy was brought into my office to investigate the reason why his leg bones were soft and becoming increasingly malformed

  •  It turned out that his father was giving him 2, 000 mg of Vitamin C a day, starting shortly after he was born, which resulted in a severe, long-term copper deficiency

  • With low calcium, there are a number of possible such as insomnia or light / restless sleep, anxieties, leg cramps (left-sided only, unless magnesium is also low), increasing daytime fatigue, joint pains (more so left-sided), brittle nails with vertical ridges due to low calcium ratios, or increasingly horizontal groove-like ridges as a result of prolonged, severe deficiency, or gastrointestinal problems, and others, depending on what else is affected in the body

    Short Bowel Syndrome
    Definition, early and long term nutritional support nutrition assessment,
    intervention and outcome.

  • It can take from several months to several years for a vitamin B12 deficiency to develop; therefore, long term, regular monitoring of B12 status is necessary

  • (It can take years for vitamin B12 deficiency to develop) If intestinal loss is in ileum, give ADEK's multivitamin (1mL liquid/day for infants< 1 year; 2 mL liquid/day for children 1-3 years; 1 chewable tablet per day for children 3-10 years; 1-2 chewable tablets per day for children >10 years)

  • If deficiency of vitamin A give additional vitamin A in water soluble form (Aquasol A)

  • If deficiency of vitamin E, give additional vitamin E in water soluble form (Aquasol E or Liqui-E)

  • If deficiency of vitamin D, give Calcitriol, (Rocaltrol), and make sure child is receiving at least RDA of

  • If deficiency of magnesium, give Magnesium-Protein Complex If deficiency of zinc, give zinc supplement Once vitamin B12 levels are in the low normal range, begin intramuscular shots of vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) every 1 to 3 months

  • Dosages for vitamin and mineral supplements will vary depending on a child's age, size, and degree of deficiency

  • Consult the child's physician and pharmacist for appropriate dosage of vitamin and/or mineral to treat deficiency

    Veg*n - Ask the Dietitian
    Ask Joanne Larsen, Registered Dietitian and nutrition counselor, about transition -
    it's more than eating fruits and vegetables.

  • Any tips? Considering her age, any additional recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Cracks in the corners of your mouth could indicate a (vitamin B2) deficiency

  • But, since she is taking a multivitamin, I doubt riboflavin deficiency is the cause unless she is abusing

  • Is her tongue coated white or the inside of her mouth coated white? These would be additional symptoms of a riboflavin deficiency

  • Riboflavin deficiency may slow or stop your daughter's

  • If the doctor suspects a riboflavin deficiency, then he can prescribe several times the RDA for riboflavin, but the doctor needs to check for other symptoms

  • Riboflavin deficiency can occur because of even when adequate amounts of riboflavin are present

  • BTW, her doctor may not suspect a riboflavin deficiency because traditional medicine has taught that vitamin deficiencies, other than, do not exist in the US because of an adequate food supply

  • Dairy - consuming vegetarians commonly develop deficiency because of multiple effects of milk on iron metabolism

  • Vegetarians do need B12 - but the risk of deficiency approaches zero on a pure vegetarian diet

    Nutritional & Metabolic TeleMedicine/ Maximal Health by the ...
    Provides abstracts from publications, information on B-12 deficiency, metabolic
    disorders and alternative nutrition. Newsletter available by subscription.

  • So far (Jan., 2006) he has only found one lab that uses it: Allina Medical Labs, in Minnesota! He is also an expert on the various serious, but usually undiagnosed and neglected, manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency, and many other nutritional and metabolic deficiencies

    The Vegetarian Society UK - Information Sheet - Cats - a ...
    The Vegetarian Society Information Sheet cautions against feeding cats a vegetarian

  • Arachidonic acid deficiency takes some time to develop but its effect on the cat is profound

  • Thiamin Cats are very susceptible to deficiency of this vitamin, which is rapidly destroyed by heat

  • Excess polyunsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils can lead to a vitamin E deficiency related illness


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