


Sai Baba – A Spiritual Guru of this Era. Sai, Sai Baba, Shirdi Sai ...
The history and teachings of the saint. Includes a picture gallery and an English
translation of Sai Satcharitra, the original work of Shri Hemadpant in ...

  • Sri Sai Baba, a personification of spiritual perfection and an epitome of compassion, lived in the little village of Shirdi in the state of Maharashtra (India) for sixty years

  • Like most of the perfect saints he left no authentic record of his birth and early life before arriving at Shirdi

  • your popup blocker may block it) Sri Sai Baba, a personification of spiritual perfection and an epitome of compassion, lived in the little village of Shirdi in the state of Maharashtra (India) for sixty years

  • Like most of the perfect saints he left no authentic record of his birth and early life before arriving at Shirdi

  • - Please read Sai Baba books in Hindi - Sri Sai Baba Satcharitra in Hindi language Here is a collection of various books on Baba Sai In the middle of last century when as a boy of 16 years of age, he first appeared at Shirdi (Maharastra) under a neem tree as a sage he absorbed a hard life

  • Great devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba

  • Download Sri Shirdi Sai Baba's beautiful Screensaver

  • Download Sai Baba Bhajans, Aarties, Aarti Mp3 Download Sri Shirdi Sai Baba's beautiful Screensavers and Wallpapers

    Sai Baba of Shirdi
    Contains information on life and teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba. Information on
    Shirdi, interactive book to share devotees experiences, picture gallery, ...

    Florida Shirdi Sai Temple
    A temple devoted to Shirdi Sai Baba. Features temple location, worshiping schedule,
    services and photo gallery.

    Welcome to the World of Shirdi Sai Baba
    Shri Sai Baba is the essence and embodiment of spiritual enlightenment and
    religious harmony. He awakened people to the eternal truth.


    Photo by

    Shree Sai Dham
    Life and teachings and preachings of Shree Sai baba. Includes some rare photographs.
    Though the opening page is in English the main site is in Marathi and ...

  • NOTE : Shirdi.Org is an informational site about BABA

  • We do not arrange for site tours or arrange visits to Shirdi

    Gruppo MSN su Sri Sathya Sai Baba
    Gli insegnamenti spirituali di Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. "La religione dell'amore".

    Sai Baba Avatar
    Comunidad dedicada a compartir y difundir el mensaje espiritual de Bhagavan Sri
    Sathya Sai Baba.

  • ESTA PÁGINA NO PERTENECE A LA ORGANIZACIÓN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA Desde el 9 al 20 de agosto se celebrará por primera vez 'Ati Rudra Maha Yajna' en Prashanti Nilayam - : RECIBA EN SU CORREO LOS ÚLTIMOS ARCHIVOS Y TRADUCCIONES SAI DIRECTAMENTE ¿COMO SUBCRIBIRSE? ENVIANDO UN MENSAJE EN BLANCO A COLOCANDO COMO ASUNTO 'ENVÍO DIRECTO' LA PRINCIPAL COMUNIDAD SAI DE HABLA HISPANA EN INTERNET, 5.881 MIEMBROS <= MENÚ PRINCIPAL COSTADO IZQUIERDO DE PÁGINA | ULTIMA ACTUALIZACIÓN 05-08-2006 Mensaje Sai diario, sobre su vida, Sai Baba de Shirdi, divinas palabras, sadhana, diálogos con Sai, sobre sus milagros, canciones Sai, historia semanal, de sus libros, sus enseñanzas, noticias, mantras, ACTUALIZACIONES..

  • Colección Vahini, La Vida de Sai Baba I al IV, libros de discursos, El Bhagavata, El Ramakhata, Diálogos con Sai Baba, La vida de Sai Baba de Shirdi ..

    Shirdi Saibaba Temple
    Location, travel information, and the sacred places in and around Shirdi.

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    Sai Baba of Shirdi
    Life and teachings of the saint. includes a photo gallery and sai aratis.

  • Search: The Web Tripod « | » Shri Shirdi Sai Baba A website on the Unique Saint and his teachings It is Recommended that you view this site with an IE 4+ Browser A site by Shivganesh

    Sai Baba Links
    A directory of Internet sites about Sai Baba's life, work, and teachings.

    Sai Samsthan: USA
    Teachings and philosophy of the Shirdi Saibaba. Includes details of temple and
    other community activities.

    Sai Baba of Shirdi
    This site is devoted to Him.


    Shirdi Sai Baba Temple
    This temple dedicated to Shirdi Sai Baba was established in 1980 in Tamil Nadu,
    Madras in India.

    Spirituelle Gemeinschaft um Sathya Sai Baba. Website mit Informationen zu Guru,
    zur Organisation und zu Zentren in Deutschland.

  • Drei Sai-Inkarnationen Shirdi Sai Baba Sathya Sai Baba Ebenso wie Allah für die Muslims, Vater, Sohn und Heiliger Geist für die Christen, Jahwe für die Juden, die Buddha-Natur für die Buddhisten, Ahura Mazda für die Parsen, das Höchste Selbst für die Anhänger des Vedanta oder der Große Geist für die Ureinwohner Amerikas, ist Sai Baba der Name für die allgegenwärtige, höchste Wirklichkeit, die in den meisten Religionen als Gott bezeichnet wird

  • Die erste Inkarnation war Shirdi Sai Baba, der acht Jahre vor der Geburt Sathya Sai Babas seinen irdischen Körper verließ

  • Shirdi Sai Baba machte durch sein Leben die Vaterschaft Gottes und die Bruderschaft der Menschen deutlich

    The Sai Baba Files
    Questions for spiritual seekers to ask, a biographical sketch, lengthy quotations
    from the master, news article about a UN agency withdrawing from a conference ...

  • At the age of 13/14, after a kind of "crisis", he left the family proclaiming to be Sai Baba, reincarnation of a previous Sai Baba (Shirdi Sai Baba, a muslim saint who lived at Shirdi, another little village); stating to have a precise mission, and that his devotees were waiting for him

    Om Sai Mandir :: Sai Baba Mandir :: Shirdi Sai Baba :: Sathya Sai Baba
    Location, timings, and activities of the temple.

    Welcome to Shirdi Sai Center, NY : Sai Baba Site
    A project to construct a new temple at Flushing.

  • sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai sai baba dwarakamaishirdi dwaraka mai

    Sai Baba
    Verslag van een bezoek aan de ashram van Sai Baba. Beschrijft de sfeer en de
    regels op diens terrein en de manier waarop zijn liefde in de praktijk gebracht ...

  • Op ongeveer 250 km van Puttaparti bevindt zich een huis dat is gewijd aan een geestverwant van Baba, Shirdi Baba die in het begin van deze eeuw stierf en die in grote delen van India als een weldoener wordt vereerd

  • In een kamer is een heiligdom ter ere van Sai Baba en Shirdi Baba ingericht

    Sai Baba
    Articles, bhajans, discourses, and miracles.

    NHNE Special Report: Sai Baba
    Reproduces an article from a humanist perspective, and a letter from an ex-devotee.

  • In 1918 during His earlier incarnation as the Sai Baba of Shirdi, He had revealed that 8 years after leaving the Shirdi body, He would be reborn in Puttaparthi village of Easwaramma, "as the moon grows in the sky, " and a male child was born on 23 November, 1926


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