Bartcop.com Daily political news, humor and criticism of the right wing.
God saved Bush from that plane wreck, ...that proved God was real to Der Monkey
Boing Boing
A directory of wonderful things.
( Thanks, John ) posted by Xeni Jardin at 08:12:47 AM | Delhi hires monkey thugs who make bad monkeys their bitches Indiaâs Delhi Metro has hired a posse of tough primates (with a wrangler) to scare away ubiquitous troublemaking local monkeys
This sounds silly if you haven't been to this part of the world, but monkeys really do get around there
In an effort to keep monkeys out of the New Delhi subways, authorities have called in one of the few animals known to scare the creatures â a fierce-looking primate called the langur, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported Wednesday
The decision to hire a langurwallah â a man who trains and controls the langurs â came after a monkey got into a metro car June 9, the newspaper reported
In that incident, a monkey boarded a train at the underground Chawri Bazaar station and reportedly scared passengers by scowling at them for three stops
This is the same sort of creature Delhi Metro officials will hire to shoo off local scowler monkeys
Monkeys and Foxes in Japanese Folktales
Student essay by Yoshi-Yoshi on two of the most prominent figures in Japanese
Monkeys and Foxes in Japanese Folktales (c) Yoshi-Yoshi Submitted to Mr
The purpose of this research paper is to show how the Japanese viewed monkeys and foxes in folktales, because both animals are smart and have something in common
One of the most prominent figures of all animals in Japanese folktales is the monkey, because the monkey is the most human like animal
Monkeys are one of the native animals of Japan and have been living with the Japanese from ancient times
The characteristic of the monkey is rather ambivalent
The monkey is described as an evil, cunning animal
Also the monkey is witty, humorous, and somewhat lovable
Ohnuki-Tierney, the writer of 'The Monkey as a Mirror, ' wrote that the monkey was regarded as a sacred mediator, while it was regarded as a metaphor for an ugly human, a trickster, and an evil deity
The reason of this ambivalent character of monkeys is that they were a source of food when the way to obtain food still was hunting and gathering, but as the agriculture was introduced to the Japanese, monkeys became a nuisance to peasants because they made a havoc of crops
Community based news oriented weblog.

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Monkey's Audio Lossless compression of digital music.
Home | Latest Version: 4.01b2 (February 17, 2006) download now Message Board: Features: Efficient (fast and great compression) Monkey's Audio is highly optimized and highly efficient Perfect sound absolutely no quality loss, meaning it sounds perfect and decompresses perfect (it's lossless!) Media Center, Winamp, and more support supported by many popular players and rippers Easy the Windows environment interface is both powerful and easy to use Free Monkeys Audio is completely free! Error detection Monkeys Audio incorporates redundant CRCs to ensure proper decompression of data (errors never go unnoticed) Tagging support Monkeys Audio uses its own extremely flexible APE Tags so you can easily manage and catalogue your Monkeys Audio collection
External coder support - you can use Monkey's Audio as a front-end for all of your encoding needs Freely available source code, simple SDK and non-restrictive licensing - other developers can easily use Monkey's Audio in their own programs -- and there are no evil restrictive licensing agreements Description: Monkeys Audio is a fast and easy way to compress digital music
FlickFilosopher.com: Pirates of the Caribbean
Detailed movie review and interesting commentary.
| Pirate's Life for Me Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl find the latest reviews get your daily movie dose at the Yo ho ho ho my goodness: a scoundrel Johnny Depp in sea-dog duds and kohled Rudolph Valentino eyes and a nobly upstanding Orlando Bloom denying his pirate heritage and a fiery Keira Knightley who really, really hates corsets and dares to look pirate captains defiantly in the eye and the thrilling clang of swords on deck and the black skull- and- crossbones flapping in the breeze and buccaneering on the high seas and a damned pirate crew and a cursed secret treasure and an evil little monkey and crystal-blue ocean waters and revenge and brave escapades and true love
Suffice to say that Elizabeth and Will will be swept up into the fun and the swordfighting and the walking the plank and the cannons thundering and the shenanigans of the aforementioned evil monkey what belongs to Barbossa
Monkey Day
A guide to celebrating Monkey Day on December 14th.
Friends Special thanks to for hosting this year's official Monkey Day Party, you can find some photos of the debacle at the site
Monkey Day needs your help! The petition to make Monkey Day a national holiday needs your signature to make it a reality, if you haven't already please do so
E-mails used to sign the petition are kept confidential and not used for evil purposes, so you have nothing to lose except Monkey Day
Also, you can help by spreading the word of Monkey Day to your friends and family, or post a Monkey Day link on your website, link buttons and banners can be found in the
Please help us to promote the to make Monkey Day a recognized national holiday
Monkey Day is looking for pictures of your Monkey Day celebration, Sneem has been busy setting up accounts for pictures and for more generally interesting
W hat do you have planned for this years Monkey Day celebration? Not sure what to wear for the big Monkey's Eve party? Check out the updated section for the latest in monkey shirts and gear, and be sure to us with whatever monkey mayhem pictures or stories that you have to share about your Monkey Day experience
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Návody, tutoriály, novinky a diskuze k oblíbenímu opensource programu pro tvorbu
3D grafiky - Blenderu.
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Toy Tokyo Online catalog of rare, collectible and popular toys (action figures, vintage
robots, roto-plastic figures, wind-ups and others) from all over the world.
IMDb's Family Guy Credits and information for Family Guy (1999).
The Curse of Monkey Island for PC - The Curse of Monkey Island PC ... Rated 9.0/10 by Michael E. Ryan. "Like its predecessors, The Curse of
Island has all the makings of a classic."
: | E-mail: Password: | background color: search: Tune in at 4pm PDT for our live weekly show! Buy It Like its predecessors, The Curse of Monkey Island has all the makings of a classic
Posted Nov 25, 1997 | Size: 18.5MB | Downloads: 24, 095 Latest GameSpot Updates Movie Feb 14, 2006 Feature Feb 14, 2006 Feature Oct 13, 1999 Feature Sep 3, 1999 Feature Jun 15, 1999 Feature Jan 31, 1998 Feature Jan 31, 1998 Download Nov 25, 1997 Latest Player Reviews 2 users agree with this review superb 'Instant classic' The Curse of Monkey Island is a great, fun and hilarious game
Posted Aug 8, 2006 11:30 am PT superb 'Grows on you' Years have passed, technology has improved and we still dont know what the secret of Monkey Island really is
Posted Aug 4, 2006 12:25 pm PT perfect 'Old-school' Monkey Island 3 Posted Aug 3, 2006 5:51 am PT superb 'Best in series' Best in the series, and perhaps genre! Posted Jul 23, 2006 3:11 pm PT perfect 'Masterpiece' The Amazing Curse Of Monkey Island Posted Jul 22, 2006 11:52 am PT Tell the world what you think of Curse of Monkey Island
Current Topics In Our Forum 3 posts 3 posts 4 posts 8 posts 8 posts The Curse of Monkey Island | Check Prices Vital Stats Publisher: Developer: Release Date: Oct 31, 1997 9.0 9.3 (1, 427 votes) 8.8 (13 reviews) Rank: 1, 492 of 32, 583 64 Rank on PC: 504 of 7, 182 Player Reviews: Wish Lists: 171 Collections: 3, 086 Now Playing: 74 Tracking: 663 Your Score: This content requires Macromedia Flash Player 7 or higher
Neoseeker: Ape Escape
Offers cheats, frequently asked questions, walkthroughs, links, and a discussion board.
| » « | n e o s e e k : | « | : : : : : Ape Escape Other games in this series · · · · · · Ape Escape | Main Profile Product Info Genre: Publisher: Developer: Release Date: June 18, 99 Product Page: Screen Shots: Wishlist/Ownlist Members: Log in to add this item to your want or wish list! Playing Spike, it's your responsibility to make sure that a bunch of monkeys don't become masters of this planet
They've managed to travel through time and with the inspiration of their evil monkey leader Specter they plan to keep you and every other human locked away in an amusement park
All about sleep and the study of it.
The work is good and useful, but the findings are far from Earth-shattering.Using microarrays, they have shown that expression of many genes cycle in a circadian manner in the adrenal glands of monkeys
This has been done with a number of tissues to date, including heart, lung, liver and fibroblasts.I'd get really excited if, in their next study, they transplant an adrenal from one monkey to another and force all rhythms of the (SCN-lesioned) host to adopt the period and phase of the transplant - that would show that the adrenal is not just a clock (which is boring - every cell is a clock), but a pacemaker of the circadian system.People in the field of chronobiology have targeted the adrenal as a potential pacemaker for a long time (since 1948 work by Curt Richter) and many experiments have been performed in the past in rodents and chickens (a friend of mine did his PhD dissertation on this topic) and all the results were always negative - adrenal is functioning as a peripheral clock, but not a pacemaker
Marconnet, David
Includes art, news, and faith.
An amusing web diversion where the user is asked to select the monkey from among
several images given.
Navigation | FIND-THE-MONKEY Perhaps you have heard of ? Well, this is the same idea, only in this case, you're looking for a monkey
An extensive Bronco owners community including forums, polls, photo galleries
and shopping. The site also offers interesting and technical articles for all ...
Topspin: Iron Monkey
Review of the Region 2 DVD, focusing on the DVD extras.
Topspins.net - - - - Web Links Buy It IRON MONKEY - R2 BRITISH Film To hell with subtlety! Directed by the fight choreographer of The Matrix and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon , Iron Monkey is a glossy and luridly colourful good ninjas vs evil Shaolin monks kung fu romp, chocka with furiously energetic OTT wire assisted fight scenes that make no pretence at realism and utterly diregard the laws of physics
You get the usual thin plot, hammy theatrical overacting, lots of boring narrative scenes between the fights, gratingly idiosyncratic far eastern humour and post-synched dialogue and is quite obviously filmed on a studio set, but Iron Monkey manages to escape from the kung fu dungeon both by it's slickness (it screams 'well put together considering the lw budget') an sheer audacity
The local 'Robin Hood' Iron Monkey goes around stealing from the wicked rich and gives to the poor
Desperate to catch Iron Monkey the governor imprisons anyone who can fight or act like a monkey! The honourable Master Wong Kei-Ying and his son Wong Fei-Hung are dropped into this mess and much frenzied high kicking and leaping about fighting ensues as Wong Kei-Ying hunts down Iron Monkey believing him to be the villain
TJ Monkey's: On Being Rivers Cuomo
A humor essay about the lead singer of Weezer.
Monkey's, All rights reserved
Likalia's Labyrinth
Personal page features a weblog and a biography.
Game Monkeys
Eschews advertising to provide reviews for console and PC games as well as pen &
paper, collectible card games, and anime.
Game Reviews for PC, PS2, X-Box, Playstation, CCGs, Pen and Paper Role Playing and Table Top Games, plus Movies, DVDs, and Anime! Welcome, Fellow Monkeys! Honest, Hard Hitting, and Damned Funny Reviews! PC - Xbox - Playstation - Pen & Paper Games - Movies - Anime - & Much, Much, More! You've been demanding it for years and we've finally given in to the unrelenting pressure....So now you announce your Game Monkey status to the world with our new shirts, mugs, undies, and other goodies! Available from, Game Monkey gear features our mascot monkey in all his burned out, drooling, and game playing glory! Our Latest Reviews and Features: Game Monkeys' review staff is on a temporary hiatus
Our Editor in Chief is in on assignment in New Zealand, three of our four head writers are on vacation, and we couldn't trust the webmonkey to be alone in the office so we've locked him in the closet for the duration
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