


Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Credits and production notes.

  • | to personalize   | Showing page 1 of 37 main details summary soundtrack listing laserdisc details on tv, schedule links showtimes You need to be a user of the IMDb to rate a movie - I have seen this movie and would like to Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith () Directed by Writing credits (written by) (117 photos) Genre: / / / Tagline: The saga is complete

  • Commander Cody Also Known As: Revenge of the Sith (USA) (short title) Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith (USA) (DVD box title) Star Wars: Episode III (USA) (working title) Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (USA) (promotional title) : Rated PG-13 for sci-fi violence and some intense images

  • Warning though, Anakin's change to Darth Vader is quite scary and will definitely upset the little ones! Wow, Lucas has done it, and made a successful connection to the original Star Wars film, A New Hope! One of the coolest bits is seeing the Tantive IV, Bail Organa's rebel blockade runner, from A New Hope in action towards the end of Revenge of the Sith

  • All of John Williams music has pieces of the earlier prequels and some elements from the classic films to tie Revenge of the Sith with the other five films of the saga

    Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
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    Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
    Information and news.

  • Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Starring: Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Frank Oz, Jimmy Smits, Christopher Lee, Samuel L

  • Tuesday, June 15th, 2004 Revenging the Siths..

    TheForce.Net - Episode III - Latest News
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    TheForce.Net - Your Daily Dose of Star Wars
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    books, comics, toys, and games. Fan art, fan fiction, and links.

    Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005): Reviews
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  • Benefits

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    Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Review (DVD Movie/Film)
    Review by Michelle Thomas.

  • | > > Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Movie Review One of the most arresting scenes in Empire Strikes Back, as any fanboy will tell you, comes during Luke’s Jedi training session with Yoda in the swamps of Dagobah

  • Revenge Of The Sith is brilliant

  • The other striking difference from the other prequels – and to be honest a lot of the original trilogy – is that there is some good acting in Sith and very little ropey dialogue

  • In this film he gets a great scene with Anakin at an opera in which he reveals the history of the evil Sith lords, and the way he lures the doubtful Jedi into the web of deceit is brilliantly understated, even for Star Wars

  • Yes, Revenge Of The Sith does feature moments of ropey dialogue and the odd line is rather badly delivered but that doesn’t matter

  • Related Links (Star Wars Episode 3 Preview) Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith review is written by

  • Read more movies from this writer: DVD Review: DVD Review: DVD Review: Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Rating: DVD Release Date: Monday, 31 October 2005 Classification: 12A Directed by: George Lucas Cast: Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Samuel L

    Guerre stellari: Episodio 3 - La vendetta del Sith (2005)
    Recensione di Giancarlo Zappoli del film diretto da George Lucas che conclude la
    seconda trilogia di Guerre Stellari.

  • | Guerre stellari: Episodio 3 - La vendetta del Sith (2005) (Star Wars: Episode III- Revenge of the Sith) Un film di

  • Altri contenuti: Dì la tua: Sei d'accordo con la recensione di Giancarlo Zappoli? 78% 22% Richiedi la data del prossimo passaggio in tv del film Guerre stellari: Episodio 3 - La vendetta del Sith

  • (Riceverai le informazioni pochi giorni prima della messa in onda) DVD A partire da mercoledì 2 novembre 2005 è disponibile in tutti i negozi il dvd Guerre stellari: Episodio 3 - La vendetta del Sith di George Lucas con Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid

  • Dettagli tecnici del disco: Produzione Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2005 Data pubblicazione 02/11/2005 Area PAL Area 2 Annotazioni Film per tutti Vendita Online Colonna sonora È disponibile in tutti i negozi di dischi la colonna sonora del film Guerre stellari: Episodio 3 - La vendetta del Sith di George Lucas con Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid

  • Star wars and the revenge of the sith 2

  • A new hope and end credits Vendita Online Trailer - Video Box Office Guerre stellari: Episodio 3 - La vendetta del Sith Incassi Italia Primo Weekend: € 2.910.000 Incasso Totale*: € 8.446.000 *Ultima rilevazione: domenica 18 settembre 2005 Incassi Usa Primo Weekend: $ 108.436.000 Incasso Totale*: $ 380.263.000 *Ultima rilevazione: domenica 16 ottobre 2005 Cast Artistico (Regista) Nome : George Walton Lucas Jr

    Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - Greg's Preview ...
    Consisting of cast and plot information, release dates, and preview commentary
    on what the movie might be like.

    STAR WARS - EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH Preview Pictures Pics ...
    Plot summary, trivia, photo gallery, article, trailers and review.

  • STAR WARS - EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH - PREVIEW (Click on image to download poster) Star Wars - Episode III (2005) Starring: Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L

  • Jackson Director: George Lucas Rated: Unrated Opening Date: May 19, 2005 Remember the episode in which two of Homer’s nuclear plant co-workers were duelling with lightsabres while arguing about whether or were the worst? Well, come May 2005 then they’ll probably have another movie, namely Revenge of the Sith (the recently titled Episode III) to add to the mix

  • I’ll probably get a stack of for calling the prequels dull and Revenge of the Sith will end up making a huge fortune at the box office

  • William Shatner DVD Club # 1: (Click on images to enlarge them) Summary for Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005): After three long years of relentless fighting, the Clone Wars are nearly at an end

  • — Some sources: Trivia about Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: George Lucas announced publicly that this will be the last Star Wars film he'll make


    Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Episode III Fan Club
    Storyline and commentary.

    IGN: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Trailer ...
    News, cast list, message board, commentary and top 10 lists.

  • | Search Watch clips, trailers and featurettes for your favorite movies, games, and TV shows: SECTIONS MOVIES CHANNELS · GET GAMES PARTNERS · · » » » Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) Previews Reviews - May 11, 2005 Review: Angst and inconsistency in a galaxy far, far away..

  • - May 20, 2005 Revenge of the Sith , Dominion , and more

  • - April 1, 2005 IGN Music reveals an unreleased bonus track from Revenge of the Sith

  • - January 7, 2005 It's a segue to Revenge of the Sith

  • - July 24, 2004 The Sith get theirs

  • - May 17, 2004 Are you looking forward to 'Birth of an Empire'? - April 22, 2004 The original trilogy DVD will show Anakin's Sith costume

  • - June 1, 2005 May goes to Sith

  • - May 31, 2005 Sandler versus Sith

  • - May 27, 2005 Dissecting Revenge of the Sith

  • - May 23, 2005 Sith opens big but can't top Spidey

  • - May 20, 2005 Sith , Cheers , Seinfeld , Team America , and more

  • - March 29, 2005 Is the Sith's final revenge taken out on readers? Our spoiler-free review

    Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
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  • It's no secret that Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (Fox) is a huge improvement over the previous two installments

  • Production of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith is Global in Scale A Team of Talented Artists Create the Look of Star Wars: Episode III Getting Sith's Climactic Lightsaber Battle to Screen Was an Epic Adventure In Itself Revenge of the Sith Brings New Challenges and Explorations for Its Leading Actors ILM's Visual Effects Wizards Create an Unprecedented Number of VFX Shots for Sith Deepening the emotion and leaving moviegoers around the world to exit the cinema humming and whistling Williams's indelible melodies

  • Revenge of the Sith Is the Final Theatrical Star Wars Movie, But the Legacy Lives On Born in Jerusalem on June 9, 1981, to an artist mother and doctor father, Portman moved to New York when she was three

    Guerre Stellari NET (Il portale italiano di Star Wars) - Star Wars ...
    Webzine interamente dedicata al culto della saga di Guerre Stellari (Star Wars),
    con novita' sui vari episodi, rubriche, archivi.

    Star Wars - Episodio III: La vendetta dei Sith -
    Recensione del terzo capitolo della saga di Guerre Stellari, diretto da George
    Lucas e interpretato da Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen e Natalie Portman.

  • Alberto Cassani, 9 Maggio 2005: Spettacolare 20th Century Fox, 20 Maggio 2005 Star Wars La vendetta dei Sith di George Lucas C'era una volta, in una galassia lontana lontana ..

  • "La vendetta dei Sith" è probabilmente il capitolo di questa nuova trilogia in cui la componente spettacolare meglio si sposa con le esigenze della storia

  • Titolo: Star Wars - Episodio III: La vendetta dei Sith (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith) Regia: George Lucas Sceneggiatura: George Lucas Fotografia: David Tattersall Interpreti: Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L

    Gli Spietati - Star Wars III
    Recensione dell'ultimo capitolo della nuova trilogia di Guerre Stellari. A cura
    di Luca Baroncini.

  • STAR WARS III - La Vendetta dei Sith (Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith ) REGIA: George LUCAS PRODUZIONE: U.S.A

  • Recensioni Quel che resta del mito Il rito collettivo è cominciato e "La vendetta dei Sith", grazie a un marketing senza uguali e con la complicità della critica che pare essersi divertita come non mai, è pronto a invadere i cinema del pianeta

  • Di fatto, ora, siamo in condizioni completamente differenti e davanti agli occhi danza scomposto questa “Vendetta dei Sith”, un agglomerato esplicativo più che strutturante la cui tensione non è tanto alla costruzione armonica di una continuità con i precedenti Episodio I e II quanto a stringere i fili dei sottintesi che reggono la fascinazione della trilogia storica Rebelscum Home Page
    Star Wars toy news and reference site.

    Star Wars TCG []
    Includes a card demonstration, news, tournaments, links, product support, and
    strategy guides.

  • They took a hit with the restriction of Blockade (TPM), but Revenge of the Sith added new cards to help

  • However, I've since learned how to make them truly effective, so check out this newest wave of Jawas of Doom! Ask Wizards Where can I find out about 2005's Star Wars TCG tournaments and championship? – Revenge of the Sith , Uncommon – Seen in the article ', ' this card has quite a bit of power


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