

About of PET LOSS

Pet Loss Support Page
Articles by Moira Anderson Allen, ordering information for her book, and a
directory of pet loss resources.

  • State-by-State Guide to Support Groups, Counselors & Pet Cemeteries · · · · &#183 · · · · · · · · Visit Our Sponsors! Click to List Your Product or Service! The author has recently republished a print edition of Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet

  • Ten Tips on Coping with Pet Loss by Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed

  • Anyone who considers a pet a beloved friend, companion, or family member knows the intense pain that accompanies the loss of that friend

  • Following are some tips on coping with that grief, and with the difficult decisions one faces upon the loss of a pet

  • Am I crazy to hurt so much? Intense grief over the loss of a pet is normal and natural

  • So don't be surprised if you feel devastated by the loss of such a relationship

  • Besides your sorrow and loss, you may also experience the following emotions: Guilt may occur if you feel responsible for your pet's death-the "if only I had been more careful" syndrome

  • This will help you understand what your pet's loss actually means to you

    Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
    Information on pet loss and bereavement.

  • They are compassionate pet lovers who have experienced grief over the loss of a beloved pet

  • The APLB is the leader and authority in the field of petloss and bereavement

  • Footnote ©1998—2006 Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement

    In Memory Of Pets
    Pet loss tributes, memorials, support, and candle light rose ceremony.

  • In Memory Of Pets A Loved One is not gone, until they are forgotten! And to Live in the Hearts of those left behind is to Live Forever! © I'm John Mingo and after my loss of "Candy", Nov

  • I started "In Memory Of Pets" for all who share in that Grief and Pain from the Loss of their own beloved ones

  • Carole Miller and everyone at "In Memory Of Pets" are here to offer Support and Understanding to "ALL" let you know you don't have to grieve alone after a Loss

    Harmony Animal Hospital, Pet Loss, Pet Loss Grief Support, Pet ...
    Resources include understanding the grieving process in adults and children.

  • But one day, that constant will become one of our losses

  • And when the kind face and acceptance we used to turn to is gone, where do we go for comfort? One of the most difficult and important parts of grief and loss is seeking to understand what has happened and that what you are feeling is all right

  • Your sense of loss may encompass your life and that is all right

  • Few people understand your loss like the staff who have cared for your pet and who have helped you make your decision

  • Some pet owners, when going through the anger stage of grief will blame their veterinarian for their loss

  • s caregiver; it may help you come to terms with that part of your loss

  • Grief and depression are just as real over the loss of a pet as they are over the loss of a person

  • Some professionals offer pet loss support groups

  • How would you go about trying to help Sue? When people think of pet loss they usually think of an animal dying

  • But there are many different types of loss and no matter how the loss occurs, the guardians of these pets often have intense reactions as a result

  • Some people do not take pet loss seriously

  • info: PET LOSS

    Photo by

    Cornell Pet Loss Support Hotline
    Staffed by volunteer veterinary students.

  • Welcome to the homepage for the Cornell Pet Loss Support Hotline

    Lightning Strike Pet Loss Support :: Death of Pet, Sick Pet, Pet ...
    Offering a "cybershoulder" for grieving pet owners. Message board, newsgroup,
    and chat room.

    CARE Pet Loss Helpline - About the Helpline
    Confidential telephone service offered through the University of Illinois College
    of Veterinary Medicine for people who are either grieving the loss of a ...

  • Welcome The C ompanion A nimal R elated E motions Pet Loss Helpline is a confidential telephone service offered through the

  • People who are either grieving the loss of a companion animal or are anticipating a loss are encouraged to call

  • Helpline was developed to provide a supportive outlet for people experiencing the actual or anticipated loss of their cherished companion animal

  • Helpline focus is on the array of emotions related to pet loss

    The Pet Loss Support Hotline, UC Davis
    Provides a non-judgmental outlet for people to express their feelings and concerns.
    The hotline is staffed by veterinary students trained by a professional ...

  • Benefits

    Photo by - Pet Loss
    Non-profit group offering understanding and emotional support. Email list for
    pet loss and grief support, personal tributes to bridge pets, support forum, ...

  • Coping with the loss of a friend - your pet Losing a pet may well be one of the most difficult times we ever have to endure

    Pet Loss Support Hotline
    Provides a source of emotional support for those who have recently lost a pet or
    are anticipating a loss.

    Pet Loss Hotline at Washington State University
    It's okay to love and miss your pet.

    AVMA: Pet Loss Support Hotlines
    A directory of pet loss and grief hotlines.

  • | / Grief Counseling Pet Loss Support Hotlines: (530)752-3602, or toll free (800)565-1526 Staffed by University of California-Davis veterinary students; weekdays, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, Pacific Time (PT); (352)392-4700; then dial 1 and 4080, staffed by Florida community volunteers; weekdays, 7 pm to 9 pm, Eastern Time (ET); or call (352)392-4700 X4744 (Joy Diaz) at the University; (517)432-2696 Staffed by Michigan State University veterinary students; Tuesday to Thursday, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, ET; (630)325-1600 Staffed by Chicago VMA veterinarians and staffs

  • Leave voice-mail message; calls will be returned 7 pm to 9 pm, CT (Long-distance calls will be returned collect) (540)231-8038 Staffed by Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine; Tuesday, Thursday, 6pm to 9 pm, ET (614)292-1823 Staffed by The Ohio State University veterinary students; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, ET; voice-mail messages will be returned, collect, during operating hours (508)839-7966 Staffed by Tufts University veterinary students; Monday through Friday, 6 pm to 9 pm, ET; voice-mail messages will be returned daily, collect outside Massachusetts; (888)ISU-PLSH (888-478-7574) Pet Loss Support Hotline hosted by the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine

  • PET LOSS ?

    =X=X= Welcome to Pet Loss =X=X=
    Macromedia Flash website dedicated to those who have lost a loving pet recently
    aims "to cheer you up a bit and help you through a difficult time.

    Animals In Our Hearts, a Pet Loss and Animal Communication Resource
    A multi-faceted site belonging to Teresa Wagner. Features publications, workshops,
    retreats, grief couseling and energy healing.

  • The workshops, practice groups, mentoring, whale swim journey, private consultations and publications I offer are designed to help us deepen our spiritual intimacy with animals, resolve problems with them, heal from the pain of loss and from being witness to the suffering of the earth's animals, and to celebrate with like minded people the joy of our miraculous, spiritual connection with all animals

  • Namaste' Teresa Wagner ~ Home Page ~ Legacies of Love a Pet Loss AudioBook About Animals In Our Hearts brought to you by Teresa Wagner Comfort & Support in your Time of Grief Humpback Whale Encounters How to Effectively Support Someone Grieving the Loss of Their Animal Workshops: Calendar and Descriptions Compassion Fatigue of Animal Care & Rescue Work Animal Communication How You Can Stop the Tragedy of Euthanasia in Animal Shelters Private Consultations with Teresa Wagner Contact Us and Guest Book Flower Essences for Animals and People - NEW! Resources and Links ...not to be exploited for money, then discarded

    Cheyenne Pet Clinic Pet Loss Support
    Offers information, comfort and support needed to better understand the grief
    that accompanies the loss of a pet. Inspirational stories, information on the ...

  • emergency service T his page has been created to offer you the information, comfort and support that you need to better understand the grief that accompanies the loss of your pet

  • B ut one day, that constant will become one of our losses

  • And when the kind face and acceptance we used to turn to is gone, where do we go for comfort? O ne of the most difficult and important parts of grief and loss is seeking to understand what has happened and that what you are feeling is all right

  • Your sense of loss may encompass your life and that is all right

  • Few people understand your loss like the staff who have cared for your pet and who have helped you make your decision

  • Some pet owners, when going through the anger stage of grief will blame their veterinarian for their loss

  • Talk this over with your pet's caregiver; it may help you come to terms with that part of your loss

  • Grief and depression are just as real over the loss of a pet as they are over the loss of a person

  • Some professionals offer pet loss support groups

  • Grief Management in Children T he death of a cherished pet creates a sense of loss for adults and produces a predictable chain of emotions

    Pet Loss Support - Dealing with Pet Bereavement - Support for pet ...
    Offers audiobook that addresses pet loss topics. Includes table of contents,
    excerpts, and author profile.

  • Journey Through Pet Loss is an award winning audio book helping pet owners dealing with the grief over the death of their pet

  • February 23rd, 2005 We've launched the redesign for the website of my audio book, 'Journey Through Pet Loss'

  • Soon we will be making 'Journey Through Pet Loss' available on CD or via digital download

  • I hope 'Journey Through Pet Loss' will help you and your loved ones ease into life without your beloved animal

  • I also encourage you to listen to the excerpts available in the 'About the Book' section to see how 'Journey Through Pet Loss' can help you through this difficult process

  • > About the Book Journey Through Pet Loss is a soulful outreach to those who lose an animal companion through death or other circumstances

  • Deborah Antinori, MA , has woven a tapestry of personal and therapeutic elements throughout this audiobook creating a balance between helpful suggestions from her professional experience as a therapist and pet loss counselor, and her personal experience as a pet owner

  • Reviews for 'Journey Through Pet Loss' “ Journey Through Pet Loss is an insightful, creative, and heartfelt odyssey through the loss of a beloved companion animal

    Portait Of An Angel Pet Loss Poems and Grief Support
    Owner shares memories and photos of her pets. Includes poems and articles about
    loss, grief, and guilt. Also offers a guest book where visitors can share their ...

    Delta Society
    a non-profit organization, promotes animals helping people improve their health,
    independence, and quality of life.

    Forever Pets, Inc Pet Urns, Pet Memorials, Death of a Pet, pet ...
    Manufacturer and wholesale distributor of pet cremation urns and grave markers.
    Online retail shopping. List of distributors nationwide. Contact information.

  • - Simple, yet elegant way to memorialize your fallen animal friend - A collection of books that would be helpful for those who are dealing with the loss of a beloved pet

  • Whether you are looking for vase urns, figurine urns, granite burial markers, photo urns, or some useful links to pet loss resources, we hope to satisfy your needs

    Animal Immortality Book, Vet News, Pet Care and Animal Stories
    Examines the concept of animal immortality. Includes excerpts, reviews and author

  • These Books, Videos And Music CDs Are A Great Comfort For Those Who Have Lost Pets I’ll See You in Heaven My Friend 'Is Truly a Gift From God' A new video that will ease the pain for those of you who have lost a pet and are having a great deal of difficulty dealing with the loss

  • Pet Loss DVD and VHS Video Experts praise new pet loss video saying it can ease pain, suffering “Nothing else quite compares

  • It’s truly a gift from God and a video that can and will ease the suffering and pain resulting from the loss of a pet that you’ve cared for and loved as you would a child, friend or other family member over the years.” These are the comments of professional sources in the United States, Canada and many other parts of the world to describe a new pet-loss video called, “I’ll See You In Heaven My Friend” by George Wise and Alex Fees

  • This unique one-of-a-kind presentation, with such an incredible and comforting message from three experts on the various aspects of pet loss is so timely

  • In “I’ll See You In Heaven My Friend” the 47-minute pet-loss video, Dr

  • Pomerance is the pet loss counselor for the SPCA of Texas


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