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Slate Magazine Online magazine of news, politics, and culture. Combines humor and insight in
thoughtful analyses of current events and political news.
DollieCrave Cartoon dolls, dollmakers, blinkies, fonts, and other graphics.
The Leaky Cauldron: The most trusted name in Potter A Harry Potter weblog.
FOAF Vocabulary FOAF technical vocabulary document, describes and specifies each element in the

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MSN Messenger Service Official
MSN chatting client.
MSN Messenger for mIRC MSN Messenger add-on for mIRC. Has many features, including allowing to change
names to anything, even blocked words.
MSN Messenger, AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, Trillian, Google Talk, Skype and ... Instant messaging tutorials, reference, news and forums for AIM,
MSN, Yahoo, ICQ,
Trillian and other products.
Recent Forum Posts Get Our Feeds Sony has introduced a new handheld communicator called 'Mylo.' This new WiFi device is as 'all play and no work.' It's about the same size as a Sony PSP, but has a sliding screen that reveals a full QWERTY keyboard
It's got a 320x240 pixel screen -- about the size of most webcam images
What I don't like about this is that 1) my contact list is usually buried on my screen anyway and 2) if you activate this plug-in, it forces iTunes to launch whenever you load Y! Messenger
In addition, instead of picking an AIM screenname, AIM Pro users can choose to use an email address, a key feature request from many businesses
Once a chat has been accepted, you'll see a screen similar to this, with basic profile info for both yourself and your chat partner
MSN Block Checker
Checks whether some specific .NET Messenger Service users are online or offline,
and also shows their display name.
MSN Search's WebLog : Opting Out of Open Directory Listings for ...
A new tag introduced by MSN Search allows website authors to declare that ODP
descriptions should not be used for the search result display of their sites.
MSN Search's WebLog
News and commentary from the team behind the search engine.
MSN2Go - Web-based MSN client, Web-based MSN Messenger client, MSN ...
A Web-based MSN client that can be used at work, school and libraries. MSN2Go works
on any Java-capable Web browser and requires no software installation.
Many thanks to the following individuals for their >= $5.00 donations this month: Yvonne Dupuis Nathaniel Rawson Carlos Balseiro Mayi Keith Forrest Laurence Herdman Features Send and receive messages Add and remove contacts Block and allow contacts View profiles Typing notifications Screen name changes (blank names allowed) Status changes (pre- and post-connection) Support for HTTP proxy servers To-do list Emoticons Message formatting Support for multi-user conversations Better overall appearance Announcements, feedback & bug reports Please post your comments, bug reports and success stories on the
Cool MSN Emoticons
Free MSN emoticons: download SARS, Cartman, cool Matrix and kissing emoticons
for MSN Messenger 6.
Movado sen Nomo
Pere de plikulturado de la koro, "Movado sen Nomo" volas reaperigi fratecon,
bonecon, amikecon en la medioj, kie ofte ĉiuj valoroj forestas pro nura egoismo, ...
MSN Cookie Data Crosses Domains
How Microsoft web sites like HotMail and MSNBC assign unique ID numbers in cookies,
and shares that ID with other web tracking sites.
HotMail JavaScript-in-Attachment Attack
Explanation of JavaScript in HTML attachments security hole, since fixed.
Servizio di registrazione domini. Disponibile la procedura di contestazione per
i nomi rubati.
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