South Park Studio Create a custom avatar with clothing and body parts drawn in the style of the
South Park cartoons.
ACME License Maker Online customized vanity plate image creator.
Some plates allow any number of characters; others allow seven characters max, or eight with at least one space
The character colors for some plates may not be right, feel free to send corrections
Lip Sync - Design your own flash animated talking characters with ...
Flash animated talking characters. Commercial site. Provides lip synchronising
virtual host for your website.
Login Password Break silence and earn the audience! Flash talking characters will decorate your site and make it unique, interactive and remarkable
Design your own flash talking characters using lip sync iLipSync.Net is a wizard software that animates characters, makes them talk and converts them finally into Flash format
So you get the fantastic result - Flash animated talking characters - extremely easy and in the most convenient way in advantageous package! Why is our online character builder easy? No need to install the program (save space on your PC for other things!) No need to study Flash generating programs (save your time and efforts!) No need to design your own characters (several characters already pre-designed) Why is it convenient? The process of creating is performed on-line automatically using our lip sync engine A great variety of talking characters and voice-over samples is at your disposal on the site, all you have to do is to choose your preferred character and upload your audio
Generated Flash animations can be sent by e-mail or placed on your site immediately Why is our Server Edition advantageous? The characters you buy can be easily and promptly upgraded absolutely free! If you don't like any features or you want your unique project to be brought about it is possible and absolutely real! You get a present with your first purchase - Lana is our charming talking character, our absolutely free addition to your iLipSync.NET Server edition purchase! Lana If you wish to use a character other than Lana and don't know a designer or illustrator check out our extra characters gallery where you can find characters from $10
Make Crossword and Word Search Puzzles
Crossword and word search construction software. Overview, downloads, purchase,
reviews, support. [Mac and Windows]
In fact, it even supports the thousands of ideographic characters found in Chinese, Japanese and Korean
Other Features Bonus Clues for Crossword and Word Search Multiple puzzle titles Font, Style, Size and Justification controls Unlimited clue and answer length Color and Picture backdrops Customizable Across and Down text Supports puzzle grids of any size Puzzle clues can span multiple pages Customizable grid block size Alphabet palette, to make it much easier to insert foreign characters Allows for manual puzzle repositioning within backdrop Multiple open puzzles at once
It can make puzzles in many character sets including: Arabic, Hebrew, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Japanese (Hiragana), Japanese (Katakana), Korean, Gurumukhi (for Punjabi), and of course Roman or Latin

Photo by tommcmahon.typepad.com
Pandorabots Build and host
your very
own chatbot. Include speech and images. Connect it to
instant messaging services, multiplayer games and become part of a growing
... Javascript D&D 3.5 Character Generator Generates a full
character sheet directly from
your browser.
The Roleplaying Assistant Freeware tool featuring
character generator (for D&D, Alternity, Star Wars, in
Nomine Satanis), fractal world generator, dungeon mapper and spell management.
Welcome to the RPA Roleplaying software web site How to reach us Misc/add ons FREE New (what's your favorite RPG) Rated five stars on ZDNET The generic software to generate characters for your Roleplaying games since 1991
This character generator is compatible with the following role playing game systems: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons(2nd, 3rd and 3.5 edition), Star wars RPG (D6) Star wars RPG (D20, in beta) D20 Modern RPG Cyberpunk 2020 RPG Alternity RPG Rolemaster (2n edition) In Nomine Satanis Magna veritas (French version by CROC, V3 and V4 )
DragonballZ(in beta) RPA also gives you access to a full set of gaming tools usable for ANY role playing game systems: A Name generator with many name styles (SF, Tolkien, Japanese, etc) and a list of 6000 real names for your RPG characters
Monster and encounter generator Weather generator , gives you weather forecast for the days to come Party generator , creates a whole party in a single click Dice roller to automate complex dice throwing Fractal world generator , create maps of entire planets Dungeon mapper , create graphical maps for your dungeons The Dungeon master report will print a summary of the characters for you A complete background generator, get a detailed description of your character A Treasure generator , available from the randomizer module
Das Planearium
Projekt von 2 Fans, welche sich neben vielen Downloads auch um die neusten Infos
und Nachrichten rund um South Park kümmern.

Photo by www.neilturner.me.uk
Winnie-the-Pooh Character Guide A comprehensive guide with images on all of the
characters from the 100 Aker Woods.
You can now find us at www.lavasurfer.com/pooh-guide.html Winnie-the-Pooh Character Guides All three of these guides contain the same great information on all of the characters in the 100 Aker Woods
Which character personality from the 100 Aker Woods are you most like? A detailed listing of the best Pooh sites on the net! An interactive story you can solve! Here are quick links to other great Pooh pages on our site
Listing of featuring characters from the 100 Aker Woods Lesson plans and introductory web research ideas featuring Winnie-the-Pooh
Christopher Robin's "Winnie-the-Pooh Character Guide"
Here is a quick-access image to our popular character guide
Please link to "http://www.lavasurfer.com/pooh-guide.html" Media Honors And Recognition Christopher Robin's "Winnie-the-Pooh Character Guide" has received numerous mentions in popular media: national magazines and newspapers, net magazines, newsletters, and on-the-air radio stations
You may have accessed Christopher Robin's "Winnie-the-Pooh Character Guide" with my short address: http://welcome.to/pooh Unfortunately, this now causes a pop-up ad or frame to be displayed on this page
The Trivia Portal
A collection of categorized trivia games and quizzes. Includes rankings, community
forums, an archive of useless facts, plus the ability to create and share ...
Character Education - Free Resources, Materials, Lesson Plans
Free character education resources for K-12 teachers, coaches, and youth group
leaders. Includes discussion questions, writing assignments, learning activities, ...
Character Education: Free Resources, Materials, Lesson Plans Challenge Your Students Not-so-hypothetical situations from the case files of Charis Denison
Your character is defined by what you do, not what you say or believe
Good character requires doing the right thing, even when it is costly or risky
The payoff for having good character is that it makes you a better person and it makes the world a better place
If you work with kids , and you need to implement character education tomorrow, and you want some immediate help , this is where to start
But if your character education program is cruising, and you just want some additional ideas and materials , this is also where to start
Service learning develops citizenship, responsibility, and many other positive character virtues, making it possibly the most powerful character education program you can implement
Kids learn more from their coaches about character than about athletic performance
Here are some tools to help you seize the character building potential of your sports program
Here you'll find lots of opportunities for your students to become involved in character building activities
Reviewed by: Retrovertigo, [8.5/10]. "The official fix for PSO addicts."
Mario 64 , Mario Kart 64 , Sonic Spinball , Sonic Shuffle , Chocobo Racing (characters from the Final Fantasy series), Final Fantasy Tactics , Pokemon Snap , Pokemon Pinball , are all games that are based on popular series but really have no relation to the original games
Reviewers and gamers alike loved the gameplay of N64's Mario Tennis , but would gamers even consider buying Mario Tennis if the game didn't have the popular Nintendo characters? Would it have the same success and praise if generic characters were used? Probably not
As a matter of fact, Mario Tennis on the GameBoy Color barely uses the Nintendo characters, yet borrows the popular franchise name
Like most true RPGs, that fashion themselves from the pen-and-paper games like Dungeons & Dragons, PSOv2 lets you create your own character, each with their own strengths and weaknesses
You begin by choosing from three different character classes
Lastly, the Force character is proficient with techniques (magic) and is best suited for combat support
You can customize your character's features from their clothing style to their body type
A Parent's Primer to Computer Slang
Microsoft's guide to online slang.
| Search Microsoft.com for: | Protect Your PC Protect Yourself Protect Your Family Resources > Leetspeak: A parent's primer to computer slang Understand how your kids communicate online Published: March 7, 2006 Leetspeak, or leet for short, is a specific type of computer slang in which a user replaces regular letters with other keyboard characters to form words phonetically
Nearly all characters are formed as phonemes and symbols, so with a bit of practice leet can be fairly easy to translate
The character '!' replaces the letter L, '3' poses as a backwards letter E, and '7' is the letter T, and so on
Other examples of character/letter replacement include using '8' for the letter B, '9' for G, and the number 0 for the letter O
Non-alphanumeric characters may be combined to form letters
So for example, by adding a character/letter replacement of the number 4 for the letter A, the leetspeaker might form the word 'harm' as '|-|4r//.' The suffix '0rz' is often appended to words for emphasis or to make them plural
Adventure Quest
Fight creatures to earn magical weapons and armor. Includes message board, chat,
and top scores.
it's all up to you! New Character Upgrade Bonus: Upgrade your character to Guardian Status within one day of creating your character and get the ! It is a only a one-time payment to ! It is not a monthly fee
Gift Certificate Special! When you order an X-Guardian gift certificate for a friend online, you can now get 500 Z-Tokens for each Guardian character on your own account! NEW: Clan War! Sail East on the Travel map to find the Island of Paxia
Characters Unlimited, Inc.
Creators of life size, mechanically animated, custom crafted, and hand painted
theme characters.
Characters Unlimited, Inc
709 Foothill Court Boulder City, NV 89005 (702) 294-0563 FAX (702) 294-2387 All Materials Copyright © 1997-2003 Characters Unlimited, Inc
Pinky, A real Character at Characters Unlimited, Inc
Working the shows! Scary Stuff! Store Mannequins! Fortune Tellers Starting As Low As $4, 500! Bird Special! World Class Character Voices We'll create the personality Write the script, Select the voices Add music and sound effects Find out more about this new character! Visit the He won't Leaf you because he has Roots
Come see us at a show near you! Holiday Characters available
Where is the beach party? Kids having fun with a Character
WE ARE ONLY LIMITED BY YOUR IMAGINATION See what we can do for you! Characters Unlimited Inc Gabby's Band! FORTUNE TELLERS Zoltar shown with extra custom oversize case
Have room for us? Wear this suit to your next party! Dress them any way you like! Dobson the Butler $410 Web Special! Buy a full animated character and receive 2 extra costumes for F R E E! or 10% OFF
One character can have so many looks! Choose 3 outfits for your character
The Adrenaline Vault
Very detailed review [5/5].
Playable in either single- or multi-player, you guide a party of up to six characters through an expansive world of mystery and danger
In the single-player game, you create a single, main character around whom the action will evolve
This character must stay in your party at all times and if he or she dies, your game ends
You can create an almost endless variety of characters using the variables available in the character generation interface
You can choose from different races and character classes, different weapon proficiencies, alignments (i.e., chaotic good, true neutral) and primary statistics (i.e., strength, intelligence)
Races bring with them certain special abilities and the opportunity to have a multiple-class character, which has skills from more than one character class
Character classes also have inherent special abilities, like the thief's ability to pick locks, detect traps, and hide in shadows, or the rangers potential to charm animals in the wild for periods of time
Not only does the character generation allow you to create a character that is an extension of the player, but you can further customize him/her through the character portrait and sound effects
Twin Rose Software - Campaign Suite
Campaign Suite is a D20 Character Creator, Dungeon Generator, Map Maker, and
Campaign Management software. Free 30-Day Trial with online registration.
Generate characters, create a dungeon or town, populate it with monsters and NPC's, and manage your entire RPG campaign with this tool so you can spend your precious time on the role-playing
With our campaign manager, you have the tools you need to create your own character classes, monsters, characters, races, simple maps, items, spells, dungeons, towns as well as customized rules and tables, custom encounter tables and random treasure tables for your campaign
A complete dungeon generator, overland encounter roller, and character generator are just some of the features in this integrated package
You can also exchange configurations and campaigns with your friends, enabling your players to create characters with equipment within YOUR campaign rules
The RPG Defense League
Small ring of game players.
A huge library of GURPS characters, ready-to-play.
Welcome! This is a collection of characters for the
(Or see Archangel Beth's !) Within these pages, there are characters ranging from mages to accountants to high-tech idle rich, of many different point values, ready to be used as NPCs, local color, or even Player Characters
(Some of them were player characters before they got here.) I've also included links to charcters on other pages, marked with a "*"
Many of them include Conversion notes -- ideas for changing the classfication of that character to one of the other three (e.g., Modern to Fantasy, Near Future, or Space)
( characters don't convert and aren't converted to
Sorry.) ( IOU characters probably don't convert, either, though they may be cross-listed.) IMPORTANT! Note: though these pages are located at the Steve Jackson Games web-site, the characters contained within are NOT canon! Steve Jackson Games has kindly provided the space for these UNOFFICIAL character sheets, but the responsibility for them is mine and the authors'
Note that in cases where a character is some number of points "off, " I've been putting it in the catagory that makes the most sense to me.] You can find more characters (and maybe a duplicate or two) at: If you've got an interesting character that you'd like to appear here (and I've got the space), please send it to me! GURPS characters only, though, or ones converted to mechanics
Get into the world of Jason Kottke, a freelance web designer and learn about
design, food, weblogs, and living in New York City.
One reason is that these scenarios seem to assume that there will be large, monolithic bureaucracies (of whatever character, political or economic) that are capable of harnessing computers for one-way surveillance of an unsuspecting populace
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