


Eight is Enough TV Show - Eight is Enough Television Show -
Episode guide with summaries and original airdates, as well as cast information.

  • : | Email: Password: | Search: Eight is Enough Originally on: ABC (60 min.) Status: Ended Premiered: March 15, 1977 Last Aired: August 29, 1981 Show Categories: , The comedy-drama chronciled the lives of the Bradford family

  • Apr 11, 1981 6.53 News Headlines external: 2005-11-30 external: Willie Ames on The View 2005-08-29 external: 2005-07-29 More: Cast and Crew David Bradford (Pilot only) Tommy Bradford Tom Bradford Joan Bradford (Season 1) Abby Bradford Nicholas Bradford Elizabeth Bradford Nancy Bradford Susan Bradford Stockwell Joanie Bradford More: Tell the world what you think of Eight is Enough, write a review for this show

  • Posted Jun 26, 2006 1:53 am PST 8.0 Great 'Bring it back!' Rerun this show everynight! Posted Jun 25, 2006 9:05 pm PST 8.6 Great 'Go back! What was that?' Please bring this classic back! Posted May 12, 2006 5:05 pm PST 1 user agrees with this review 8.2 Great 'Underappreciated' This was a family comedy following the Bradford family

  • Posted Apr 9, 2006 3:38 pm PST 7.0 Good 'Mildly interesting' Family Comedy/Drama Posted Oct 17, 2005 8:35 am PST See all Show Vital Stats Show: Eight is Enough Popularity Rank: 693 of 15, 944 Ratings Rank: 2, 910 of 15, 944 ( 4) Show Reviews: 8 People Tracking: 36 ShowScore: 7.5 Good 112 votes Rating Statistics: great: 41 (36.6%) good: 30 (26.8%) perfect: 12 (10.7%) fair: 8 (7.1%) Other: 21 (18.9%) This content requires Macromedia Flash Player 7 or higher

    TV Guide Online: Hack ShowGuide
    Show guide for the new CBS series 'Hack.'

    In The 80s - Television Trivia Questions
    Questions about television of the decade.

  • Furley's (landlord) tight wad brother who owned the building? On Three's Company, what city did the trio live in? On Three's Company, what is the name 'Chrissy' is short for? On three's company, what was Chrissy's father's ocupation? What current cast member of ER was on an 80's show of the same name? Who was the bully who terrorized Arnold on Different Strokes? What was Roscoe's dogs name on the Dukes of Hazzard? What was the name of the school mistress in The facts of Life? What were the names of the four main characters of the Facts of Life? What was the name of the bartender on The Love Boat? The Jeffersons was a spinoff from what show? What star of the Breakfast Club was also part of the orginal cast of the facts of life? What actor was famous for the line 'nanoo nanoo'? What was the name of Facts of Life's Mrs

  • Who palyed Mork from Ork's son? On the SuperFriends, what were the Wonder Twins names? (Bonus, what was the monkey's name?) Which famous talk show host made a guest apearence on Laverne & Shirley? Name the three children on Kate and Ali

  • What method of transportation did Webster use to get from the upper level of the house to the lower level? In Knight Rider, what does K.I.T.T.'s name stand for? Mork and Mindy was a spinoff of what TV show? What was the name of the robot girl on 'Small Wonder'? What show is The Dukes of Hazzard a spinoff of? On Laverne & Shirley, what was Laverne's favorite drink

    "24" (2001)
    Series overview and user reviews, as well as cast, crew, and production information.

  • | to personalize   | Showing page 1 of 38 main details newsgroup reviews user ratings summary soundtrack listing laserdisc details on tv, schedule links showtimes video clip(s) You need to be a user of the IMDb to rate a movie - I have seen this movie and would like to "24" () [TV-Series 2001-????] Created by (17 photos) Genre: / / / Tagline: To the world, he's dead

  • WOW! From beginning to end, this show is the most riveting and suspenseful thing ever captured on film


    Photo by

    Jason Bateman
    Includes biography, photo gallery, trivia and filmography.

  • | to personalize   | Showing page 1 of 21 categorized resume official site photographs sound clip(s) video clip(s) Jason Bateman Date of birth (location) Trivia Became SAG's youngest-ever director when he directed 3 episodes of..

  • aka Late Show Backstage (USA: title for episodes with guest hosts) ..

  • aka The Late Show (USA: informal short title) - (2005) TV Episode ...

  • aka The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (USA: new title) ..

  • aka The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Global Edition (International: English title: cut version) - (2004) TV Episode ...

    The Simpsons - Zap2it - TV Show
    National TV listings for show, show description and news, related show web
    resources, and merchandise.

    All in the Family
    It's safe to say that a character like Archie Bunker had never been seen before
    on American TV screens, and this sitcom clobbered the competition.

  • (This article was written a year before TVland began reruns of 'All in the Family'.) The theme song for was re-recorded every year by Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton, shown here with Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers after one of those tapings

  • "I've just read your history on this series, but don't you think you should point out it actually started life as 'Till Death Us Do Part' and ran from 1966-74 on BBC Television? Without that, there would be no US version, as with a lot of US shows like 'Three's Company'

  • Which is why I was shocked to see the show on T.V.LAND

  • Can this be possible? Have we finally outgrown our pollitical correctness and decided to bring back the best show of the 70's if not the best show ever? I will be even more surprised if the show can remain on the air in this day and age

  • It shoves a mirror in front of all our faces and forces us to look deep within ourselves revealing our frailities and our strengths (not to mention this show really tickles my funny bone!!!!)

  • These latest shows coming out really insult my intelligence and I, for the most part, refuse to watch poor acting, poor story lines, and poor quality

    Essential AfroCentric Comedy, TV Comedy Series, Black Sitcoms
    One stop directory for Afro American sitcoms and related web pages.

  • || || || || Moesha Half and Half Bernie Mac Show The Jeffersons Eve Steve Harvey Show The Parkers Living Single Girlfriends Hangin With Mr Cooper What's Happening! Everybody Hates Chris One on One Cosby Show Wayans Brothers All of Us Amos n Andy The Parent Hood Family Matters Malcolm & Eddie In The House Martin Good Times Fresh Prince Good News Diff'rent Strokes Sanford & Son Can't find it? Try or || || || ||

  • Benefits

    Photo by History of Reality TV
    Article that suggests Survivor II and Temptation Island lead the pack in this genre.

  • in Daily Almanac for Search White Pages Editor's Favorites Infoplease Tools Career Center College Center New/Updated | Search: Infoplease Search: Biographies History of Reality TV 'Survivor II' and 'Temptation Island' lead the reality show pack by Beth Rowen Matt is one of the Real World's new hipsters

  • The show's success has led to a string of knock-offs and has ensured that reality programming is here to stay—at least until the next big thing comes along

  • Indeed, the show that could be dubbed 'Prostitution Island' is so morally corrupt that several advertisers, including Best Buy, Quaker Oats, and Sears, have pulled their commercials from the controversial and utterly entertaining show

  • After all, who'd watch week after week if everything remained among inhabitants? QUICK POLL What's your favorite show? Survivor II: The Australian Outback The Mole Temptation Island Real World None of the above I prefer to curl up with a good book Fox Cornered the Reality TV Market Indeed, ratings , not quality, matter most to network executives

  • The show debuted in 1989 and remains on the schedule

    Ghostwriter (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Show synopsis, cast member listing, season overview, and production information.

  • Each mystery was presented as a story arc, covering four or five thirty-minute episodes; children were encouraged to follow each mystery, and use the reading and writing clues given to attempt to solve them just as the Ghostwriter team does in the show

  • By the end of its third season, Ghostwriter ranked in the top five of all children's shows on American television

  • Some commentators have complained that the show has a .[] This accusation mostly came from the fact that, save for Rob and Lenni, the entire cast was made up of minorities, and the villains most often turned out to be white males

  • [] The Ghostwriter team When the show began, it was based around four main characters, all students at Zora Neale Hurston Middle School and Washington Elementary School in,

  • The show's numerous guest stars included as Jamal's father, and [] Episodes [] The first season Highlights from the first season, which premiered in October 1992, include: The formation of the Ghostwriter Team

  • GPN is the company authorized by PBS to release all its shows on video

  • , 1993 Nominated, Outstanding Performers in a Children's Program: Todd Alexander, Blaze Berdahl, David López, Mayteana Morales, Tram-Anh Tran, Sheldon Turnipseed [] After cancellation and The New Ghostwriter Mysteries The show halted production in February 1995 due to a lack of funding

    The Royle Family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Article providing a summary of the show, with detailed character profiles and trivia.

  • The show was written by and, who also acted in it, along with poet and comedian, who left after the first series

  • Contents [] Description The show is a comic and poignant satire of family life in the area or perhaps Britain as a whole

  • On different occasions various members of the Royle family refer to spending time at, 'The Precinct', however it has been mentioned once or twice in the show that it is The Stretford Precinct (which, in reality, has had its named changed to Stretford Mall) that is being referred to

  • Barbara's mother Norma's - affectionately called Nana by everybody except Jim - apartment/flat is definitely on the other side of Manchester, to the East, due to her mentioning in one episode that a woman from Droylsden appeared on the light-entertainment tv show This Morning, adding that Droylsden was only ten minutes from her

  • The show lacks set piece jokes

  • After Aherne announced that she would not write or star in any more episodes, Ricky Tomlinson also pulled out to ensure the show's end

  • Norma and Jim share a mutual dislike and are not afraid to show it

  • Barbara: How many bloods was that Jim? [] Miscellany Unlike most sitcoms the show is filmed in using a single camera

    Ezine Article Submission - Submit Your Best Articles For Massive ...
    Articles for authors, publishers and everyone.


    The WB . Shows
    Network site with cast information, downloads, e-cards and message board.

    O'Connor, Carroll
    Profile and filmography from the Museum of Broadcast Communication.

  • But the network's trepidation about the program's socially controversial content led ABC to reject the show

  • Throughout its thirteen seasons the show gained immense popularity (in its heyday, it was said to have reached an average of fifty million viewers weekly), and maintained a groundbreaking sense of social criticism

  • All in the Family was attacked by conservatives who thought that the show made fun of their views, and by liberals who charged that the show was too matter-of-fact about bigotry

  • The show's successor Archie Bunker's Place, was broadcast on CBS from 1979 TO 1983, and the earlier show also begat two successful spinoffs, Maude and The Jeffersons , one of television's longest-running series about African Americans

  • In its 1993 season, the show also featured the marriage of Chief Gillespie to an African American city administrator

    Starseeker TV Shows and Descriptions (AL) | TV Shows |
    Large, searchable database of mostly older shows, with plot summaries and links
    to actors.

  • | ] [ | ] : : TV Shows (A-L) [ A-L | ] - Fantasy The Scoop: An adventure in a parallel universe populated by fairy-tale queens, warring trolls, giants and goblins

  • Airwolf (1984) - Action Links: / / Summary: Show based on a super-sophisticated attack helicopter used to fly dangerous missions

  • American Gladiators - Game show Links: / Summary: Guests compete against host athletes in a series of unconventional sports contests

  • The Bob Newhart Show (1972) - Comedy Links: / / Summary: A comic look at the experiences of Chicago psychologist Bob Hartley and his wife Emily

  • The Bullwinkle Show (1981) - Cartoon Links: / / Summary: The animated adventures of a moose and his partner-in-trouble

  • The Ed Sullivan Show (1955) - Talk show Links: / / Summary: The premiere television variety show from yesteryear, featuring over 10, 000 performers

  • The Fast Show - Comedy Links: / Father Ted (1995) - Comedy Links: / / / Summary: A comic look at the lives of three Irish priests who have been banished to Ireland's remote Craggy Island for past indiscretions

    Includes articles, links, and pictures about the show.

  • While the World of Urkel staff were delighted to finally own this wonderful show on a permanent format, we were sorely disappointed with the limited publicity and the complete lack of extras

    Game Show Guide
    Article from focusing on Regis Philbin as a game show host.

    Unofficial "What About Joan" Website
    Plot and cast information, news, pictures, links.

  • What about Joan: | Cast | Plot | Photos | Links Kellie Williams: | • Navigate: Updates | Family Matters: | • Book : Sign | View "What About Joan" comedy series with Joan Cusack For news about this site you can subscribe a free newsletter your e-mail: subscribe remove Welcome to a website for the new show "What About Joan" that premiered March 27 on ABC and will return to TV on October 2

  • I created this page even though the show had not aired at that time, but I found a lot of material and hope this show will be successful

  • She is castmember of the new show

  • Although Ruby appears the picture of strength and stability, she still allows herself to be taken advantage of by Betsy who is locked into an on-again, off-again relationship with fellow teacher Mark, portrayed by Wallace Langham ("Veronica's Closet, " "The Larry Sanders Show")

    Married...with Children
    Turning points in the show's history.

  • Married...with Children First Show 1987 Last Show 1997 Genre Comedy Network FOX Slot Day Sunday Slot Time 9 pm Jumped The Shark when..

  • Sure it got a little silly with the arrival of Seven, but this show remained funny throught the years

  • I didn't even WATCH the show after Buck the dog died; it would have been too depressing

  • any show that has to have a talking animal to keep things going is over the hill and hurtin' bad

  • That lil' monster Seven brought me so many episodes of heartbreak that sometimes I cant believe i continued to watch the show

  • Even after his much anticipated demise the show was never the same afterwards

  • (Think onion-breath) I'm sorry if this goes against your whole ideology, but Ted McGinley didn't ruin this show

  • I disagree with people who say he's the cause of the show becoming shark bait; he's just the confirmation that it already happened, like rigamortis setting in

  • Seven and the "No Ma'am" guys were the final matches tossed into the barrel of gasoline--Ted McGinley was actually one of the funnier people on the show, once they made him into a male version of Peg instead of a simpering "handsome" guy

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